《The New Alpha》Chapter 13
Waking up I know I'm not going to school again today, Victoria came into my room this morning before she left for school and was telling me everything that people are saying about me. It's pretty crude stuff and I had to keep down the tightness in my throat. Most of the time, while she spoke her evil words, my brain was occupied by the most amazing kiss of my life. Still I can't believe it happened, I pinched myself multiple times to see if it was all a dreams.
She talked and I imagined his hands on my waist, pulling me to him. I remembered his smell of pine and manliness, the soft feeling of his lush hair through my fingers. I still feel his mint breath on my face when he pulled away, how flushed I was and breathless when my Mother opened the door. How my heart hammered against my chest and my whole body sung with excitement and liveliness.
When I went down for breakfast my Father looked at me like I was a criminal. I tried to ignore it but it was hard, he finally broke the tension with his harsh words. "How could you be so desperate?was it worth it? Ruining your name?" And an assortment of other lovely words
When I tried to tell him Scar was just saying that because she was pissed at Logan he almost slapped me. His hand was up but then he just called me a liar and ran off.
My mom came to me last, she asked me about what the Alpha said and why he wanted to talk. I told her he wanted to work out the situation and just wanted to know the real story. She seemed calm and almost seemed like she believed me.
"So he wasn't angry?" She asks as she sits on my bed, in her work attire on her slim body, blonde hair bright and styled in curls, her hazel eyes are almost yellow with the brown green mixture.
"No ma'am, he just wanted to know what happened...I promise, like I said Logan tried to kiss me but I pushed him away and then Scar freaked out" I tell her, nervous since she's acting so calm
"I know, I just got off the phone with Karen and she told me what happened" she admits and my eyes widen, that explains her calm demeanour. I mentally thank Karen for this.
"Oh...so you know the truth?" I ask and she nods
"We have to fix this" she looks away and nods as she starts to think, I almost smile at her words...she cares "this is completely going to ruin our family's name" oh...just kidding
I frown and shrink down in my bed. I look out my window, secretly hoping Maddox is standing there, but sadly it's empty. She rambles on about how she'll talk to Scars dad, and her and Father will talk to Logan and Scar together. I don't really listen and don't even notice when she is about to leave.
"Oh and call Karen she wants to talk to you" she tells me as she walks out and I nod, picking up my phone
The line rings and I wait nervously for Karen to answer "hello? Eve?" She asks
"Yeah it's me, how is everything?" I ask needing to know if anything has resolved
"Well Scar is staying with her grandma for now-" my plan to go see her Grandmother and ask about the possible prophecy about me being a black female wolf is officially not happening. I sigh still wondering if that could be about me, and whether it's good or bad "she just wants to stay away from...everyone for a while" correction, from me "Logan's tried to apologise multiple times but she's so angry. He's pretty distraught, he's still a little conflicted....with the two of you" she say and I instantly wince "but it's getting better the longer you stay away"
"Oh-" that cut a little deep "well I hope this all passes soon, thank you for telling my Mother what happened...my Father and Sister didn't seem to get the truth in time" I say nervously
"I'm sorry I should have called sooner but I'm trying to tend to Logan...my husband is pretty angry with him and Scar for saying that through the mind link" she says and I lean against the pillows, the stress and events of this week making me feel crazy. "I'm so sorry about that, that was very horrible of her"
I sigh and stare up at the ceiling "Yes it was" I agree
"I told Logan to tell everyone the truth but he's still trying to get her to forgive him" she tells me something I already expected
I frown "I understand....I just wish people didn't believe it" I tell her honestly
"Anyone that knows you knows it's not true, and anyone that asks me I always tell them the truth" she says and I smile
"Thank you Karen"
"Sure thing honey, I'll tell you if anything changes" she says and we hang up
I sigh, well at least my Mom believes me, she'll tell my dad, and my sister will then, of course, find out. Hopefully it spreads across the pack quickly.
I stand from my bed and suddenly feel the need to run, it feels like forever since I have and with everything going on I know it will make me feel better. I throw on a hoodie and a pair of shorts. I pack a change of clothes just in case, I don't want to run into another...situation, like last time.
I walk down stairs quietly and try to find my Mom, hoping she hasn't gone to work yet. I come around the stair case and see her in the kitchen "Mom?" I ask as she searches in the fridges and walks around to her purse, her black heels clanking against the tile
"What?" She says not looking at me
"I was wondering if I could go for a run?" I ask and she stops her movement, moving her hazel eyes up to me
"Why?" She asks and I frown
"I haven't run in a while, it's not fair, Victoria runs almost everyday with her friends after school. No one will be running now, everyone's in school and I'll go deep into the forrest like usual" I try to reason and give all my excuses but she looks unsure
She frowns and wiggles her nose, pursing her lips "I suppose, but be careful, I'm serious....no mishaps. Who knows what people will think if they see you" she says and my heart lurched into my throat at her words
"Yes ma'am...." I trail off and look away from her judging stare
"Go on, you only get an hour" she says harshly and I nod, smiling trying to forget her last comment
"Ok thank you" I scurry outside and behind the house, making sure she won't change her mind
I hold my bag with my change of clothes and head into the forrest. I really hope Maddox doesn't come looking for me. The fresh smell of pine and wood reminds me of Maddox, the trees surround me and the sunshine leaks through the branches. I feel warm and giddy, thoughts of last night come to mind and I almost wish I had just gone over to Maddox's house. But then again what would I say? What would he say? I shake my head, maybe this is good that I'm out here alone to run, it will give me time to think.
I wonder on and on, not even really paying attention on where I'm going. My mind turns over as I think about him and what he would think if he knew I was a black wolf. Scenarios of future events with him roll around through my head, most being ridiculous.
When I finally look up and around, I realise the territory is still Maddox's but close to the edge. My eyebrows raise, I'm actually near Scars grandmothers house now that I think about it. I hide my bag of clothes, deciding I actually like this shirt. So I go behind a tree and strip.
Taking a deep breath I let go, allowing my wolf to take over and be free. When I open my eyes again, the world is different. Colors deeper, sounds louder, smells more intense. The pines and leaves on the trees a deeper and brighter green and yellow. The sounds of birds chirping in the distance. It's hard to switch from human to wolf so quick, everything's a little mixed up due to such change and enhancement. I try to drown out the sounds in my head, it being so loud to what I'm used to. If my parents let me change everyday it would be more normal. I stare down at myself, thick dark fur, large paws and muscles relaxed and strong. I shake out my fur and jump around the trees, testing my reflexes. I chase a couple birds, dig my paws into the dirt and run until I can't even breath.
I've probably been out here for two hours but my moms at work anyways. I hear the sounds of cracking twigs, my pointed black ears pipe up and I look around. My heart starts to pump so I quickly run behind the tree, not even thinking to sniff the air for intruders. I shift back quickly and throw on my clothes.
When I come out from behind the tree I hear a quiet gasp, and jump. I look around, throat tight and fear exploding through me. "Hello?" I ask praying it's my mom coming out to yell at me for being out so long
I don't hear anything for a movement and I think I might just be psyching myself out. I sigh and take a deep breath, shaking my head. I turn towards the house and start to walk, but again I hear the crunching of dead leaves behind me.
I look around and search through the open space between trees...still seeing no one. "Who's there?!" I call out and start to walk slowly in the direction of the sound
It's silent a moment but I listen closely to try and find them. In a split second the person changes and a wolf comes from behind a tree. I gasp and fall back, falling against the hard ground, sticks pocking at my palms and gritty sand covering my fingertips. I stare at the light brown wolf, frozen, my body bricked to the ground.
Something seems familiar about this females wolfs eyes. But they stare angrily at me and her fur stands up straight in furry. She paws the dirt and lowers her head, the muscles of the wolfs body strong and rigid.
I've only ever seen a few wolves. I've seen my parents, but they rarely change, I've seen Victoria's, I've seen Logans and a lot of warrior wolves but never this one. She has to be apart of the pack because no one can get passed the guards surrounding the territory...but who is it. Whoever this is knows what I am. The thought instantly makes the breath inside my lungs disappear.
Maybe I should change and fight her off, there's no doubt she knows about my wolf. This could be my true test. I could finally see if I'm weak or not, I could compare myself to this wolf and see if my feeling of inner power is shown on the outside.
Before I have time to stand and shift she snarls at me, drool dips from her bared sharp teeth. I slowly make a move to stand but she barks and howls and runs past me, clipping my shoulder. I groan and fall back onto the ground, pain spiking through my body.
A whoosh of wind passed around us and the female wolf runs away, flicking through trees and blending in with the horizon of the forrest as she gets further away. I stay stunned on the dirt covered floor, holding my shoulder and waiting for it to heal.
Who was that? And what are they going to do?
I stand and wipe myself off, my shoulder pops into place and I groan. With a pounding heart I walk home, watching my back and turning around every five seconds...afraid of someone watching. This is what my parents were afraid of...they were right, now the whole pack will know about me. They'll all think the rumours of my weakness is true.
My walk home is a blur, my brain thinking up everything that will happen . What will my parents do to me if everyone knows? What will Maddox think of me? Will he hate me and throw me out of the pack? My heart sinks at the thought and I shiver, feeling the numbness of reality sink in.
When I get home the house is empty, I wish I was connected to the mind link. Maybe then I could listen out for the secret wolf who knows about me and see if they will tell. But I can't. So I cower away in my room, not allowing myself to go outside and be seen. I shut my curtains, even afraid to see Maddox....no matter how badly I want to be in his arms.
First thinking Maddox's hates me, then his message out to the pack, to then having to go through a best friend break up with both my best friends, then Maddox's kissing me, and now a mystery wolf knows about me. I fall on my bed, my whole body feeling like I could explode....what am I going to do? Should I just save myself from the embarrassment and just leave...I have no where to go. And honestly I don't want to leave Maddox even if he'll hate me if he finds out.
For the rest of the day I force myself not to think, I read books and watch movies but sadly those things can only distract me for so long. I cry about everything, I cry about my beloved uncle and aunt dying from still the unknown- taking my unborn cousin from us, I cry about my confusion with Maddox, I cry about the crudity of my sister and mom and dad, I cry about what's happening with Logan, me, and Scar, and I cry about someone knowing about me.
I hear my parents come home, Victoria come home after her run, I hear them talk and laugh in the kitchen, I hear them eat their dinner at the table without me. I lay in my bed and listen, the tears seeming to never dry from my eyes.
At this point the sun has set and I lay in the same position. The conclusion of what I should do still not coming to me. My room at this point is practically pitch black. Not even the moons light shines through into my window. My eyes are drowsy and I have a hard time keeping them open, I don't even know what time it is. I listen out and don't hear anything so everyone else must be asleep already.
I turn over and finally close my tired eyes, already feeling myself drift off. I hear a quiet ringing and a vibrating in my pocket. I feel my hand reach for it and unconsciously answer.
I don't speak, I hum in answer "hmm" I say lazily, the phone falling from my hand
"I know what you are" the voice says but I don't register it
Whoever it was hangs up and my phone falls in the sheets next to me and I drift off into a much needed sleep.
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- In Serial50 Chapters
Journey West 5000
With her parents murdered and her brother abducted, a trainee Monk of the Gun pursues the one responsible, the Bull Demon King, undefeated Warlord of the Crimson Army.Struggling to track down her enemy while braving the dangers of the wilds, she enlists the help of Sun Wukong, but 500 years under a mountain have taken its toll. Unstable and weakened, will he be more hindrance than help? Can he become the warrior he once was?A Monk and a Monkey journey across a world...... where the remnants of technology are seen as magic, while pockets of humanity strive to drag themselves out of ignorance.... where the descendants of animal-human hybrids, once created as instruments of war, now seek to dominate the world as demons.... where beings who call themselves Immortals and Gods preoccupy themselves with selfish pastimes, ignoring everything else. Among other things, a story about growth, grit, and being better than the person you were yesterday. Here's my rambling on why I'm writing Journey West 5000. Journey West 5000 is my crazy ambitious writing project to adapt a classic epic called "Journey to the West" for a global, modern audience. It's a sci-fi story disguised as fantasy, and has some road trip + monster of the week elements (as does the original Journey to the West). No system, definitely no harem, gradual power progression. Hmm, what else can I put here so potential readers know what to expect? My writing style for now is mostly "show don't tell", because I believe that readers don't need to have everything pointed out to them, and that they should be allowed to make up their own minds about characters based on the actions of those characters. I'm also trying to be less long-winded (a weakness pointed out by some friends) in order to write according to something Neil Gaiman said, which is to write as though I'm the one who has to pay for every word, not the reader. This will bring down my chapter word counts, and might drive away potential readers, but I believe there's value in learning to compress and be concise. All chapters posted here will have been edited. Constructive criticism, comments, and feedback would be very much welcome and appreciated. Please, please help point out any typos or grammatical mistakes, I'm striving to minimize those as much as possible. Above all, I hope you enjoy my story.
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Magic is Power
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The Misty Gloam
Once a month the mists of the Gloamwood spread outward covering the nearby wildlands and it's inhabitants. It is an unnatural ethereal mist that steals the breath and sight of living creatures leaving a curse-like Mark on it's victims who slowly lose their mind and self to hallucinations before falling into a coma. On the outskirts of the Gloamwood lies a small village named Briarhaven. Working as a small time hunter trapper Vance Melier and his younger brother Avar eke out a humble living. During a year of erratic mists appearing without warning Avar becomes Marked when his spirit candle burns out. Now Vance must brave the Gloamwood to break the Mark on his brother before the mists return to take him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: This is my first 'book' or attempt at writing a story so please don't tease me. I've always been a voracious reader but never worked up the courage or confidence to write a story and I still don't kind of but now I'm here to work on my writing chops. Intended to be a short story but we'll see how it pans out feel free to leave some writing tips or helpful criticism. Hope you enjoy.
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Al-Mos... Qui-t-o Live A Second Life
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