《The War Luna》Leaving


Alex got ready for the feast that evening in an almost empty house. The pack house staff had organised the boxing up of anything she was bringing to Lunar Ridge with the rest going into storage for the moment. Although she didn't have a lot of clutter, it was odd to see bare walls and completely clear surfaces everywhere. Since she would be returning for Ronan's wedding in a few weeks, she was leaving behind a few things. After that, she would turn the house over to Ronan to give to someone in the pack. She certainly didn't need the money from a sale and knew one of the families in the pack would benefit from it. She had offered it to Nolan and Pete but they loved their own home which was closer to the farm for Pete.

Alex brushed out her hair so her curls were soft and wavy. Her make up was minimal, owing to the assumption that she might cry a great deal that evening. Her trip to her nieces with Robbie was simultaneously a wonderful and dreadful time. She wouldn't be seeing these little people almost everyday anymore and that thought, as well as the hundreds of other people and things she would miss about Black Mountain had hit her hard. She had cried in the shower until the sadness had passed. And now it was time to party and enjoy her time with her friends and family. She wore dark skinny jeans, a green glittery one shoulder top and heels.

The pack hall was bursting with people when she arrived, tables filled and capacity pushed to the maximum. The marble pillars were decorated with flags and bunting was stretched between each one. There were sunflower arrangements, her favourite flower, on every table. There were several banners, with words of goodbye to Gamma Alex Fury and 'We'll miss you' and 'Best of luck in your new pack' as well as banners congratulating Nolan on his new position as Gamma. Alex made her way slowly through the crowd towards the top table, chatting with everyone along the way, getting countless hugs and kisses and being handed many drinks and canapes as she passed. It was overwhelming but exactly what she needed.


At the top table, she was breathless from the crushing hugs she received from her father, brothers, Theo, Robbie and Nolan. She opted for kisses from Alice, Pete, Cain's mate Olivia and Aidan. Aidan looked effortlessly handsome again today, sporting a crisp white shirt tucked into grey suit trousers. He made her tingle just by looking at her and she couldn't help but recall their morning exploits, flushing slightly as she remembered how strong her orgasm had been.

They all took their seats when the dinner bell was rung. The food, as always, was excellent. They had prepared some of Alex's all time favourite food in her honour and she loaded her plate twice to make sure she got a taste of everything. Various pack members came up to wish her well and hug her as the dinner went on. There were many photos taken and many stories shared. Finally, Hank stood up, tapping his glass with a spoon and the crowd quietened.

Over the next thirty minutes, Hank, Ronan, Cain, Nolan and Robbie got up in turn to give a toast to Alex and to wish her well on her new adventure. Alex had never laughed so hard and simultaneously been so close to tears ever before in her life. They were all so generous with their praise and in listing her accomplishments over the years. Apart from her father, they all took the opportunity to try to embarrass her as well. She relished in the love.

Finally it was time for her to say a few words.

'Thank you gentlemen, for that lively retelling of my life story. My solicitor will be in contact with some of you for some of the defamatory remarks', Alex joked as the room laughed loudly.

'I love Black Mountain. I feel so privileged to have grown up here and I am so honoured to have acted as your Gamma for the last nine years, for the trust you put in me to protect our pack and the respect you have shown me, even when I was making decisions that weren't always popular. I have travelled to so many packs over the years and nowhere on earth is there a pack that feels as much like a family as it does here. You have all made me into the leader that I am today and I am so thankful for each and every one of you and your influence.


But I am leaving you in good hands', she looked over at Nolan now. 'Nolan has been with me since our less law-abiding days, shall we say'. Again the crowd laughed.

'I am lucky that not only is he an outstanding leader, strategist and warrior, but he is also one of my greatest friends.' She paused for a moment before continuing. 'I am a better person and a better Gamma for knowing you Nolan.'

'Please rise everyone as I formally introduce your new Gamma, Nolan Jones, ' Alex walked over to her friend, shaking his hand before pulling him into a tight embrace. The room erupted into applause.

'I love you Alex', Nolan said into her ear as he hugged her closer. 'Thank you so much for everything.'

'I love you too Nolan', Alex replied kissing him on the cheek as they wiped the tears from each other's eyes.

'I think we need more drinks before we all start crying', Robbie appeared beside them with a tray of tequila.

'Triple Threat', the three chanted and laughed as they clinked their shot glasses together.


Alex awoke the next morning, groggy and with a pounding headache. The taste in her mouth told her that the tequila shots had continued well into the night. She started to roll over onto her back, groaning loudly as she did.

'Stop making so much noise', grumbled Robbie from her right.

'Both of you please just lie there silently', came Nolan's voice from Alex's left.

Alex opened one eye a fraction and saw an unfamiliar room.

'Where are we?' she asked, unsurprised to be in bed with her two friends. 'And whose t-shirt am I wearing', she said looking down at the huge light blue t-shirt covering her. Her half open eye looked over at Robbie. 'You're naked Robbie, for fuck's sake', noticing Robbie's naked ass beside her, 'I'm too hung over for this', Alex muttered as she rubbed her face and closed her eye again.

'Just enjoy the view', Robbie mumbled into his pillow.

'I think we're in the pack house', Nolan said. 'Do you think they'd bring us water and sausages up here? And toast?' He added hopefully.

'Yes if we can tell them where here is', Alex had placed an arm over her eyes now in an attempt to shield her from the morning.

'Do I hear the sleeping beauties awake in there', someone called far too loudly from outside the door, just before it slammed open. 'Everyone is looking for you', it was as if Ronan was speaking through a megaphone.

'Inside voices Ronan', Alex reminded him of his request when he had been hungover the previous morning.

'Time for breakfast and a catch up from last night's events', Ronan clapped his hands together gleefully and loudly.

'Absolutely not. No re-living drunken adventures when we're still in such a delicate state', Robbie spoke into his pillow. 'Although I do remember dancing on the bar. And maybe falling off it.'

'Alright, I'll have to get up before Aidan sees me in this state,' Alex was trying to get up the strength to move her body. She didn't need the hassle of her mate seeing her in bed in the middle of Nolan and a naked Robbie, no matter how innocent the whole thing was.

'Too late', a deep voice growled at the doorway. 'We're leaving in two hours. Get moving'.

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