《The War Luna》The Prisoner


Alex paired herself with Robbie for the assaults. She wanted to be able to concentrate fully and Aidan was a big and beautiful distraction. Her body was still humming after her morning orgasm and she smiled to herself often as she and Robbie stalked quietly through the forest. She hadn't meant to get so carried away that morning and was glad that they had been interrupted by Nolan. Aidan was irresistible but, though her thirsty pussy would say otherwise, she still didn't want sex and mating with him to cloud her judgement. She could wait a little longer.

Over the next hour, Alex, Robbie and the other teams made their assaults on the training groups. Alex was delighted to see that every group had vastly improved their skills since her first attack on them the previous Monday. They worked as teams, set plans and traps and hunted in a very coordinated way. Suitably impressed, she called time on the exercise and everyone headed back to the arena for the final word.

Kit was standing with Aidan on the floor of the arena when Alex walked in with the final group, almost on the exact spot where she had beaten him to a pulp earlier in the week. Their eyes locked but Kit looked away without even a nod of hello. 'Prick', she thought as she passed by. She called everyone to attention so she and Nolan could speak to the group. She was proud of them all for what they had achieved that week. It felt different to the other groups she had trained, perhaps because she would soon be the Luna to the Lunar Ridge warriors that made up the majority of the group. Each of the assault groups gave feedback to the warriors on what they had been impressed by and what to work on when they went back to their packs.

'So thank you to everyone for giving it your all this week. Enjoy the rest of the day and we'll celebrate properly tonight at the feast', Alex finished up now to tumultuous cheering and clapping.

She moved over now to where Ronan was sitting with the reassembled bachelor party. 'Everybody ready for some kayaking?' Alex rubbed her hands together as she greeted the group. 'The bus is at the front gate ready to go so move those butts'. The group were moving past hangovers now and were re-living the high points of the night before. There were lots of jokes at Ronan's expense and his drunken state but he took it all in his stride.


Alex fell into step with Aidan as they strolled towards the bus. She slipped her hand into his. It was large and felt weathered but warm. He beamed at her. They passed a few minutes with Aidan complimenting the week's training. He had been suitably impressed with his warriors and the knowledge and skills they had attained in such a short period.

Just as they caught sight of the bus, Alex was mind-linked by one of her patrol leads. 'We've got a prisoner here Gamma', Darius spoke into her head, 'I think you need to come and talk to him'. Alex looked over at Nolan and linked him the message, staying passive and trying not to let the group know there was anything awry.

'Aidan', she leaned up towards his ear so she could speak quietly to him, slowly down slightly so as to separate them slightly from the group. 'I need you to cover for me and Nolan. We have some sudden Gamma business to attend to and I want Ronan to go and enjoy the afternoon.'

Aidan's forehead furrowed. 'I'll come too', he said, understanding that there was some sort of situation occurring. Nolan and Robbie stopped beside them now.

'No please just hop into the bus and if someone asks, tell them we had to go back to check out something for tonight. Just keep it light and they won't ask you anything. Ronan knows I'll contact him if it's serious.'

'I'll come too', Robbie said. Alex nodded. Aidan looked annoyed at this but she gave him a little push towards the bus without giving him an opportunity to fight her to stay. The three friends turned away from the bus and ran back towards the pack house, Alex filling in Robbie on the little she knew as they ran.

Black Mountain's prison was located a half mile from the packhouse. It looked like a two-storey stone building with a tall watch-tower in the middle but the main part of the prison was located underground. Prisoners were not kept onsite for long. Depending on the circumstances, they were either questioned and released, killed or sent to the Council of Werewolves for sentencing.

Darius met them at the door of the building to give them the update. A lone, male wolf had been captured by one of the patrols earlier that morning. Not unusual in itself as rogue wolves often crossed boundary lines, sometimes accidentally. They were generally questioned, forcibly is necessary before their fate was determined.


'This wolf was slow to give us any details Gamma', Darius relayed, indicating some level of painful persuasion was required. 'He stood up pretty well against most of our methods but from the snippets he gave us..' He trailed off for a moment like he was trying to put the thought together, 'I just get the feeling he knows something about the Alpha's wedding or was sent to scout something to do with it.'

Alex liked this about Darius. He had good instincts and could piece things together with a tiny amount of information or direction. She trusted that she would get no more information if she was to interrogate the intruder herself. She looked at Nolan and Robbie.

'Any idea who he might have been scouting for?', Nolan asked.

'No sir,' Darius answered, 'but in my opinion, I suspect it was Dax Stevens. I know our task force has been hitting his network hard the last few months,' Darius gave a little nod to Nolan at this, 'and the rogue mentioned revenge a few times. But that's just my own thoughts sir.'

The group mulled this over for a minute. Dax Stevens was a disgusting piece of trash, that was for sure, but he was also very cunning and well connected with vast resources. If he wanted to send rogues to scout for him and make some sort of assault attempt on Ronan and Alice's wedding day, he certainly had the power to try it. But Black Mountain was so well protected. Alex was confident in everything - the patrols, the changeovers, the back ups, the training and in every person who made up the pack. And then she realised that it shouldn't be her to make the decision on what to do here. She turned to Nolan.

'Gamma Nolan,' this was the first time she had addressed him in this way and although he knew he would be taking over her role and they had discussed handovers and strategies at length all week, he still looked taken aback at the title. 'What's the plan here?'

Robbie smiled at Alex and waited on Nolan's response. He didn't hesitate.

'Keep the prisoner here for further questioning. No panic moves to suddenly change patrol times and placements but add in additional rotating patrols for the next two weeks to make sure everywhere is covered and considered. We'll also run the evacuation procedures but quietly and not all at once so we don't unintentionally give any other potential scouts any information on routes or procedures for evacuation. I'll get the Dax task force working on getting more informants and any information we can gather. Plus the wedding guests from other packs will need to be notified to be more cautious on their travels here just in case'

Alex smiled and nodded. 'Comprehensive. Couldn't have said it better myself'. She was so proud of Nolan and so confident that she was leaving Black Mountain with an outstanding choice for Gamma.

They made some plans with Darius, then mind-linked the patrols to update everyone on what would be happening. All warriors were to be put on-call for the next two weeks while they worked out supplementary schedules and overlaps of patrols. Alex revelled in the work but as the afternoon crept on, the realisation that she was leaving the next day started to hit her harder than ever.

Nolan went to make plans and get an update from the task force. Robbie, sensing Alex's change of mood, gave her a long, tight hug which she found she really needed at that moment.

'Let's go and play with your nieces', he said. The magic solution - she couldn't be melancholy for long around those little ladies.

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