《Back In Time *King George III X Reader*》Chapter 5: Your Majesty


Eventually, you left the Oliviers alone to do their thing. You went outside on the balcony. The soft, welcoming aura from the outside was comforting. Different kinds of plants surrounded you, a vibrant green showing. The wind seemed to sing a familiar melody as it blew your (h/c) hair to the side. Your (e/c) eyes gleaming with delight. You turn towards the entrance. There standing was the king himself.

"Your Majesty," you greeted with a small curtsy. "I did not expect to see you here. Shouldn't you be inside with the guests?" You asked with a smile on your face.

He smiles back at you, a gentleman's smile, that is. "Well, even a king needs to take a break sometimes," he states as he walks towards you. "And not even one guest shall be ignored by the king. Tell me madame, what's your name?" he asked with the smile still on his face.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n) at your service, Your Majesty." It was quite surprising for a king to ask the name of his royal subject, in your opinion, although to pay respect, you must certainly do as he says. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance,"

"Please, call me George," he insisted but you refused.

You could not forget to pay respect to royalty.. especially when addressing them. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, I'm afraid I could not address you by that name," you stated.

He looked at the ground and frowned, a bit hurt. Sighing, he turns back to face you. "I kind of miss being a normal person," he started. "Everyone just thinks of me as a king, someone to rule them all."

To be honest, you feel a bit bad for him, having to be king, having all those responsibilities, being treated like royalty and having no friends at all. You sighed, without breaking eye contact with him. You didn't know what to say.

"Being a king is a high rank, but I just want my royal subjects to treat me just as they treat others.." he continued. The sympathy that you felt for him was too much to handle. Finally, you gave up and decided to do what he wanted.

"I understand, George," you said with a mirthless smile. You felt like disobeying royalty at that point.

His head suddenly perked up as he smiled broadly. The king was certainly happy with what you did, very happy. It looked like he was about to cry. "I missed that name so much.." he said in an inaudible whisper. Seeing him happy made you smile. Yes, he is from history, but it felt like you belonged in this time, much more than you belong in your own.

"Your Majesty, the Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz is waiting for you.." you hear someone say from the entrance of the balcony. Turning your heads in unison, you see the king's advisor, standing respectively in the door way.


The king turns to face you. "I'm afraid I must go, Miss (L/n).. enjoy the rest of the party," he bows slightly and you return a small curtsy. He takes his leave, but not before catching a glance of you and smiling to himself.

'Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz?' You thought to yourself. Of course, you read about her in British history. The princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz is known better as Queen Charlotte in your own time. She was King George III's wife. How could you not forget? You chuckled to yourself. You were quite a nerd.. but it seems to be helpful in situations like this. The princess appealed to be a prospective consort to King George III before he announced his intentions to wed her in 1761.

Brushing away your thoughts, you turn your heels and walk towards the Grand Hall where the party was being held. Everyone was dancing to the sweet melody being performed by the band. You look for the Oliviers and Gilbert, one of them would do. You excused yourself, walking through a crowd. You bumped into a person lightly. You turn to face who, luckily it was just one of the persons you were looking for.

"My apologies, Xalvador. I did not look at where I was going," you quickly said.

He just smiled in amusement. "It's quite alright, (Y/n). Anyways, I was looking for you." He held out his hand with a slight bow respectively. "M'lady," he said, still with the signature British accent. "May I have this dance?" Your heart skipped a beat. You take his hand gently with a reassuring smile.

"You certainly may.." you answered.

He stands up straight and leads you to the center of the ball. He puts his hand on your waist as you put yours on his shoulder, the other hands holding each other's. You both started dancing to the sweet melody of the grand piano and violins. You both waltzed across the hall gracefully. He spun you around and then claimed you when you came back to his arms. He dipped you low, your faces almost touching. You could feel his warm breath against your skin. Time seemed to stop and all the people surrounding you disappeared. Xalvador pulls you back up and faces you. He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles with a smile on his face.

"It's been a pleasure dancing with you, (Y/n).. but I am afraid, I must go. I'll be at the castle garden if you need me. Come if you like," he says, giving you one last smile. He turns around and heads for the right hallway, leaving you standing at the center of the ballroom with a flustered face.

You walked to the side and laid your back against the column, with your hand covering your mouth. You gasped, twirling to the side so you were behind the column, out of sight. Your cheeks were warm, and you had a bright smile being covered by your hand.


You turn to your right to see George with a poker face. You gasped and clutched your chest for dear life. "Hello, George," you greeted him while laughing.

He smiles broadly. Adressing him by his first name seemed to make him overwhelmingly happy. Though, you did not forget to greet him with a great amout of respect. "Hello, (Y/n), I'm sorry I scared you. Anyways, it is certainly great to see you again," he returns. You didn't know if he really meant his words, or if he was just trying to be polite. Nevertheless, you were happy that he said those words.

"How was your talk with the princess?" you asked politely.

He sighed and looked down at the floor. After a while, he looked back at you. "Not bad," he answered with a bit of shyness in his voice. "Come with me to the balcony where we met. I'll tell you."

"Lead the way," you said with a smile, tilting your head. He smiled back and turned around, walking towards the balcony where you both met. You simply followed him, trying to keep up with his pace. You soon reached your destination. He sighed.

"Princess Charlotte was simply a wonderful person.." he started. "But she is too loud and garrulous for my own taste."

"Haven't you thought of her as a partner?" you asked the disappointed king. He looks up at you in confusion.

"Well, yes," he hesitated to go on. "partly because she had been brought up in an insignificant north German duchy and therefore would have had no experience of power politics or party intrigues."

"Have you asked her?"

"No," he answered which caught you off guard. "and I don't really like her that much. Plus, I already gained a liking towards somebody else."

His response shocked you. Is he not liking Princess Charlotte simply because of you? Who is this other person that he gained a liking for, then?

"Who is it?"

His eyes widened as he blushes madly. His face was red as blood. He looks below the balcony, as if trying to avoid your gaze.

"I-I can't tell you," he stuttered out quickly. "I-it's something personal.." His lips were quivering with nervousness and his heart was beating fast as he tries to breathe steadily. You just smile at him in amusement.

"Ah, it's fine, George," you said, nodding in agreement as you looked beneath the balcony as well. "I respect that I have my limitations.. we all do."

He looked at you with an emotionless expression and sighed.

"I do appreciate your understanding, (Y/n). I plan on telling you soon.. " he said with a smile. ".. but now is surely not the right time."

You looked at him and nodded with a smile. It was surely a great opportunity to be friends with the king himself. He clasps your hands tightly.

"I'm afraid I must go, (Y/n)," he says with a melancholic face. "W-when the ball ends, please send me a letter.. anything. Alright?"

Sending letters to the king? That's a great privilege. Of course, you would agree but.. what if this changes history? God, you don't want that. With a long moment of hesitation, you finally answered.

"O-of course, George.." you said. A bright, wondrous glow radiated from him as he smiled broadly. It wasn't the reaction you expected, but it was enough to make you smile.

This won't probably change history. I mean, it was just sending letters and what not, right? Yeah, it probably won't. He looked at you sincerely. He abruptly kissed you on the cheek and then ran away. You touched the part where he kissed you and smiled to yourself. You didn't know that you.. no, you can't be. He was a king, you were a mere human that just got transported into his time. Ignoring your thoughts, you went back to the grand hall where Xalvador was waiting.

"Where's Corrianne?" you asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"She's in the carriage, waiting," he explained, with an earnest tone. "Shall we?"

"Yes, we shall." You walked with him to the carriage. Corrianne was there, tired and unconscious, sleeping peacefully. You couldn't blame her though.

====[Author's Note]====

Why isn't King George III here, a psychopath?

King George III became dangerously ill in 1810 in which a regency was formed. I thought that he was a little bit too old for the story's plot.. so I decided to base it on the original Hamilton's song, "You'll be back." Lin Manuel-Miranda actually wrote this song during his honeymoon with his wife, that's why it's full of romantic lines.

"The tone and much of the language for this song appears to come from an actual address King George III made to Parliament on October 27, 1775." - genius.com

What is Regency?

The regency era in Great Britain was when King George III was deemed unfit to rule and so, his eldest son ruled as his proxy as Prince Regent.

How will the plot go, now?

As I have said, I decided to base it on "You'll be back." Although, in order to do that, we will have to change a little bit off of History.

"Aaron Burr, Sir" was set in 1776 according to the Company. "Right Hand Man" [song before "You'll be Back"] was also set in 1776. How did I know this? The song was about the "Battle of Long Island" in New York. The said battle happened in August 27, 1776.

So, what will happen to the plot? Well, we will have King George III have a mental illness in 1776 since "You'll be Back" happened somewhere between "Aaron Burr, Sir" and "Right Hand Man."

Psycho: Thank you for all the support in the story! I really appreciate it. Have a great day!

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