《Back In Time *King George III X Reader*》Chapter 4: Inevitable Mistake


You nodded, quite understanding his perspective. You turn back to the loyalist with a calm expression. This caught Xalvador off guard as he looked at you with slight widened eyes. "You.. you're not going to disagree with me?" he asked while clutching his chest.

"Every person has a right to their beliefs," you answer, not bothering to look into his eyes. "Though I do wish there were no wars, but like you said, we can't prevent it."

He showed a slow and relaxed smile as he turned his attention to his sister. Hold it. "(Y/n).. where is Corrianne?"

You turned your attention to Xalvador who was frantically scanning the town for any sign of his sister. "We've got to find her," you concurred as he seized your arm and takes you around the city.

"Corrianne? Corrianne!" he called out.

Finally, the two of you saw her in a crowd, surrounding a high platform. "Corri, where have you been?" Xalvador asked with a concerned look on his face as you both walk towards her.

Corrianne turns to the two of you and smiles broadly. She looked excited and extremely gleeful. "Xalvador, (Y/n), there's an autumn ball being held at the palace tonight!" she exclaimed. "We've got to attend!"

The Oliviers were unmistakably rich. They were in good terms with royalty. Although despite their wealthy status, Corrianne tends to ignore etiquette and proper decorum.

"Of course, we've got to attend. Our presence would be anticipated." Xalvador answered in an earnest tone.

"But can we take (Y/n)?!" Corrianne inquired with a good amount of hope.

Xalvador looked at you with a questioning facade. "Yeah, sure, I guess," he said in an almost inaudible whisper.

"Yes! Thanks Xalvador! (Y/n), follow me to the dressmaker!"

Corrianne grabbed your arm forcefully without hesitation and dragged you across the city. She took you to the seamstress who welcomed the two of you warmly.

"Que puis-je vous obtenir?" she asked with a thick French accent. (Translation: What can I get you?)

You noticed Corrianne froze in place. You laughed lightly and turned your attention to the seamstress. She seemed embarrassed of her mother tongue. She must've thought that no one understood. You gave her a reassuring smile.


"Nous aimerions acheter une robe pour la balle d'automne ce soir, manquer" you answered. (Translation: We would like to buy a dress for the autumn ball tonight, miss)

The seamstress' face lit up in surprise and satisfaction. She smiled at you and stood up from her seat. "Je reviendrai" she excused herself as she headed to the back room. (Translation: I'll be back)

You turn to the Olivier who was still processing what happened. "Thanks (Y/n).." she told you with a smile.

"It's nothing, really."

The seamstress soon came back with a handful of dresses. "Je pense que cela vous conviendra bien," she said while handing the dresses to the two of you. (Translation: I think these will suit you well) "Il y aura beaucoup d'orange à la balle puisque c'est un automne, alors je pensais que le bleu irait bien. Il contraste avec l'orange." (Translation: There will be a lot of orange at the ball since it is an autumn one so I thought blue would go well. It contrasts with orange)

"Je vous remercie," you thanked her. (Translation: Thank you)

The two of you head out for the dressing rooms behind the counter and try the dresses on. You picked one, elaborate, blue gown while Corrianne picked a simpler one. She pays the seamstress and you both go home where Xalvador was waiting.

"Fortunately for us, we still have 30 minutes to prepare for the ball." Corrianne stated.

You both put on your dresses. Corrianne applies light makeup on you since that's how it went in 1760. The Oliviers led you to their carriage which was beyond beautiful. "So (Y/n), how's it been in France?" the young woman asked.

"Well, there's been a battle in Emsdorf that occurred on the 14th of July during the Seven Years' war," you explain.

Xalvador looks at you with a smile on his face. "It's true," he agreed. "I was there when it occurred since the battle was between the British, Hanoverian and Hessian troops."

Corrianne nodded, a tad bit of remorse on her face. The carriage halted and a coachman opened the door for the three of you. You were the last to leave since you were at the far side of the carriage.


The three of you took your step towards the king after the previous people and bent down on a curtsy. The man behind the throne raised his eyebrow. His eyes wandered all around the paper. "Sir Xalvador Olivier, and his sister, Miss Corrianne Olivier, with.." he trailed off.

You closed your eyes shut and gritted your teeth, slowly cursing yourself. I should not have went to this autumn ball. Well, too late. I'm done for.

"Our friend, (Y/n) (L/n)," Xalvador informed the man with as gentle smile on his features.

You glanced at him and smiled.

The king nodded in acknowledgement. "You're Welcome," he said, dismissing the three of you to greet other guests.

You all rose from the curtsy and walked onto the ballroom. You gawked at the scene before you. Bright, and magical lights illuminated the place. You weren't really used to such gatherings, regarding the fact that this was a common event only in the 17th Centuries so you stuck with the Oliviers.

"Incroyable.." you muttered under your breath. (Translation: Amazing/Unbelievable)

Corrianne smiled brightly in front of you. "Isn't it?!" She grabbed your arm and dragged you across the glossy, reflective surface of the ballroom floor. "You know how to dance, don't you? Waltz?"

You giggled. "Yes, of course,"

A man abruptly walks over to the two of you and bows respectfully, holding out his hand to Corrianne. "Excuse me, ma'am, but may I have this dance?" he asked with an innocent smile on his face.

Coriianne looked over to you in which you gave her a nod to reassure her. "Have fun."

She took the man's hand. "You may," she replied before being taken away to the center of the ballroom by the man.

You watched them dance gracefully. Corrianne's puffy dress twirled around beautifully. She still had that bright smile on her face. In the corner of your eyes, you could see Xalvador doing the same, dancing with a beautiful woman. Secretly, you wished that you were her, the person dancing with the Olivier. You sighed. You knew you couldn't be with someone who was from a different time. It was too dangerous; even being here in this time was dangerous. It could create time portals and time loops. Still, you couldn't help it. It was a mistake.. but still inevitable.

====[Author's Note]====

Psycho: If one of these is not your question, ask away in the comment section. That rhymed lol.

Why Autumn? Why not Winter, Spring or Summer?

Chapter 3: "Leaves were falling, indicating the start of Autumn"

Why "Autumn?" Why not "fall?"

"Autumn" is the British term for "Fall"

Why is the reader fluent in French?

Chapter 1: "France, 2001"

Why are the French translations not accurate?

I don't speak French. I just searched it up on Google Translate.. but I tried my best to get it accurate.

Why do the Oliviers speak a little weird?

I try my best to show their British language. I've been learning the differences on British English and American English.

Why are there so many information about history?

I want it to be historically accurate as possible.

Why is it set in 1760? Why not 1776 with Hamilton?

I wanted it to be set in 1776 originally with hamilton.. but then King George III would be so old. In 1760, he was crowned king where in he was 60 years old. Would you want him to be 76 years old? Actually, scratch that. Thank you, for correcting me. He is actually 22 years old in this story. 38 years old if 1776.

What are the Oliviers' real names?

Corrianne and Xalvador. I'm sorry if I spelled their name wrong in some parts. I normally forget them. I sometimes mistake Corrianne as Corronnia and Xalvador as Xandavor. I don't know why.. but try to put up with me.

Why did Xalvador cover up for the reader?

You came in with them. He tried to find a reasonable explanation for that.

Is Xalvador a love interest?


Why are the Oliviers' names so complicated?

They are famous names from 1760.

Why are the words complicated and inaccurate?

Stories are more fun when words are complicated. I've just been searching synonyms of simple words. I'm sorry, I'm just trying to widen my vocabulary.. and maybe widen yours.

Psycho: That's all for now, Bye!

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