《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Chapter 9


After the show they all came backstage where I was sitting on the couch and reading a book. I felt someone sit down next to me and then he asked "Did you... watch the show?" It was Dee Dee.

"I did... well, half of it." I admitted. I was still slightly tired and also worked up from last night so I didn't really have the energy to watch their whole set.

He smiled softly "So how was the half that you saw."

"Amazing. Per usual." I smiled back at him.

His smile grew a little bigger and he looked at the book that I held in my hands. "What are you reading?"

"Faust..." I said with a shy smile.

I have always had a thing for Goethe and classic literature in general. I did not expect him to react the way he did.

His eyes began to sparkle "That is so fucking cool!! I love that!"

Before I could start gushing about our new found shared love for Faust the door flew open and Johnny came back into the room.

"We have been invited to a pretty big party back in our hotel in some chicks' hotel room. Are you two coming or what?"

"You don't have to ask." Dee Dee stood up with a grin and pulled me up by my arm. "We are coming."

I laughed. Even though I did not feel like partying at all, I could not say no. Dee Dees enthusiasm was infectous. Plus I don't have to work during the party which means that I would techincally be allowed to drink. Maybe I will.

Dee Dee stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah... Even though I look like shit." I laughed, referring to the fact that I looked like a mess in the same clothes and make up that I put on earlier today. My short nap earlier must have ruined both.


He just shot me a warm smile "Nah you look great." Then he turned around again and we continued our walk to the hotel room where said party was going to take place. I wonder if Joey and Tommy are already there? I wonder if Joey is going to drink again? I wonder if hes ever gonna mention the kiss?


The party was in full swing as I found myself in the middle of the room, dancing to the music. I drink. I was wasted.

The guys surrounded me and watched me dance as if nobody was watching. Even Johnny lightened up a little and we even exchanged some smiles or smirks. It was a first.

"Elizabeth can I ask you some questions?" he asked, all of a sudden.

"Suuureeeee thinggg..." I slurred with my eyes half-closed.

"How drunk are you exactly?"

I held up two fingers.

"Just a liiiitttlle..."

He laughed. "Gosh. Sure. Are you good?" he continued.

I nodded quickly with a wide smile, eyes still closed.

Then he looked at me, a mischievous grin appearing on his face as he continued interrogating me, "Okay last question. If you could sleep with one of us" he pointed on himself and on the other guys "who would you pick?"

"That is so childish." Dee Dee protested. "You know you don't have to answer that, right Rains?"

I was about to respond but so many thoughts were racing through my head at that very moment. Not necessarily thoughts that were from any importance right now. The range of my thoughts went from memories of my childhood to my odd desire for coffee at that very moment.

"Come on it would be fun to know." Johnny said "Aren't ya curious at all? So Elizabeth... who is it?"

"Cut it out, Johnny." Joey mumbled.

"What did ya say?" Johnny asked, clearly surprised. Joey usually didn't speak much when Johnny was around. Let alone speak up against him.


"I said... Cut it out Johnny." he repeated.

"I feel... sick..." was all I could get out before slowly making my way to the bathroom. The guys didn't really notice me until I started picking up the pace and actually ran towards the bathroom door. I quickly opened it and sat down in front of the toilet, heaving. I barely noticed someone coming up behind me if they didn't hold my hair.

"Is she okay?" I heard Dee Dees voice coming from the door.

"I think so. Would ya mind getting her a glass of water and some mint? She might want that. Also wetten a towel or something." the person who was holding my hair ordered.

After I finally finished heaving I grabbed some toilet paper to wipe my mouth and flushed the toilet. I slowly leaned against the wall with the help of my hair-holder.

I rubbed my eyes slowly. That was exhausting. "Are ya okay? Is it better now?"

I opened my eyes and mine met Joeys. I nodded. "Yeah... thanks." I smiled softly.

"Here's the towel..." Dee Dee handed Joey the towel. "the water and some mints. Here ya go." he gave them to me. "Thanks." I repeated, smiling at Dee Dee this time.

Joey ordered me to lean my head back against the wall and carefully put the wet towel on my forehead. I downed the water and took the mints.

I looked at him with a sweet smile "I'm really sorry... I should be the one taking care of you..."

He laughed, "No don't ya worry too much. Ya weren't working tonight anyway. It is your night off and you celebrated. It's fine, people get drunk and alcohol makes people sick that's only natural. Hell, this party is full of drunk people."

His reassuring words actually helped me calm down a little bit. I was grateful for that because I was still so exhausted.

"Yeah hell, ya should see Tommy. Wasted to no end. Would think he'd be da responsible one of us. Not tonight. Kept dancing on da tables. At one point ya even danced together. He talked to everyone and proposed to about seven chicks. Now he's passed out on the couch, surrounded by his impatient fiancés." Dee Dee added.

I laughed. Now that was reassuring. At least I did not propose to anyone. God, I hate alcohol.

The party was still in full swing, which caused my headache which started earlier, to worsen. I held my head in pain.

"Headache?" Joey looked at me, knowingly.

I nodded.

"Well, let's get ya back to our hotel room then. Dee Dee would ya mind asking Johnny to go and wake Tommy? He has to get him back to our room."

Dee Dee nodded and left the bathroom.

"Can ya stand up without falling back down?" he asked, half serious, half joking.

I nodded. I should be able to do that. Doing as told, I stood up as slow as possible and managed to stand straight without tripping.

"Good job." Joey said with a genuine smile. I returned the smile and walked out of the bathroom with him.

As we approached the couch we saw Tommy still laying there and next to him was Johnny almost begging him to wake up.

"Where's Dee Dee?" I asked, my eyes scanning the room.

"Making ya bed. The additional bed that we have in our room." Joey explained.

I could not help but smile how sweet it was of them to look out for me. I was really grateful.

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