《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Chapter 8


I woke up to a sharp sound which turned out to be my alarm. I looked to my right and found Joey laying there, still asleep.

"So... are you going to explain me " he pointed at Joey and me "situation or should I let my imagination flow?" In front of me stood Dee Dee with a broad grin spread across his face and a cup of coffee in his right hand. He took a provocative loud sip, waiting for my answer.

"Long story short? Joey wanted to get some water and walked into the door because he forgot his glasses on the nightstand. I got him his glasses and the water and then we sat on the couch and talked. Oh and we drank his favorite wine that he discovered in my liquor cabinet. Then we fell asleep. That's it." I said as convincing as possible.

"Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill?" he asked, taking another big sip of the coffee.

I nodded.

"Oh yeah he loved that one. A lot. Anyway, do you want some coffee?" he asked, holding the can up.

"Oh yes please!!"

I was extremely glad that he didn't ask more about the whole night. I'm also glad that he seemed to have bought it. After all, I did tell the truth. I just didn't tell him about the kiss.

"Sorry that I thought about... stuff" Dee Dee said with a laugh, "it's just we're used to that. Women love Joey. And he loves them right back. Which is not a bad thing at all! I just thought... you know..." his laugh turned into a grin again.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't think much of the kiss for obvious reasons. It was an amazing kiss but I didn't think I was special. Dee Dee just indirectly assured me of the same thing. This happens all the time. Hell, of course it does. They are rockstars, women must stand in line to even get close to them. Who am I to think that I would be any different? I don't blame Joey at all. I still don't think any less of him than before. I still think that he is incredibly sweet and handsome. All things considered, everything is fine. It somehow still felt like a punch into the guts though...


"Don't worry I know what you mean. I usually don't do one night stands, so nothing has happened." I looked at him with a convincing smile.

He smiled right back at me "Well, good then. Should we wake the sleeping beauty up now?" he gestured at Joey who was still asleep on the couch.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll go and take a shower." I told him, left and headed to the bathroom.

I quickly got rid of my clothes and practically jumped under the shower. All of a sudden, a wave of disgust toward myself appeared. I did drink quite a lot of wine, after all. I'm surprised I don't feel sick. I do feel gross, though.

I positioned myself underneath the hot stream and closed my eyes. There was something other than the wine that was bothering me. Was it something Dee Dee said? Was it the kiss? I wasn't 100% sure what it was but there definitely was something. I didn't have any time to get to the depth of it though because I had a band to manage. I had a job to do. It's best of I just suck it up. For now.

After about fifteen minutes I got out of the shower and put a towel around my body and one around my hair. I walked into my bedroom and as always, struggled to choose something to wear.

"Do you need some help?" Dee Dee asked, standing in the doorway.

Why did he always do that? Magically appear behind me?

I sighed "Actually, yes I do..." I gestured at my closet.

"Ah I see... Let me choose something for you." he put his third cup of coffee onto the nightstand and then walked to my closet and started looking through my clothes.


"Good morning...." Joey stood now in the doorway, yawning.

"Morning" I said, smiling.

"Morning..." Dee Dee repeated, his focus still on my clothes. "You know you should really join the band, your choice of things to wear will be narrowed down to a black leather jacket and jeans or the occasional leather pants. But you really have a loooot of clothes...."

"How about that red dress?" Joey chimed in, pointing at my short red velvet dress. One of my favorite pieces.

"That's clearly for going out or more special occasions..... How about those bell bottom jeans, the yellow top and your red leather jacket?" he proposed.

I nodded with a smile, "Sure! Thanks Dee Dee."

They both looked at me practically just waiting for me to kick them out of the room. Instead, I just took my clothes and got back into the bathroom. I changed into them and walked back into my bedroom to put my make up on. Again, just mascara and red lipstick.

"So are you two ready to go?" I looked at them, both just quietly sitting on my bed.

They nodded and followed me to my car. We sll got in and made our way to todays venue.


We walked in and found Tommy and Johnny already sitting backstage.

"Was about time." Johnny said, half joking and half serious.

"What do you mean? They're right on time." Tommy defended us.

We actually were. It was 9am. Right on time.

"Let's just go and start rehearsing." Johnny took his guitar and went right up to the stage. They guys followed me and I was left backstage with my thoughts. My completely unnecessary thoughts.

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