《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 16


I can still feel her touch on my wrist and the way she controls the situation is incredible. In her car, I was shivering like hell and couldn't able to meet my gaze with her. I was feeling like if I see her eyes one more time I literally going to melt into her eyes and won't able to control my burning desires. I want her to touch me, hold me and forget the whole world it was that movement where my mind already stops thinking practically and my heart is beating so fast that I can say if it won't stop my heart will come out from my chest any movement. My mind is still in big shock of those intimate movements which we both share in the room. She didn't kiss me but it's a burning desire which can burn both of us. I can feel her lips which gave warm burning desire to me. Suddenly, she put her hand on my thighs and believes me my soul jump from my body. When I look at her with the most shock expression she was smiling towards me with a most genuine smile. I know she was trying to comfort me but it wasn't working at all because I was nervous like hell but still I try to control my nerves. When we reach to the club she drags me towards her friends who are already enjoying the loud music. I gave them small smile but it wasn't reaching to my eyes. All her friends looking at me with either shocked expression or disgust expression I can't blame them either. Most of them make my life living hell, suddenly it hits me that it was Amanda who always hates me and that's why they all start bullying me and punishing me. So why will she now interested in me so much and try to come closer towards me. When she came close to me it's like I was seeing a real face of Amanda in which she cares about people and loves them not the one different face in which she is always bitch and angry with everyone. She drags me to the private lounge I guess and start asking me what kind of drink I would like to drink but I deny her politely. I never drink in my whole life and the way I was shivering I don't know I can handle myself at all. After a few movements, she came with some juice for me and drink for herself. Now how can I say she is not caring at all I mean she cares about my taste and offer me juice. I drink in one gulp but I taste too different my burn my throat also. But after a few movements, I start feeling better my body is getting relaxed and my heart is beating normally. I ask her for a few more drinks and she offers me without any hesitation but until my 4th drink, I start feeling weird but good. I asked for more drinks but she said no to me I gave my best pout but she ignores me. She asked me for dance but I was so much feeling weird that I thought to sit instead of going there. She left me there I after a few movements or maybe how much time was gone I was not in my control at all. I start feeling dizziness and couldn't able to see anything properly. Now I really need Amanda I want her to hold me and take me back I try to stand but due to heavy dizziness, I sit down again. I try again to stand up and put my hand on the wall for support and start walking towards the dance floor to find her. When I reach there I was not able to see anyone or you can say I was not able to differentiate anyone's face at all. Suddenly someone grabs me from behind and grinding there body with me. I try to protest but my nerves were not in my control and my whole body is shaking that I can't defend myself. Then whoever this person turned my body and try to hold me tightly and grab my ass so tight that I practically slapping his hand to get free from his grip. And then suddenly he put his hand on my breast and pressing them hard that I can feel pain in my body. I try to slap him but he keeps pulling me towards him and trying to kiss me but I put my hand on the mouth to block him. Suddenly his grip get loosen and then he fell to the floor when I look at the person who saves me it was her.


"She put her hands on my face and she kissed me".

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