《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter One- No Such Luck


"Sorry kid, you have to share a dorm," the office attendant spoke the words both me and my high-school 'enemy' had been dreading to hear.

"There must be some way of switching roommates," I spoke, trying to keep my voice calm, not desperate.

Victoria looked towards me with cold grey eyes, damn. I didn't like her too much after she put me through hell, figuratively speaking, last year. But,the hate coursing through her, what she felt towards me, was on some other level.

The man at the reception desk smiled, yet there was no emotion behind it, it made me feel very off.

"I can't stay in a dorm with her," Victoria said, a cold edge to her voice.

Of course not. But was that going to be possible?

"You're going to have to try,"

Victoria frowned at some spot on the ground, crossing her arms until something flashed in them. An idea. She looked up turning her head towards me, I was too busy wondering how a jawline could look so good.

Jesus, Kate. Stop.

Victoria leaned towards the guy "Listen...Marcus. My father has connections..." She reached out to trace a finger down the collar of his shirt. Flirt, much? "Wouldn't it be a shame if this... Job you love so much, was just snatched out from under you,"

"Nice try, Miss Lace, but you're not going to get away with that so easily," The office guy... Marcus... Shifted in his seat and picked up his mobile. I tuned out a lot of the beginnings of his conversation as I became increasingly aware of Victoria's eyes on me, if the shyness that prevailed over my quiet studious figure had been less obnoxiously apparent, I would have turned to her, looked her right in the eyes and glared back, but the thought of doing that made my heart feel sick. If that was possible. Meh, I had always been an art student, not a science. Finally after I heard Victoria sigh and felt her turn away I could resume listening in on Marcus' conversation. "Yes sir, okay, well..." He sighed "Of course, I'll let them know"


"So?" Victoria blurted out, impatient perhaps.

"Changes to dorm room sharing and ownership can only be done after a month,"

"What...?" She folded her arms across her chest again.

"So, you two have to share a room for the month, after that you will be able to change dorms to your hearts content,"

"Deal," I spoke, more due to the fact I was hungry, tired and bored sick than any rational explanation.

"You can't be serious,"

"He says he'll sort it after a month. That's four weeks. And..." I tried to tie up the positives of this situation, but there was no way that Victoria Lace would listen to me. You would have to tell her she was going to become the world's best ever artist before that happened.

"Whatever," She pinched the bridge of her nose and a slight wrinkle had appeared in between her brows.

Marcus smirked... Was he enjoying this?

"You two have your maps, I circled the dorm so just follow the path," He circled where we currently were and drew a path from there to the dorm. Simple enough, if I wasn't painfully bad at following directions. I just hoped Victoria knew where we were going.

"Okay, okay, fine," Victoria snatched the map so quickly I was surprised it didn't rip. "Have a nice day, Marcus," She smiled and turned towards me, nodding her head in a way to say "Let's go,"

I followed her out of the office and then "It's so fucking dark out here,"

"It is," What a stupidly obvious response.

"Do you have a torch?" It would have made sense to bring some tools like that to University, I suppose, but I was never one to overthink what I needed to bring.

"No? I mean, no, I don't" Keep your words straight to the point, Kate. Don't get anxious.

"Good to know, do you have a phone?" She sighed out of slight frustration.


"Sure," I pulled out my pale blue flip-phone I had had for about 7 years, people may mock you if you don't have a smart phone but to be honest, they lasted longer anyways.

Victoria choked on her laughter. "That's your phone?"

Well... My parents didn't let me have a smartphone for stupid reasons.

"I have to do everything myself. Here, you hold this, flip-phone girl," she passed me the map. Then she took out her considerably better, more expensive phone and turned the flash on. "Right, come on,"

I followed the light path made by Victoria's phone and we slowly made our way towards our dorm, I was busy making sure I wasn't tripping while listening to Victoria's muttering. "We're stuck in a dorm together... I mean then we'll only have to see each other for a few hours each day... but still, I can't believe that Marcus dude didn't just let us... I don't know...not share a room with the most frustratingly annoying girl on campus,"

I was tempted to let her know that I could in fact hear her, but I saved my breath.

And... "the most frustratingly annoying girl on campus"? Offended, just.

"This is it," I say once I notice a dimly lit '21' on the door, that's the number of our dorm room.

"Fantastic, here hold my phone... don't, for the love of whatever Jesus you believe in, drop it,"

Sure, Victoria, because obviously your cash stash can't just pay for another if I break this one... nevertheless I held it carefully as she got out the keys and awkwardly tried to open the door in the dim lighting. "Ughh, focus the light on the door," I did as she... commanded. Because Victoria didn't ever use please and thank you's... unless she was talking to her father or some other high-up prestigous individual. Sometimes it surprised me that she even came to this university, I mean, St. Wells Academy was a little expensive, but there were definitely more expensive establishments that she could just flash a credit card at and get in.

After a while of under-breath swears and key turning, Victoria finally opened the door. We stepped into the dorm and I switched the light on. "Ouch," We said simultaneously as our eyes adjusted from the darkness we had just been submerged in to the bright lighting of our dorm. Luckily enough, this place definitely wasn't cramped, the floor was a glossy pale blue under the lighting and the walls were white, there was plenty of distance between our beds so Victoria wouldn't complain...as much... one could hope. "Perfect," Victoria said and promptly dropped her bag and laid on the bed. "I'm tired, leave me," Did she forget we're sharing a dorm or what?

I sighed and walked over to my own bed, quickly changed into my bunny shirt and check pyjama trousers and went to the bathroom to take care of the nightly routine, brush teeth, put on face wash, wash off face wash, cry... I'm kidding, but I may as well have done in scary unknowing of how the next four weeks with the roommate from the Nether would go. Once I had finished up in the bathroom I walked over to the wall to turn off the light and stumbled my way into my bed. I laid there for a while, thinking about things, how I wished I had been allowed to bring my bunny here, it seemed silly but it was true. At least I would have had some slightly kinder company if that had been allowed. Eventually, I fell asleep.

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