《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Two- Classes Begin


Unluckily enough, the next morning I woke to find out that my current living situation with the roommate from the Nether, as she is now going to be known, was not the only issue. To sum up this morning's brief chatter:

"I have a class this morning, nine o clock, keep out of my face until I'm done getting ready,"

"I have a class this morning at the same time as you Victoria,"

"No...you don't," After that I convinced her by showing her my timetable, and that wasn't even the worst part. "Wait...what degree are you doing?"

"Art, why?"

"Why? I'll tell you why. That's the same class as mine, we're in the same class, great" Well, she had always been a slight drama queen, so her frustration over this may have been blown slightly out of proportion.


"Yeah, oh. Well, whatever, just... go get ready, you take less time than me anyway,"

End of summing up that situation, I was currently in the bathroom putting on my minimal makeup and getting changed into my black jumper and skirt, then I put my dirty blonde hair up into a bun, that's the way I usually wore it. Once I steped out of the bathroom, Victoria raised her eyebrows at me, I didn't know what that meant, but I had given up trying to deal with her for the meantime. "You look decent, for you that is, I'm going to go get ready now, stay here...I need someone to be my map guide,"

I smiled slightly because of that. "Don't think I'm being nice, Greene," well, that was the first time in a while she had referred to me as something other than "You" so I was okay with it.

Victoria emerged from the bathroom after half an hour, which was shorter than I thought she would take, she was wearing a bronze-coloured jumper and pale blue jeans, a small pearl necklace around her neck, two bracelets, a watch, and diamante earrings. Her outfit looked like a thousand dollars. "Want one?" she asked as she brought out a pack of breath mints, I shook my head, she frowned, "Really? Because you could certainly use one," Well...okay. She passed me the box and I took a mint out. "Am I suitable now?" Victoria smirked, nodding.


"Like you even need my approval," she muttered, and took the map from my hands. "It's all the way across campus and we have about twenty minutes so we better hurry,"

It would have been easier had you not had to spend so long putting on every piece of your designer jewellery, but okay.

I took the map back when she passed it to me and we left the dorm room, the both of us began to make our way over to the art room. "Come on, Greene, move those legs," Victoria was a lot faster at walking than I was, oh the misfortunes of being below 5'5. "I'm moving as my legs allow me to," Victoria turned to me and smirked again. It took one expression to confirm for me that I was, well... what am I thinking? She irritated me like no other.

But you're still gay as hell. My mind confirmed for me.

I finally caught up with her and she pointed to a building not far out of reach, we were almost at class so I could focus my mind on my work and not... things I definitely should not be thinking about in my current situation.

"Yes, we're here,"

"Turns out you didn't really need me as your map guide after all,"

"I needed... nevermind, come on, we're lucky we're not late,"

As Victoria opened the class room door, the both of us headed inside.And Victoria must have spoken too soon because the majority of the desks in the class room were full, apart from two.

I walked over to sit next to a redhead, while Victoria headed over to sit next to some jock who used to go to high school with us. Typical. Jealous? Of course not.

"Welcome to class everyone," Our teacher entered the room, she had a hint of a Jamaican accent and was wearing the biggest hoop earrings I had ever seen, and that was with some stiff competition with Victoria. "It's a delight to see so many young bright individuals ready to start studying the beautiful subject that is Art and Design, and I am pleased to see..." the lesson continued from there and I turned to the girl next to me. "Hey," I said, good progress. I was usually way too nervous to speak to other people but I knew that I could not allow my only source of conversation to be my enemy. So, it was time to start talking to people and forming friendships, otherwise this month would probably be going a lot more slowly. I was worried she hadn't heard me as she was taking some time to respond, but after a while she put her pencil down and turned to me, "Hey, Kate right?"


"That's me," I smiled, and she smiled back.

"I'm Fox," She told me.

"Fox?" Interesting name.

She laughed lightly, "Yep, it's a nickname but pretty much everyone calls me it, maybe for not the best reason," She lifted one of her crimson locks.

"Oh.." Cue Kate going back into social awkwardness mode.

"Indeed, anyway, it's good to meet you Kate, I saw you enter with that other blonde chick over there, she seems..." Fox trailed off, her eyes scanning the room over to Victoria, I followed and saw her let out a laugh, Victoria's eyes met mine for a brief moment, but then she immediately went back to talking to the jock-looking guys around her. "Douche magnet," Fox muttered but smirked so I knew she didn't mean it.

"Right, that's Victoria, she's a high-school...acquaintance for lack of a better word, we're dorm 'buds'" I said, leaving a hint of sarcasm to the last word.

"Say no more, Kate, she seems a bit stuck up," Fox shrugged.

"She can seem like that," I thought for a moment about how she had acted when we both arrived at the office.

"Anyway, what do you think?" She gestured to the picture of a butterfly on her sketch book.

"Perfect," I smiled.

"It's...thanks," Fox's cheeks looked dusted pink as she met eyes with me, she began to fiddle with the pencil in her hands.

"No problem,"

"I like your bunny, seems we both like to sketch animals," Fox said as she turned her attention towards my sketch book.

"Yeah, I...I used to draw a lot of things like that in High School, I want to become an illustrator or something sometime,"

"That's awesome, I'm an animator, online at the moment but I'm hoping of maybe making it to TV some day," The corners of her lips lifted and she went back to colouring in her drawing.

After a few more moments of continuing our sketches, the lesson ended and we all made for the door, I waited outside for Victoria, in case she needed her 'map guide' and surprisingly enough she came over to me smiling, for a brief amount of time until it faded from her face completely.

"Back to the dorm room,"


"You lead and I'll try to keep up, not like it will be a struggle," then Victoria...winked at me?

We began to walk back to our dorm, and my thoughts drifted to how I was going to spend the next couple hours with Victoria.

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