


The next morning Skai got up to get her and Kareem's breakfast then headed into the room.

"Good morning " he looked up at her then back to the TV.

"Good morning" he answered.

They sat in silence watching TV and eating until they both finished the food.

"It's time to get ready" she told him.

He smirked "Ight, shower wimme"

She rolled her eyes but got up and followed him into the shower.

Once they finished in the bathroom, the two came out to get ready.

Today the group was going on a yacht tour and then going to see flamingos.

*outfit inspo

"You ready?" She asked coming back into the room.

He nodded and stood up then put his slides on. She grabbed her coverup along with the white Hermès oran sandals that Kareem had bought for her birthday and slid them on.

As Skai walked out the door Maya jumped on her.

"Ugh I missed you. The whole point of this trip was to spend time together alone" Maya said eyeing August and Kareem.

August shrugged "Should've said something before leaving. Cause next thing niggas know you on live talm bout you and bestie outside"

Kareem rolled his eyes and pulled her away from Maya, closer to him.

"Umm don't be snatching her" Maya said mugging him.

Skai rolled her eyes as he opened his mouth to argue "Chill out, Kareem imma sit with you on the boat. Just lemme walk with her"

He nodded and let her go.

Maya smiled and grabbed ahold of her again.

they doing a lot of touching on me. Skai thought

"Maybe we can do another trip on my fall break" Skai told her.

Maya pouted "I guess but it feels like it'll be so long. Ugh my baby going to college"


"How about we go to the spa tomorrow alone for now?" Skai suggested.

"Ouuu that'll be nice, imma book it when we get back" Maya smiled.

The rest of the way to the boat, Maya and Skai talked about everything.

"My turn" Kareem said grabbing Skai's hand as they reached the boat.

Maya rolled her eyes and walked to August.

"Gimme kiss" Skai said as they sat down.

Kareem smirked and tongued her down. "I ain ask for allat Kareem" Skai laughed.

He shrugged and pulled out his phone to record. "Mamas so pretty "

Skai blushed and turned from the camera.

He smiled then saved it.

Once they got to a certain point in the water, their guide helped them off and they swam a little.

"Kareem don't drop me" Skai eyed him as she sat on his shoulders for a picture.

"I got you baby" he said causing her to smile.

"Ouuu this a good one, I got it" Maya yelled from the boat causing Kareem to help Skai down.

Once her body was back in the water she hugged his waist.

He stared at her "Stopppp" Skai said looking down.

She hated eye contact.

"Nah look at me" he said lifting her chin up.

"You so beautiful" he said pecking her lips a few times.

She smiled "Thank you"

Soon they all got back on the boat and headed to a beach to see flamingos along with taking more pictures.

Once they finished up there, the two couples separated and retired to their rooms.

"Kareem" Skai called as she brushed conditioner through her hair.

He looked up from his side of the bathroom. "Wassup baby"

"I love you, and I wanted to say sorry for not communicating with you. I understand why you were frustrated with me and I apologize" she said causing him to nod.


"I love you too, and I accept your apology. But Skai what we been doing gotta stop, don't think we good and everything been forgotten"

Skai nodded as she finished the last braid in her curly lace wig.

Once she put her scarf and bonnet on, she moved over to his side of the bathroom to hug his waist.

He turned around and hugged her back then kissed her. "Go lay down, and take this robe off" he said kissing her neck.

She nodded and did what he said.

A few minutes later he came out and smirked "Open your legs"


"B-baby" Skai whined as he made her ride.

"Shut up" he gritted out.

He kissed her back as they both came.

"I love you mama" he said as she started dozing off.

"Where you going?" Kareem asked as Skai came out the bathroom fully dressed.

"To the spa with Maya" she answered putting on her shoes.

He nodded and got out the bed, "You need sum before you go?" He asked opening his wallet.

"No I'm fine" she smiled grabbing her purse.

She got ready to walk out until he pulled her into him "Damn lemme get a kiss"

Finally she left and met Maya outside.

"Hiiii" Maya smiled grabbing her hand, Skai smiled back as the walked down the path.

"I don't wanna leave" Skai pouted as she looked out to the water.

Maya agreed as they continued on until they reached the building.

"Soo how's it been going with Kareem? Is it awkward orrr?" Maya asked as they got pedicures.

"Umm it's okay I guess. He just told me we need to work a lot on us" she replied.

Maya nodded and gave the lady her hand as she started a manicure.

"I really hope you guys work things out. So much potential, you guys just gotta get on the right page you know?" Maya told her.

Skai nodded. "I really want to be with him long term, I've got somethings I need to work on as well"

Maya smiled seeing that her friend was starting to get it. They talked some more as they got their services done, then left to meet August and Kareem for lunch.

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