

Aiza Skai

"Make my plate please" I pouted laying my head on Maya's shoulder.

We were at her moms house eating dinner. "My granny made roti, you want some of that?" Maya asked getting up.

I nodded, roti was my favorite. My moms side of the family was from Trinidad and Tobago, so was Maya's.

"Thank you" I smiled as she came back with my plate.

Once we finished eating, we just sat there talking.

"We should go to Aruba" I randomly said.

Maya thought about it then smiled "Imma book the tickets"

She looked on her phone "Ouuu there's tickets for tomorrow morning, book it?

I nodded "Yea imma schedule the COVID test now, we probably need to leave now to take it"

She got up and we told her parents bye then got in my car to leave.

"I want my car wrapped" I said pulling into the testing drive thru.

"What color?"

"Maybe yellow, but then I really like this color I already have" I told her.


Once we got our test done, the results came to us in a hour. I dropped Maya home so she could pack, then came home to do the same.

Since we were only going for a quick trip there wasn't a lot for me to pick out.

I decided to straighten up the house because I love going on vacation and coming back to a super clean house.

Since our flight was in the morning I decided to go to bed early.


"Girl we forgot to tell anyone we was going" Maya said as we walked to the airport's Starbucks.

I thought about it for a minute "I told my dad, someone knows"

"But Skai, we in relationships. You especially" she said.

"What you mean, me especially? You forgot you date August?" I asked.

She nodded "We in a weird space right now, after the party we had an argument which led to bigger argument. So we decided to give each other space" she explained.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"We wanted to keep it private until we shake back, but it's almost been two weeks and it seems like I'm the only one putting in any effort" she expressed.

"I'm sorry mamas, but relationships go through rough patches. You and August are most likely gonna work through it"

She nodded and then smiled as we went to place our order. Starbucks was her favorite.

"Look Skai" she said as she recorded us walking to the gate. I smiled and threw up a peace sign.


After sitting at the gate for 30 minutes, our group was called and we were able to board.

"Wassup liveeeee" Maya smiled.

I rolled my eyes cause one thing about her, she was always gonna post something or be on live.

I joined from my phone and looked at the comments.

Cuh something must be wrong with y'all. Maya spwm.

Maneeee hey sisses, I dropped the in law for you @skaisthemflimit😮‍💨

"I don't care August, just like you haven't been caring" Maya said to the phone.

I laughed as I read Tae's comment.



"Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have to ask for you to put your device on airplane mode" the flight attendant said to Maya causing her to end the live.


aiza stop playing wimme.

I put my phone on airplane mode then turned to Maya who was laughing.

"Why you playing like this?" She asked as the plane started taxiing.

"Girl I ain for Kareem and his attitude right now" I said putting in my AirPods.


"Girl wakeee up" Maya said tapping me a little. I looked around to see she already took my carry on down and a line of people was forming to get off the plane.

I grabbed my purse and phone then stood in front of her.

"The driver supposed to be out front by our baggage claim" Maya told me.

I nodded as we walked through the airport.

I turned my phone on and couldn't even use it because text message after text message was coming through.

All were from Kareem.

Finally the messages stopped, I looked at the text message count and saw there were 216 messages from him.

Once we found our driver he helped with the bags then drove to the boat that was taking us to our water bungalow.

On the boat ride, I was actually able to sit down and text Kareem back.

Aiza, cuh where you at?

Stop playing wimme

I'm so serious


kareem i just decided to go out of town.

see this my problem witchu, you so childish but scream you grown all day.

i don't need your permission to do anything, you treat me like a child. and i surely exercised being grown when I decided to go out of town. i'll continue to exercise it by blocking you.

I huffed as the boat stopped at our bungalow "Enjoy ladies" one of the men said giving us our bags.

Once we got settled in, we headed to the bar.


"I like this top" Maya slurred, she was drunk and I was a little tipsy.

"Thank you" I told her.

Soon I decided she had enough drinks and we left.

I showered and went into Maya's room to see her looking like she saw a ghost.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I accidentally answered one of August's calls, and then we started arguing. In the background I heard someone say they got the location then he hung up" she said

My heart dropped and I quickly sobered up.

"August texted and told me they got a private plane and are on the way" she said.

I nodded then walked back to my room and laid under the sheets.



"August leave me alonneee" Maya laughed as he apologized and kissed all over her face.

Skai rolled her eyes and went further under the covers since she knew Kareem was soon coming into the room.

"Where she at?" He asked.

Maya pointed to the room down the hall and he followed.

"Aiza get up" he said.

"No" she said lowly.

He blew out a breath and got under the covers with her. She looked at him and he looked at her.

"Get your stuff, I got us another bungalow" he told her.

Reluctantly she got up but was glad that he wasn't making her leave.

The room he got was much nicer and bigger than their original one.

"Put your stuff down then lemme talk to you" She nodded and sat her stuff down in the master bedroom then came back out.

"Aiza I'm done" he said shaking his head.

"W-what do you mean?" Skai asked sitting on the couch.

"Exactly what I said. I've been so patient and I thought we was improving, but then you decide to leave the fucking country and not even tell me. What if something happened?" he expressed.

Her eyes watered "Kareem I'm sorry, it was a last minute decision"

"Cuh you could've called me when you was packing, or even when you was on the way to the airport. No, you ain tell me nothing, but you could be on Maya story and on her live?"

Skai sighed and realized that he was right "Kareem I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"That's the thing you always sorry, you don't think about your actions ever. I love you and you my whole heart, but I gotta draw a line for myself"

"So we done?" Skai questioned.

He shrugged "I just need a lil space"

Skai nodded and started towards the bedroom to get her stuff.

"What you doing?" He asked seeing her holding her bags.

"I'm gonna go back to my room with Maya"

"Nah you staying here" he said taking the bags out of her hands.

"But you said you wanted space?"

Kareem knew what he said, but truthfully he didn't like being away from her.

"Yea just get ready, August said we going to dinner" he told her.

She nodded then headed into the shower.

*outfit inspo

Kareem scanned her outfit then licked his lips

"You look pretty"

She gave a small smile and thanked him.

As they walked out their bungalow, Maya and August walked out holding hands.

Skai smiled and pushed August out the way "Y'all made up?"

Maya smirked "Yeaaaaa"


Maya eyed her and Kareem "Wassup wit y'all?"

"We broke up" Skai told her.

Maya frowned "You okay?"


"Aiza" Kareem called, she looked back at him "Come here"

She let go of Maya's arm then walked back to Kareem.

She walked by him with her arms swinging until he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Soon they got to the restaurant and all sat down.

As soon as there food came Kareem started rubbing Skai's thigh.

"Lemme get some" he said eyeing her plate.

She pushed it towards him but he shook his head "Nah feed it to me"

She picked some up and put it in his mouth. He smirked and sucked her fingers.

"Okayyyy Kareem" she said pulling away.

He smirked "You acting like you don't wanna be by me"

"That's not the case" she answered shyly.


Once dinner was over they headed back to the bungalow and got ready for bed.

Skai came out the bathroom and put her bonnet on, then headed to another bedroom.

"Aiza come back in here" Kareem called.

She came in and saw him laying on the bed. "Gimme kiss" he said holding out his arms.

this a weird ass breakup she thought.

"You really leaving?" He asked holding her.

"Ummm yes, you the one saying you need space" he sighed.

"I was just mad, I ain really mean that. Lay wimme?"

She shook her head "No Kareem, we are broken up"

"Nooo Aiza just come lay wimme" she laughed and got out his hold.

"Good night" she said exiting the room.

"Stop being difficult. What ole girl said? Ain no breaking up we take breaks"


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