

Aiza Skai Montgomery

"You a mess" Maya laughed as I told her what

happened the other night.

"Girl I didn't know what to say. Now I think he upset because he left early the next morning and we haven't spoke since."

"Do you love him?" Maya asked.

I shrugged "I believe I do, but I'm scared"

"You can't let what Ty did stop you from being happy in your new relationship. You always doing this Skai, you get close to a dude then y'all don't last when things get serious. Kareem loves you" Maya said.

I sighed "Okay imma go to his house when he gets off"

Maya smiled "Yayyyy your in loveeee"


Wusyaname played as I pulled up to this crab place to meet my dad for lunch.

im in love w/ this song.

"Hiii daddy" I smiled as he opened my car door and pulled me into a hug.

He smiled and kissed my forehead "Wassup baby girl"

I held his hand as we walked to the table he already got for us.

"How you been?" He asked.

"Good, I went to my orientation the other week. Ohhh and I got a tattoo" I pulled out my phone to show it to him.

"I like it, Gutta did it?" he asked.

I nodded "Yea he told me he did your last two"

"He been treating you right?"

"Yes" I answered.

"Good, I wanna talk to you about me and your ma" he said.

I rolled my eyes cause I didn't wanna hear anything about her.

"Don't be like that. So I cheated on your mom with Amir's mom and got her pregnant. I never told your mom, I just kept it a secret until his mom came to our house one day. That's what really messed your mama up, but she still stuck wimme and then we had you."


Amir is my brother btw.

"After we had you she went through that postpartum depression bad. Then she got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She decided to do therapy and stay on her meds for you, but when I got locked up I guess that's when she stopped. That's when she had them affairs and got pregnant. Then we worked on it, and I got out. I didn't realize aside from the affairs, that she was also treating you bad" he told me.

Sipped my drink as he continued "But babygirl, when you left we were still arguing, and I found out you might not be mine. Apparently, after I cheated she decided to get back at me with Tony"

I stopped what I was doing to really look at him "Like uncle Tony, your best friend?"

He nodded "Yea, so the decision is up to you. We can get a DNA test or we don't have to. You know I'll love you the same regardless"

My eyes started to water "Why would she do that?"

"Aiza it's not completely her fault, it's partially mine too" he told me

I nodded "But still she could've said something sooner, she literally waited 18 years."

"I do wanna do the test, if you don't mind" I told him.

"Ight, I had called a lab a few days ago to secure a spot just in case you wanted to. We go in three weeks okay?"

I wiped my eyes and nodded. The rest of the lunch we talked about other things, then I left.


Instead of going to Kareem's house like I planned I ended up at my own house. I wanted to talk to him but I just needed my own space.

I hopped in the shower to try and relieve myself a little. I hadn't fully processed everything my dad told me, and the shower was my thinking space.


Once I got out I put on one of Kareem's T-shirt's and his polo boxers.

I checked my phone and saw a message from Maya and two missed calls along with a message from Kareem.


You ignoring me now?

no, i planned on coming over but some things came up. can i come now?

You don't gotta ask that

I laid in my bed watching episode 16x16 of Grey's and cried, then got myself up. I slid on some random sweats, most likely Kareem's, then headed to his apartments.

i don't wanna spoil it for anyone, so yea if ykyk.

Once I got in the elevator I entered my code then walked to his door.

"Hi" I said lowly as he opened the door, he let me in then locked it behind me.

"Wassup?" I looked up at him as he leaned against the kitchen island.

We stood there in silence until I started to cry. "My daddy may not be my daddy, I love you too, and I'm on my period" I said causing his face to scrunch up in confusion.

He walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. "Don't cry shordy, ion like you crying" he said.

I wiped my eyes and soon calmed down. "Whatchu mean he may not be your dad?"

He sat on the couch and pulled me into his lap, then I explained.

"Damn, I'm sorry Aiza" I nodded and kissed him.

"I'm sorry for kinda avoiding you. I was scared because when I put my all into a relationship I got hurt bad. So I just been guarding myself" I told him.

He smiled "You love me?"

I nodded "Use your words ma"

"I love you" I said with a smile.

"Say it again for me"

I laughed "I love you Kareem"

"I love you too"

"Your cramps bad?" He asked rubbing my stomach.

I shook my head no "Not right now, I am craving some Panera" I told him.

He smiled and got up "Watchu want?"

Once I told him, he went and got it. Then we chilled for the rest of the night.

"Soooo you really love me?" Kareem asked laying on my chest.

I smiled "Yesss I really love you, please go to sleep"

He chuckled and went to cut the lights off.

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