

This is nice Skai thought as they pulled in front of a large house.

Kareem cut off the car then walked to her side to open the door. "Thank you" she mumbled as she started to get nervous.

It hadn't really hit her that she was about to meet this nigga mom until now.

Kareem on the other hand was happy that she agreed to meeting his mom.

"Ma" Kareem called as he unlocked the door with his key.

He had texted her when they were by August to let her know they were coming, so he knew she was somewhere nearby in the large home.

"Hey guys" a tall dark skin lady smiled greeting the two of them.

Skai immediately picked up on a vanilla scent coming from the lady and relaxed a little, vanilla was her comfort smell.

"I'm Kree, it's so nice to meet you" she said giving Skai a warm smile.

Kareem side eyed her because she don't talk like that unless she's on the phone conducting business.

"Hi, I'm Skai. It's nice to meet you too Mrs.Pierce" Skai said adding a little small smile.

"Just call me Kree, I'm mad at his daddy right now" she told her causing Skai to laugh.

Kree grabbed her hand then led Skai to her plant room, with Kareem not too far behind.

"Your orchids are so pretty, what do you do to keep them alive?" Skai asked.

That started a whole conversation about do's and don'ts with different plants.

Since Kareem retired her at 42 from nursing, she was then able to open a small nursery for plants.

"So, are you in high school or did you graduate already?" Kree asked.

"I graduated last month actually" Skai replied.

"What's the plan now? College or something else?" Kree questioned.


"Ma why you pressing her with these questions?"Kareem eyed her a little. He wanted to make sure Skai was comfortable.

"Kareem I'm fine, but I own a photography studio and I do plan on going to school in the fall." She answered.

"Good, are y'all hungry? I made lasagna" she told them.

Kareem shook his head and stood up "We good mama, we're actually about to head out"

Skai internally frowned because she really wanted that lasagna.

"Oh okay, Skai you use my number okay? Don't make me have to call you myself" Kree said causing her to smile.

"I will" Skai told her then walked over to Kareem.


"I like your mom" Skai said as they were on the rode to wherever he was taking her.

"Yea?" He smiled.

"Yea, she's just so motherly. I love my mom but she don't have that nurturing nature, she did a good job raising me but she did it in a weird way" Skai expressed.

"Yea I love my ma, I just wish she got everything she deserves" Kareem said taking a turn onto the freeway.

"What you mean?" Skai asked because now she was curious.

"I mean she raised the four of us good. But her and my daddy so toxic you see how they on bad terms right now? They been doing this since I could remember, they'd argue then she'd pack all our stuff and we'd be gone for a week or so, then come back. Repeatedly" he told her.

"The arguments would be about him taking these business trips for weeks then not telling her. But everyone knew he was cheating, I don't know why she stayed. He might not be cheating now, but they still on this toxic shit" He added.

Skai frowned "Oh, I'm sorry you had to see that Kareem"


He shrugged "It's cool now, it just helps me gauge how to treat my girl and my kids" he said smiling at her.

"Kareem you keep emphasizing these kids, I'm not having kids right now" Skai said rolling her eyes.

"Chill, I ain thinking bout kids right now for real" he told her.

"Sooo you feeding me or what? Your mama offered lasagna and you decline" Skai said feeling herself get hungry.

He chuckled "Yea baby I was taking you to get some American Deli, but we could turn back around"

"Okay let's get American Deli then"

Once they got their food the two sat in his bed eating and talking.

"So you're the only boy?" Skai asked as she set her plate down.

Kareem shook his head "No, I gotta brother he the oldest, he in jail"

Skai nodded and decided to stop asking questions about his family.

"You got any siblings?" Kareem asked.

"Yea my dad has a son, we're not that close because his mom kept him away a lot" Skai told him.

"I tell you you're beautiful, today?" Kareem asked drinking some water.

Skai shook her head no "Mmm well you beautiful as fuck"

"I think you're beautiful too" Skai blurted out causing him to stop and look at her.

"Nigga stop playing" he said as she laughed "I'm not playing Kareem"

Once she finally stopped laughing she noticed Kareem staring at her "What?" She asked.

"Why you got these on?" He asked pulling at her shorts.

"Kareem they're my pants.." she said scrunching up her face.

"Take them off for me, lemme eat" he said playing with the hem.

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