


Skai woke up with Kareem's head on her chest and rolled her eyes.

She lightly pushed him off her only to be pulled back. "Stay still" he mumbled.

"No Kareem, we're going on the ATVs after breakfast. Get up so we can go eat" she told him.

He huffed and buried his head in her neck "Can we sit here for like 5 more minutes?" He asked.

She sighed and laid her head back.

After 10 minutes she shook him and they both got up.

The two headed to the back and met Maya eating a fruit bowl.

"Goood morning guys" she greeted as they sat across from her.

"Why you so cheery?" Skai asked as August walked towards the group.

Maya shrugged and kissed August as he sat down. "Why I ain get one of them?" Kareem asked Skai.

She rolled her eyes and started making her plate.


After breakfast the group piled into the

car and headed to the ATV rental.

"You scared?" Kareem asked as Skai picked out her ATV.

She shook her head no "Not really, Maya is tho" they looked over at Maya and August who had gotten one ATV because of Maya being scared.

Maya had August's waist in the tightest grip.

Soon they got on their ATVs and sped off.

"SLOW DOWN AUGUST" Skai heard Maya yell causing her to laugh.

Skai slowed down as Kareem pulled up beside her. "Race me back to the rental booth? If I win I get a kiss" He yelled over the engines.

She nodded and watched him count off then they both took off.

"You cheated" Skai exclaimed mugging Kareem.

He smiled and wiped some dust off his face "I won"

She rolled her eyes as she got off the ATV. Maya and August soon pulled up and they all turned their stuff in.


Afterwards they went paddle boarding and swam

in an underground river.


"You had fun today?" Kareem asked as they sat in their bed eating tacos they picked up on the way home.

She nodded "Yea, I'm so tired" she answered.

"You owe me a kiss from earlier" he suddenly reminded her.

"Kareem you was serious?" She asked causing him to nod.

"I surely was, gimme kiss" he said pulling her to him.

She laughed and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Kareem decided to deepen the kiss and gently lay her on the bed.

They kissed for a while until he pulled away. "Take these off for me" he said tugging at her pajama shorts.

She nodded and quickly pulled them off.

He went back to kissing her, then started trailing kisses down her body.

"Move your hand" he said mugging her as she tried holding his wrist. He bent down to kiss her as she let out a moan in his mouth. Then he moved further down.

Once he finished, he left her on the bed and headed into the bathroom for a rag.

He pecked her lips one more time then got in the bed.

"Good night baby" he said causing her to mumble something back.


This morning Kareem was up before Skai and decided to let her sleep in while he got ready.

"Aiza get up, we going to the airport" he said shaking her leg a little.

She slowly got up and stretched, once she was up she grabbed her phone and saw a few text messages from her parents. After Skai answered them she got up and went straight to the shower.

Skai was kinda embarrassed about last night but got butterflies at the same time thinking about it.

"You ready?" Kareem asked as she pulled on a shirt stole from him.


"Yea" she answered shyly causing him to smirk.

"Good morning" he said pulling her into a hug.

She smiled and kissed his cheek "Good morning"

They headed into the kitchen where the chef had prepared to go plates for them.

"Ughhh I missed you" Maya pouted as Skai grabbed her plate and walked outside next to her.

"You seen me the whole trip" Skai laughed.

Maya sighed "I know, I just feel likeeee we should share skin" she told her.

"You so weird" Skai said as they opened the car door.

August and Kareem trailed behind them carrying the bags.

Once they all got settled in the car, Skai put her AirPods which upset Kareem a little.

He loved having conversations and talking to her about anything. Whereas, although Skai loved having conversations with him, she liked space and wanted to be antisocial once in a while.

They arrived at the airport and checked their bags.

"I really enjoyed this trip" Skai told Kareem as they sat on the plane.

He laid his head on her shoulder "We can come back sometime" he offered.

"I would like that, but my next trip is probably gonna be to Dubai so I can shake my ass on a yacht" she told him.

He chuckled then started rubbing her thigh rhythmically. This caused them both to soon fall asleep as the plane took off.

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