《Glass Ceilings》|26| My Family
"You guys are so nasty, why every time I visit I catch you in the middle of adulting." I scrunched up my face, with a look of disgust.
"You said the right word, adulting." My dad laughed.
"Come on. Your sisters should be on their way soon. I texted Jr he said he's coming." He fixed his shirt and adjusted his pants. The bottom of his shirt was stuck in his zipper. I looked at him shaking my head.
"Dad your shirts on the wrong side as well."
He looked down; we both started laughing. He moved so I can get in the house. Kenzo was actually out front waiting in the car. I told him I would go in first and get them warmed up. I don't want to just spin it on them.
"Your mom just hopped in the shower, Ima' go join her. Make yourself comfortable princess." He hugged me and touched my stomach. "There's some leftover roast from last night if you want something right now, it's in the fridge."
I scrunched my face up again, not wanting to hear about him joining my mom in the shower. He does it on purpose to get a rise out of me.
He laughed. "I'll be right back out."
Don't get me wrong. My parents are two beautiful people, but ewe. I don't want to hear about that. That was the best part about moving out, getting away from all the adulting I heard from them over the years.
I went into the kitchen and made me a plate then texted Kenzo.
Are you ok? I miss you.
I miss you too. I'm good. A little nervous, your dad will probably to chew me out.
tbh, he just might.
Shiiiitttttttt! Bye, I'll get up with you later. I'm going home.
You can't leave. We came together.
I drove, I'll have your car dropped off lol.
Stop playing
Vrrrooommm skkkrrr skkrrr
I didn't even respond to him. He plays too much. I finished up my food, and by the time I did, my family was all here.
"Alright, Diri you have us all here whats up, having twins?" My big sister, Maliha joked.
I laughed as I sent a text to Kenzo telling him that he could come in now. "Whatever, where's my nephew and brother n law?"
"Little Garret had practice, so I decided to pick our baby sister up today from school. Hubby said he would come by a little later after practice."
I nodded. My brother gave me a little secret smile knowing he already knew the news. We all gathered in the family room, and I had everyone's attention. My baby sister, Kamala, sat next to me, hugging and rubbing my stomach.
"So I have you all together to tell you that I have a friend I've been seeing. We've been talking for some time now. Maybe about three months now." I waited for a response before I further explained.
"What's your meaning of friendship?" My dad asked, staring directly in my eyes.
"We're strictly friends. We are not together in any way." I quickly replied. My brother gave me a wired look I tried to ignore.
"I'm glad you're telling us this sweetie but if you're just friends why are we all here meeting together as if you had some huge jaw-dropping news." My mom questioned.
I took a deep breath. "Well, it's because that's not all. I need to tell you wh—"
I was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I tried getting up quickly, but babygirl was slowing me down. I can't just get up quick as I used to in the earlier months. I almost knocked my little sisters head off trying to get up.
"Ouch Diri." She yelled.
"My bad." I rubbed her head.
"I'll answer my own door since you're so eager to get up." My dad stood up in front of me. He headed to the foyer.
He swung open the door, and I peeked around the corner from my seat. Kenzo stood in front of my dad holding some flowers, all six feet of him. However, my dad being the giant person he is towered inches taller.
I could tell by looking at my dad's frame from the back he was stunned. I decided to get up so Kenzo could get in the house.
"So dad, this is my friend I was trying to tell you about," I stated once I got over to them.
My dad shut the door in Kenzos face and looked down at me. "Adira, that's Kenzo Martin."
"I know dad," I responded with a sheepish smile. Kenzo knocked on the door. I opened it this time.
"Come in sorry about that Zo," I giggled. He had a guilty look on his face, like a little boy in trouble.
"Yes, please come in, sorry about that."
"It's ok sir, it nice to meet you." Kenzo came inside. He held his hand out for my dad. I closed the door.
They shook hands and had a moment with my dad trying to gather his excitement. Then all of a sudden I heard screaming from my baby sister that scared the shit out of me.
She slowly walked up to me as she held her hand over her mouth. I pulled her into me. I know how much this means to her. She follows Kenzos life story and never misses watching a game.
"Di, that's Kenzo Martin." She spoke, looking into my eyes, she teared up.
"Awe baby sis you're going to make me cry."I pulled her close to me. Kenzo looked on, still nervous.
My mom, sister, and brother came smiling at us.
"Everyone this is my friend Kenzo Martin." I beamed at him. He gave me a little blushing smile back." Kenzo, this is my family. You just met my dad Julian Sr., and this is my mom Audrey. We're not big on formalities."
I pointed at my sister. "This is my big sis Maliha, her son and husband will be here later. —And this beauty right here is my little sister Kamala."
I tried pulling my sister away from me, but she continued to cry.
"You already know Jr." They smiled humorously at each other.
"It nice to meet you, you have a beautiful family. —Adira, you didn't tell me your mother was this beautiful." He handed her the beautiful box of flowers. "You have a beautiful home as well ma'am."
"Wow, thank you." My mother blushed a little smiling up at him.
My dad cleared his throat. "You need some water hun'?"
We all laughed.
"No I do not, it's nice to meet you too Kenzo." They smiled.
"Geez, I thought I dealt with you earlier." My dad mumbled.
"Heard that, ewe." My little sister shouted, and we all laughed again.
"It's nice to meet you."My big sis Maliha had a huge smile on her face as she held her hand out.
"Nice to meet you too, Maliha." He ignored her hand and gave her a side hug.
"What up fifteen?" My brother goofed.
"What's good, Jr. Red?" Kenzo challenged back, smiling at him. They slapped hands, embracing each other.
"You ready to meet him now?" I asked my baby, sis. She shook her head no as she sniffled.
"Let's give her time. We can all go back to the family room." I pulled my sister behind me, and everyone went on to sit down. I sat next to my sister and Kenzo took the seat on the other side of me. He sat up nervous with his hands in his pockets.
"Well, this is quite a surprise." My dad let out once we were all seated.
"Sorry about that. We didn't know how to tell you." Kenzo spoke nervously.
"Tell us what exactly, you two are just friends, right?" My dad asked.
"Yes, sir." He quickly answered back.
"We were spotted yesterday. So I wanted to tell you guys first. I'm pretty sure it's going to be all over the media, if not already." I added.
"Well you can easily clear it up, you're friends. That's simple." My dad stated sitting back, grabbing my moms legs, resting them on his. My mom looked on studying us.
My big sister Maliha turned on the tv to the sports channel, trying to cancel out the awkwardness.
Kenzo out of nowhere stood and walked over to my baby sister. He kneeled in front of her. "Hey."
She peeked out from behind me. "Hi."
"I heard you watch all of my games, do you play?"
She nodded her head, yes.
"She's really good," I added.
"She studies your shot." My mom added, getting up to make dinner.
"Hmm, maybe we can shoot around sometime. I would love to come see you play."
"If you go to her school, those kids would freak out. Probably not a good idea." I said to him.
"That will happen anywhere I go, I want to see her play." He persisted.
My little sister smiled. Kenzo stood up and went back to sit next to me.
"Kenzo would you like anything to drink. I'm about to get started on dinner." My mom spoke loud from the kitchen.
"No ma'am I'm ok, thanks."
My dad went on to ask how we met. We told them how we bumped into each other randomly. I told him about how I saw Kenzo again in the food store, and that being the day we found out I was having a girl.
"Yep, he tracked me down and slid in my DMs." I giggled at Kenzo. He shook his head, smiling.
My dad gave an odd look. "Hmm, that's something."
"Yeah, it's weird how we were at those places at the same time, and now it feels like I've known him forever," I added.
We continued to talk more on the story of Kenzo and I. Kenzo started to relax as the conversation grew comfortable and shifted to the playoffs. My little sister even started to warm up.
Kenzos phone rang.
"Hey, mom." He answered, then paused listening, "yes ma'am."
He nodded his head. "Ok, hold on for a second." He put the phone on mute.
"Is it ok if my little sister come over here? My moms' new client is meeting with her, and she doesn't want to leave Gabbi alone. Well, chef Joanne is there, but she doesn't want to leave her." He spoke low leaning over to me.
"Yes sure that will be fine, my parents won't mind that, dad it's ok for his little sister to come, right?"
"Sure she can tell her to come on. You have to go get her?"
"No, sir, my driver's going to bring her," Kenzo responded, and my dad nodded.
He unmuted his phone. "Yes mom that's fine, I'll have Ben pick her up."
"Ok, I love you too. Bye." He ended the call. I made a mental note to have a sit down with his mom. Time has gone by since the incident, and I'm actually over it. I wouldn't mind hearing her out now.
"Ima' go help momma in the kitchen. You're good right here?"
"Sure, go ahead. I'm good here watching the game." He helped me get up, caressing his hand sneakily down my back. I smiled to myself before walking away.
I left them to talk. They were totally into the game that was playing tonight. Kenzo plays tomorrow night. He told me he wanted to invite my family out. I only have class tomorrow and will be done before the game starts, so that's perfect. Also, Char's off tomorrow.
"Talk to me Diri." My mom said to me as I walked up next to her at the sink. My big sis came trailing behind.
I washed my hands then grabbed the sweet potatoes to rinse them off. "Yeah, I know, it's hard to explain. —We like each other."
"We can see that, Di." My sister added.
"We're friends. We like hanging out together. It's nothing major." I stated, but they obviously didn't believe that was all. They decided to let it go.
We had a light conversation while preparing dinner. Mainly about them being amazed with having Kenzo here.
My mom and sister whispered, asking if we did the do, I laughed shaking my head.
My sister went on to say, "well, I guess that raises my next question."
"Which is?" I lifted my brows.
"I was going to ask you if the rumors were true." She spoke low, but not low enough. I shushed her.
"I don't know what you're talking about, what rumors?" I lied, I knew the rumors. Everyone knows the rumors. It's everywhere.
"You remember what that singer said when she was doing her radio interview. They asked about their sex life, and she wouldn't comment but said he's blessed beyond this world. —She was like that's all I'm going to say."
I didn't want to hear about this. Especially with our sexually frustrated nights that Kenzo and I share. "I wouldn't know anything about that."
They realized my sudden mood change. They changed the subject altogether, now talking about the baby and me at school. We finished dinner. My nephew and brother n law came in shortly after Kenzos sister did.
His little sister and my little sister hit it off. They have a lot in common, they switched info to stay in touch and everything. I might need to set something up with them. Kamala doesn't hang out with too many people. I'll call Benjamin and set something up with his daughter also. They can all hang out.
"Hey, my handsome nephew." I walked into the family room and hugged him.
"You're getting big auntie."
I mushed his head. "Thanks, I guess."
He giggled. "I mean the baby is growing."
"That's better, how was practice?" I asked him, and he started cheesing. I glanced over at Kenzo. He was now talking to my brother n law.
"It was good. We actually tackled today." My eight-year-old nephew expressed through excitement.
"Uh oh does your mom know?"
He whispered to me. "That's why she didn't pick me up today."
"Oh, the plot thickens. I gotcha." I laughed, knowing my sister and bro' n law usually pick him up together from practice.
Kenzo came sneaking up on me from behind. I turned to face him smiling. He spoke to my nephew. They took a picture together. Then my nephew left to go into the kitchen with his mom.
"Hey you, I missed you."
"I'm right here sir, how could you miss me?" I grinned at him.
"I can't kiss you. I can't touch you. I can't do anything. I'm probably standing too close to you right now. — Oh and just so you know, I never slept with the singer Star Maddison."
"You heard us?" I stared down at my shoes.
"Yep." He smiled, lifting my chin.
"Sorry," I mumbled embarrassed.
"It's cool there's a lot of rumors you'll hear. I didn't sleep with Chelsea Chambers either, but she tried. We came close to it. I knew it was for clout, just to say she did. So I didn't. I'm not into that Hollywood bullshit. I told you I'm just a regular guy."
I nodded. "I know you probably hate that, having people talking about the rumors."
"It's cool Diri, but if you ever wonder anything, just ask me."
We all sat down and ate dinner. I felt much better today, much better than yesterday. I no longer have to hide, and Kenzo can now come around my family.
We didn't stay too late because Kenzo needed to get ready for tomorrows game. We gathered our belongings, me, him and his sister said goodbye.
Overall this meet was a success.
He tried kissing me once we got in the car, but I told him no. His sister was in the back seat and is staying with us tonight. He sighed.
Like I said before we're sexually frustrated.
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