《Glass Ceilings》|9| DMs
I woke up realizing it was dark out. I know I needed to get up and make a little something to eat. I was, unfortunately, starving again. Baby girl has me going back and forth to the fridge now.
I made my way to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower readying myself for bed. While doing so, I thought about today again.
This Nelson situation I got myself in to is getting to me. He didn't even have the courage to text or anything letting me know he wasn't going to make it today. I did, however, see he liked an old picture of mine on social media. Well, he liked it then it went away. Perhaps by accident. That was shortly after my appointment when I pulled up to the Bistro for lunch. I again tried calling him immediately after; he sent me to voicemail. I was ready to give him a piece of my mind.
I did however send him a text letting him know that he was foul. I understand he and my dad had it out, but that was two weeks ago. What did he expect was going to happen when he met up with my dad?
Now he has a daughter coming, is it karma? Is this a way to show him how to treat women? I do know this, though, if he wants to see the gender, he will have to go through me. I'm not posting it, I'm not going around letting everyone know. The people I had in the room know, and that's all that matters. Call me petty I don't care.
My phone began ringing before I could make myself something to eat. It was Nelsons mom Ms. Lola. I already know why she's calling, Nelson's probably sitting beside her waiting. Let me go ahead and shut this down real quick.
"Hello." I finally answered.
"Hi, Adira sweetie how have you been? Long time no see." She greeted in a singing voice.
"Well things are still the same, nothing's changed except my growing belly. My address and phone number are still the same. What made you call?"
"Oh, I remembered Nelson telling me something about you having an appointment today. How did that go? Everything ok with the baby? I've been meaning to reach out since he told me the news. Is there a reason why we didn't know sooner? You know you don't have to keep things from me Adira."
I decided only to answer one of her questions, pretending I didn't hear the rest. "Everything went well. Have you heard from your son today?"
"I spoke to him, why? What's wrong?"
"Just asking. I tried getting in touch with him. Funny thing is he didn't answer nor did he return any of my calls."
"Well you know how things can sometimes be, he was probably busy and wasn't able to return your call. When I speak to him again, I'll let him know."
"Thank you. Well have good day Ms. Lola." I quickly replied about to end the call.
"Wait Adira, did you find out the gender? I wish I could've made it there; I had a few things to do today." She uttered. It was insulting she think I'm dumb enough to believe this charade.
"Oh wow, that's wonderful. I'm so excited. I'm sitting down ready and anxious to know, tell me." She paused briefly. I waited for her to continue. " I can't believe I'm about to find out the gender, so I can go ahead and start spoiling my baby."
I remained quiet.
"Ok I'm ready." She breathed, trying to calm her self. Wow, she's committed. She's going all out with this act.
I finally spoke after she got herself together. "I'm actually not announcing it right now. The only people who know are the people who were in the room, to see for themselves. I will probably announce to any family outside of who was in the room on a later date. I'll keep you posted as far as when."
For the first time, she was quiet with nothing to say. Again call me petty or whatever I don't care. Talking about she had somethings to do today. She couldn't make it. It's not like her or her son work. They don't have to, so what else could be more critical. — And if so why didn't either one of them call to let me know that they were busy.
"Well alright then keep me posted, may God continue to bless you. I'm here if you need anything." She responded with a sigh.
"Will do, talk to you later ok bye." I rushed.
She'd usually end the call first without saying anything back. So I didn't bother hitting end call. Before I could placed my phone down, I heard her speaking. I placed the phone back up to my ear.
"Bitch." She mumbled. "Nelson she's not saying the gender. With her raggedy self. You should've really knocked her ass out."
I stayed quiet listening in. She didn't know I was still on the line.
"She can't hold this from me. I'm the father. When I decide to call her, she better not say this to me. I'm already gon' curse her out for not telling you." Nelson replied to her.
"Maybe I should've gone today, that way I could've at least told you." His mom added.
"I'm not trying to be around her family and I don't want you around them. I know if her dad runs up on me again, I will knock his ass out. —I'll find out the gender." Nelson told his mom.
Sike, you thought.
"I hope she doesn't think my grandbaby is staying in that little ass apartment. That is not a place for a baby.— You need to make sure a DNA test is priority number one."
Says the lady who has never stepped foot in my condo.
"She ain't leaving that hospital without giving me one after she delivers." He stated.
"Well let me go ahead and get home. It's already late." She started moving around. I remained on the line I wanted them to know I heard what was said. I always knew she was putting on an act. It was obvious, but now I have proof. She can now see that I know how she is.
"Oh shoot." She mumbled close to the phone; I assume she was now holding it. So I took it upon myself to hit the end call button. That way she knew I was listening.
I laughed to myself, some would be mad or upset. Some would even cry or be pissed off. Me, not so much. This is something I've been dealing with for years now. I know when someone's not their honest, authentic self.
I never made an effort to get close to her. I would always be private around her because I saw right passed the act. Now tonight I have proof, and she knows that I know. Maybe now we can cut the BS and hate me in front of my face. —But I already know she's going to try to flip this some way or another.
I'm happy this happened; I prefer things out in the open.
My phone made a sound indicating I had a text message.
: Sometimes things get said when you're pissed off. You shouldn't take it personally. My mom and I are both trying to get on board with the baby, but with you, withholding information is not helping.
As expected no apologies for disrespecting me. Both of them were hella disrespectful. I'm not about to do this fake nice thing anymore.
: Both of you said what you said, and I heard what I heard... Everything by the way.
I went to the kitchen to fix a quick turkey sandwich, with a glass of lemonade. I don't know what was different about the sandwich, but it was heaven. I found myself moaning through bites. I quickly cleared my mess and made way back to my room.
I heard my phone go off again indicating I received a new notification on social media. I debated on rather I should check it or not. It could be Nelson with subliminal messages again. I didn't feel like seeing or hearing anymore of his negativity tonight. I was still trying to make the best of today since he didn't show up.
I decided against posting anything at all about the baby. I haven't made any new post since finding out I was pregnant. I just want all positive things around me right now. I'm not trying to allow Nelson or his family to comment or say anything to me.
Plopping down at the foot of my bed, I grabbed my phone to see who it was.
Huh? Was my thought when I looked at the name on the new message. I went ahead and opened it.
: hi.
Uh, this couldn't be right.
I exited out of the message and cleared my history. Thinking maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. I sat my phone down for a second then picked it back up. I unlocked it, went into my direct messages and there it was again.
I clicked on his name and pulled up his page. It was indeed Kenzos official page, he had the check beside it and everything. With over seventy million followers. Do I reply? Did he look me up? Does he even control his social media? Those were the questions rambling in my head. I already follow him, everyone does. He, on the other hand, doesn't follow anyone.
I thought it was best to ignore it. I had enough going on for one day. Besides I'm pretty sure this is probably a scam. Even though I did see him today, —yeah I definitely think I should just ignore it. Why would he want to DM me? If it is him, then he's probably just looking for a good time. I don't care who you are. I'm not about to worship you and act like some thirsty girl, looking for a come up. Oh and I am with child, so the best decision is to ignore it.
I decided to do a little internet surfing for baby room ideas.
I'm not sure what Ms. Lola was talking about, my condo is nowhere near small. Like I said she's never even seen it. I was always the one to visit. It was on purpose because I knew she would have something underhanded to say. My condo is very spacious and will be perfect for my daughter and I. Eventually I'll want to get a house with a backyard and fence.
I want to paint baby girls room a soft pastel pink, like an off white pink. Maybe do all soft taupe and white furniture. I'm not really into themes, so something warm and comfortable.
After surfing the web and saving some things I decided it was time to call it a night. Not forgetting to add my baby's ultrasounds to the memory book. I finally tossed my phone aside and got under my sheets, getting comfortable.
My phone went off with another notification. It was from Kenzos page again. I quickly opened it.
: I know you're probably like what the hell? This might be a little weird, but I figured I'd try looking you up. I keep thinking maybe it's not a coincidence us running into each other again. You seem chill.
Wow, it is him. Oh shit.
I was debating if I should message him back or not. I have a lot going on in my life. This dude is way too rich and way too famous to be hitting me up. I couldn't shake my curiosity though.
Decided to message him back as I turned on my side getting comfortable.
: Hi.
: Hmm, you responded. I figured I'd have to bump into you again before I got a reply.
: You can never be too careful. This could all be a scam.
: I promise this isn't a scam.
: This is a little odd. Have you ever seen that show about faking your identity?
: (555) 5555590 Call or FaceTime me then?
My eyes were stuck on his phone number. I didn't know replying to him was going to lead to me getting his number.
As nervous as I was I didn't want to stop replying, but I don't know about calling.
: you're just randomly giving out your number. I bet you get all types of crazies calling you.
: Nah I don't give it out usually.
I decided to call the number. The phone rung twice before he picked up.
"Hello?" I spoke not sure if this was all a hoax.
"Hello, Adira?" He greeted in a husky tone.
It really is him.
"Hi Mr. Martin." I cleared my throat, I barely got the words out.
"No facetime?" He queried.
"Uh no, I don't know you like that. You're famous and all that, but nah."
He chuckled. "I'm not famous, I'm just Zo. I play ball in front a lot of people, that's it."
"Yeah and that makes you famous, —what really made you look me up?"
"I have to have a reason? — I was feeling the vibe today so I decided to reach out. Which reminds me, —are you really ok?"
"I'm great, why do you keep asking me that?" I quickly responded, scrunching up my face a little.
"Today in the store you seemed sad, your eyes." He expressed.
"I can say the same about you, but that's life."
"So in other words you're saying mind my business?" He replied sounding like he was smiling.
I laughed. "Those are your words not mine. I'm ok. —Don't you have a busy life, practice or something to get to? I'm not understanding why you want to talk to me. What's so intriguing? I'm probably the most regular person you'll ever know."
"You're right, I have all of that going on but trust me when I tell you, nothings different between you and I. —Also you really shouldn't think of yourself as regular." He paused. "As for why I reached out to you, let me just say it's because you're easy to talk to. You're beautiful, and your words stuck."
"What if I told you I wanted to ask you out? Nothing serious just hanging out." He added.
I was blank, this was definitely unexpected. What am I suppose to say to number fifteen the Kenzo Lawrence Martin? If only he knew about me and my situation he'd go running the other way. Our worlds are way too different.
"Then I'd say you're crazy."
"Why?— I'm not talking about anything crazy, just us casually hanging out. Getting to know each other. Maybe we could even become friends or something."
"I'm sure you have plenty of those."
"You'd be surprised." He laughed.
"So, obviously I'm a fan. Not anything weird, I love the sport." I said changing the subject.
"I like how you're a fan of the sport. I'm a fan of the game too, and I'm not only saying that because I play professionally. Going out there on the court playing alongside some of the guys who are just as passionate as me. That's one of the best feelings in the world and standing beside people I looked up to growing up. All of us competing for that victory. —How we inspire people daily."
I smiled to myself. "That sounds like a dream that came true."
"If you want to hear more about it, then let me take you out. I can arrange us some privacy. You wouldn't have to worry about people being nosey. I could have my driver pick you up, or you can meet me. I have two home games, so I'll be in town."
I thought about it for a second. He did say just friends, so that wouldn't hurt anything. Where would I find the time? My days are mostly filled. —Maybe I could squeeze him in. I did have a nice talk with him; he seems humble enough. Am I seriously questioning rather or not I'm going to hang out with Kenzo?— Yes I am, I already have enough disappointments in my life. That would be another.
"Ok. Now I do go to school, and I'm a nurse. Which means I don't get time for much else."
"That makes this a little better then. I didn't want to go through the whole I'm a ballplayer, and I have a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes talk. You're doing it for me." He stated humorously, I giggled.
"Point received."
"Cool but I'll talk to you later ok, stay sweet pretty lady."
I giggled again. "I'll try, goodnight."
He doesn't have to know about me being pregnant. It's only us hanging out, then we can go about our lives separately. He can go back to being the worlds greatest point guard and I can go back to my busy life with my baby girl.
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