《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》E.


Viewers discretion is advised; this chapter may or may not contain sexual language.

Chalynn had just gotten off work, Don ran her ass all over the studio today and she wasn't having it. Her voice was a little hoarse from talking all day so she intended on making some tea. She walked in the house to see Bria laid across the couch in her panties and bra eating chocolate covered pretzels getting crumbs all over her couch.

"Bria .. you can't just lounge around my house with no clothes on. What if Key was over here?" She asked her heating up the water in her Keurig.

I would be doing the same thing. Bria shrugged instead of letting her thoughts spew out of her mouth. The dishes in the sink were stacked up, both Marlee and Chalynn put their dishes in the dish washer to be washed so she knew it had to be Bria.

"These your dishes ?" Chalynn asked Bria, "Yeah, I was going to do them." She smacked on her pretzels and flipped through Netflix.

Once the Keurig was finished dispensing the hot water she put her tea bag in it and checked her iPhone. She hadn't been on it since this morning. Key texted her a few hours ago, 'something came up. I'll see you later?' Chalynn scuffed, 'k'. It was as if he always had "something" coming up and it was annoying. He was supposed to come over after she got off of work.

Sighing again Chalynn sat in her fluffy chair and sipped on her tea hoping it would calm her nerves but then Marlee burst through the door talking loudly on the phone.

"Yeah you know this bitch Bria still here." She cackled going to the kitchen to fix her something to eat, "Yeah, broke ass bitch." She grabbed a few fruit snacks, a bag of chips and a water before walking passed Bria who stuck her foot out causing Marlee to trip.

"Aye aye aye. Cut all that shit out." Chalynn rolled her eyes, there goes my damn peace. Marlee bucked at Bria who bucked back at her, if it came to blows Chalynn knew who she would defend and who would have to leave she just hoped it wouldn't come down to that.

"Get your lil sister before I have to fuck her up." Bria said as Marlee started going up the stairs, "Fuck who up? On my mama I'll beat yo ass bitch try me." She dropped her snacks on the stairs.

"Bria. You're grown as hell. Stop antagonizing her. I just want some peace and quiet." Lay rubbed her temples hoping the both of them would just shut up. Marlee grabbed her snacks again and began proceeding up the stairs.

"Sorry love, pussy ass hoes like to play wimme." Marlee's bedroom door closed and she continued to talk to Taurus who was about to come pick her up.

She knew Marlee had to of smoked because why else would she be so mean. She was really only mean when she was high, but she really hated Bria. "You haven't saw your man in awhile. Is everything okay?" Bria asked, Chalynn simply nodded.

Bria knew something had to be up because Chalynn was typically a sweet girl.

"Oh shit." Lay spilled her tea on herself and ran upstairs. Bria took it upon her self to go into Chalynn's phone and look through her and Key's thread. She sent his contact to her phone and texted Key, pictures of her breast and her ass.


When she heard footsteps coming she hid the phone behind her back and went to go sit down.

"What are you down here doing ?" Marlee asked squinting her eyes, Bria waved her off and took Chalynn's phone upstairs to the room she was staying in. When she looked at her phone again, Key had responded, 'Too light to be Chalynn.'

She scoffed, deleted both messages and tossed her phone on the bed. Bria decided to go to her sisters house, she needed a release. As she was getting dressed, Chalynn knocked on her door.

"Yes?" Chalynn came in and noticed how cute her Bestfriend was.

"You look cute, where are you about to go ?" She asked, all she really needed was her phone that she couldn't find.

"Girl over Brittany's house, so you can have some peace and quiet." Bria sprayed some perfume on herself before grabbing her purse,

"Oh okay, give Eliana some kisses for me, she's so cutee." Chalynn cooed referring to Brittanys daughter.

"Of course, well I'm about to head out." When Chalynn looked back over her shoulder, Bria slipped her phone in her purse just in case Key tried to text Chalynn and tell her what was going on.

"Have you seen my phone?" She asked turning her attending back to Bria, she shook her head no and proceeded to leave the room.

Driving her 2012 Honda Accord to Brittany's house, Bria heard the find my iphone alert going off. Panicking she quickly turned the phone off as she arrived, she didn't tell her sister she was coming over. Parking her car and then unlocking the door to her sisters nice ass house she heard talking in the living room.

"Hello?" Brittany called out, she was nervous because the father of her child was here and literally nobody knew who he was even though he was very present in her daughters life. Noticing her sister she bit her lip and walked towards her, "You have to go." Brittany said ushering her sister out the door, "Um no." Bria walked around her sister and into the house.

"Hi daddy's baby." Key said kissing his daughters light cheeks. Bria gasped, she was genuinely shocked. "Awww. Shit." She spoke, Brittany slapped her forehead as Key noticed Bria. He smacked his lips as he looked at her, he knew Brittany had a younger sister but he had no idea it was Bria.

Brittany respected and actually loved Key, and that's why she never told anybody who Eli's father was.

"What's she doing here?" He asked setting his daughter down in her bassinet. "She just came over here, she won't say shit to anybody. Right, Brianna ?" Brittany grabbed her baby and took her upstairs.

"I won't tell if you don't." Bria turned around and pushed herself on Key. He moved to the side and she stumbled backwards.

Bria was fine but her constant passes at him were beginning to grow tired. She turned back around to face him but his eyes were no longer brown. His hand wrapped swiftly around her neck as he pushed her up against the wall.

"You're not going to tell Chalynn shit. Ain't shit stopping me from killing you." He whispered angrily careful not to wake his daughter up. Bria smirked, not showing on the outside just how scared she was.

"The fact that there's motive is." He released the girl and she rubbed her neck gasping softly.

"She's down for awhile." Brittany said walking back into the room, Key nodded his head as Brit noticed something was off.


"I'm heading out Brit." Key looked over his baby mom, she was gorgeous, her and her sister favored a little bit. Brit's ass was bigger though, "Bye baby."

Key kissed Brits forehead as he looked Bria up and down and walked out of the house. He wasn't going to let no bitch hoe him or tell his potential girlfriend that he had a baby. He was going to do it himself.

"Baby? Y'all still fucking ?" Bria asked, any information to break Key and Lay away from each other was helpful. Bria was extra salty that her sister had a baby by a man she wanted.

"Nah, not for awhile. I think he has a new girl." Brit shrugged washing baby bottles, "Him and Chalynn are messing around." Bria smirked, Brit dropped the bottles in the sink and looked at her sister.

"Oh hell no. She can't handle no nigga like Key." Brit chuckled thinking about her younger sisters best friend. Chalynn always was the quiet type, until she got out the hood.

"He really likes her ass." Bria stirred the pot making her sister more mad, "We can't have that now can we."


Marlee had left awhile ago with one of her friends and Chalynn was left in the house alone. Her wine glass was empty for the second time and the red bitter goodness filled her cup again. The abrupt knocking at the door caused her to over pour and get it on the coffee table. "Shit. One second." She called out, throwing some paper towels on the coffee table she looked through the peep hole before letting Key in the house.

"Why are you knocking like that ?" She asked him covering her cardigan over her body, no make up, form fitting sweat pants and a tank top with her tan cardigan she still looked good to him.

"I've been calling and texting you, where's your phone." He tried to kiss her but she moved her face to the side.

"I don't know it randomly disappeared. I been stuck in the house all alone today." She pouted, she was drunk and when she got drunk she got horny, Key was fine even in a hoodie and some jeans she still wanted to climb all over him. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him, "I missed you." He whispered in her ear sending a chill up her spine, "I missed you too. What car did you drive over here?" She asked, "My McLaren, why what's up?" He spun her around so she could face him. "Take me for a drive."

Chalynn stuffed her feet into her ugg's and smiled as Key held the door open for her. "I like to go fast so don't be getting in my car asking me to slow down." Chalynn staggered to the car and Key watched her, she was cute when she was wine drunk.

"Boy. Just drive." She giggled drunkenly putting her seatbelt on but Key left his off.

"Gimme a kiss." She put her hand on his chin and rubbed it softly. He felt soft under her touch, nobody not even Brit had made him feel that way. When he leaned in to kiss her she stuck her tongue out and he matched her energy immediately.

He tasted the red wine as their tongues danced with each other. Chalynn began to rub on Key, surprising herself because she didn't plan on sleeping with him for awhile. He stopped her, "We could've did this in the house love."

Chalynn got herself together as Key let the top down on his car, backing out of the parking space he felt a sense of relief because he knew that Bria hadn't told Chalynn about Eliana. They sped down the intersection and her hair blew in the wind, she was happy to be out of the house and to get some fresh air even though the early fall Memphis weather was a little nippy.

She placed her hand on Key's thigh as they both smiled, Yellow Tape Two blared throughout the car and into the night sky.

He turned it down once they ran into traffic, "You hungry?" He asked her, she nodded her head. She hadn't eaten since earlier and she was hungry, "Hell yeah." She nodded her head to 'quarterback' next to Luv a Thug this was one of her faves on the tape.

"Chings cool?" He asked her, "Hell yeah." She said again making them both laugh, Key looked at her again. He didn't typically care about losing girls but he could feel it in his gut that Chalynn may of been the one for him and he wasn't going to lose her if he didn't have to.

Chalynn felt so relaxed for the first time today, even at home she was on edge and her home used to be her safe place. Something was definitely throwing off the balance and stability in her house.

Chalynn called Ching's on the behalf of Key to make sure they had all of their customers out of there so they could eat in peace, just in case there was any opps in there, Chalynn didn't need to mess up her freshly done weave today. For her to look out for him with out him even asking her to do so made him feel like he owed her the truth.

Once they arrived it was completely empty but Key still sat in the back of the restaurant, faced toward the exit with his gun in his waist band.

"I'll go order for us boo, what do you want?" She asked him, "Whatever you get, I can't decide." He pulled out his card and began handing it to her but she waved him off. She had her own money and she could treat her man if she wanted to.

She walked to the counter and ordered two orders of the 9 piece hot honey party wing combo with fries, she got him a blue lemonade and herself a sprite. Once she paid she headed back to their booth gave him his drink and waited until their food was done.

"I gotta talk to you about something." He sighed, as the night went on he couldn't help but feel kind of bad about having a daughter that she didn't know was his. He loved Eliana so much and he could see Chalynn playing with her and loving her almost as much as he did.

"Okay boo, what's up?" She looked up at him with a smile on her face, she stuck her elbow on the table and let her head fall into her hand. Staring into her beautiful brown eyes he could see the pain in them from when somebody else had hurt her. He could also see the little twinkle of adoration she had for him, and suddenly he couldn't speak. He was lost, no girl has ever made him speechless before.

"I'm going on tour soon, and I was thinking maybe you could come." He lied, well it wasn't a complete lie but it definitely wasn't what he was supposed to tell her.

"I would love to, I just have to see about Marlee. You had me scared, I thought you were about to tell me you have a baby mom or something." She giggled, Chalynn didn't care if he did have a kid but she would want to hear that from him. It's a little too late in the game for him to even tell her that, granted they had just started seeing each other a month ago, you still need to tell them early on.

Thankfully the food came as a response to her comment, she rolled it off her back and was excited to see the wings she had been craving for so long. They said grace and began to eat, "So you never told me about Bryson." He asked referencing her live.

"Because forget that nigga." She said taking a sip from her sprite, he nodded his head understandingly. "True, I won't press the issue." She sighed taking a bite out of her Hawaiian roll.

"I was in love with Bryson, he had complete control over me to the point he could get me to do whatever he wanted me to do and I couldn't see passed his lies or manipulations. I'm a lover girl, I love very hard which is why it's not easy for me to love easily. One night I caught him in a lie about being with some girl, earlier in the day we were supposed to go shopping for Christmas presents and shit like that but 'something came up'. The whole time this nigga had another girl pregnant and was playing house between the both of us. So I tried to leave and when I say he beat me like I was a random nigga who stole his money. I had three cracked ribs, my arm was broken and I had to get three of my teeth fixed. My nose was broken, I was in the hospital for about two months. I thought he was the perfect guy and that's why it took me four years to start dating again. His dad is a police officer so he got off with a slap on the wrist. My mother was happy to just get the story out of the news." Chalynn sniffled as a tear rolled onto her chicken platter, the lump in her throat welled up as her vision became blurry.

"His bitch ass should've died." Key was pissed off, he grabbed Chalynn's hand and pulled her to his side of the table. She buried her face in his hoodie and held onto him as sobs took over her body.

"I gotchu ma. I mean that." He stroked her hair while she tried to calm herself down, she wasn't crying because she was still in love with Bryson or because she was still upset about what happened to her.

She was crying because she knew girls like her were probably in the same position she used to be in, believing a man loved you and staying even though abuse was present. Once she had calmed herself down she wiped her tears on her sweater sleeve and walked back to her seat. She picked up her chicken wings and began eating again, "Whew, you don't know how good that felt." She chuckled softly, the cry still in her voice a little.

"Damn man, you've been through some shit." Key stated the obvious blowing out a sigh before dipping his seasoned french fry into the home made ranch. "Definitely, the story about my parents is another date." Her smile on her face genuine. She had just hoped she wasn't beginning to trust him too soon.

They finished their food and threw away the trash before they began to walk back to his car. "I'm happy you came to get me." She said honestly, she liked being around him and out of the house.

"Of course, you cool people." They drove off under the clear night and made their way back to Chalynn's house. The wine drunk had mellowed out and she was beginning to get sober. Sober enough to see that there were red and blue flashing lights behind them.

Chalynn's stomach sank to her ass realizing how badly this could go, she stayed out of the way of Memphis police department for the simple fact that they were always on trash.

"If something happens, my passcode is 6609 and call Dolph." She nodded her head, he wasn't scared at all though growing up the way he did he was used to the police fucking with him.

Chalynn tried to keep her composure as he walked up to the car with the flash light that was bright enough to see through some ones soul. Chalynn kept her hands on her lap as he rolled down his window.

"License, registration and proof of insurance. Did you realize you were going almost 130?" The officer asked as he looked inside of the car not noticing his gun on the side of the two of them. He provided his license and registration and insurance card and the officer walked away back to his car.

"It's going to be okay, don't even trip." Chalynn rubbed his hand, "I'm not tripping." He wasn't at all but he had hoped the officer didn't ask him to step out of his car because then that meant he was going to search his car. There was nothing in there besides his gun and a blunt but that wasn't enough to get him for.

Chalynn took a deep breath as the police officer walked back up to the car, "I'm going to have to ask you to step outside of the car please.

"Ma'am can I have your license too?" Chalynn fumbled in her bag with her hands shaking, "May I ask why?" She asked as she went through her wallet to grab her license.

"Standard procedure." He replied shortly, Key got out the car and looked at the worry on Chalynn's face. When the officer went back to run Lay's name she swiftly grabbed Key's gun and shoved it in her purse. Her heart began to beat outside of her body and her palms began to sweat as they patted him down.

"Ma'am, please step out of the car." The officer opened the door for her and she grabbed her purse and got out. She stepped out of the car and stood confidently, due to Key's record they checked his car just in case.

Key was so sure that they were about to pull his gun out and take him down town but they never did.

"Ma'am, can I see your purse by chance?" Chalynn could've sworn that her heart was beating on the ground in front of her. "Yes." She held out her purse so he could grab it but his black partner in the car called out to him,

"Roberts, let's go. You didn't find anything and the all you can eat buffet closes soon." He held his hands up motioning for him to hurry the hell up. The officer dropped her license in her bag,

"Have a good night folks and please do the speed limit." He handed Key a ticket and the police sped off down the interstate. Chalynn was still shaking as she put her seat belt on.

"Damn they took my shit." He sighed thinking about what bullets they could match to him from that one gun alone. Once they were stopped at a red light she opened her purse to show him she was down to ride for him. His dick instantly got hard as she had just saved him from a few charges.

She had proved to him and herself that she was down to ride with a thug and for that he knew he couldn't lose her.

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