《Forbidden Love (Book One)》Chapter 26


"Good morning sleepy head."

I blinked twice as I allowed my eyes to adjust to the bright light pouring in from the bedroom window. When everything came into focus my eyes finally settled upon the angelic voice that gently brought me to the now.

"Morning." I croaked out, sleep still evident in my voice, "what time is it?"

"It doesn't matter." She responded, avoiding my eyes.

I pulled away from her and stretched before looking at the clock. "Roni!" I scolded.

It was barely after 8 and she was waking me up. I groaned loudly before I was throwing the cover over me. I was up until the wee hours, making her scream my name, saying that she was mine forever and I was pretty sure that I made her scream so much she had gotten speechless at one point. I was supposed to get at least four hours sleep before she dragged me awake. How is she not tired? I rolled my eyes before snuggling deeper into my comfortable bed.

"Oh come on, we have the entire weekend to ourselves. Do you really want to spend it in bed?"

I giggled as she grabbed the sheet from around me and got on top, holding my hand above my head.

"You do know that nothing is wrong with lying in bed for an entire day." I said as I tried and failed to hide my smirk.

"But we need to eat, don't we? And what about exercise? We can't just let ourselves go now can we?"

"Well... We can eat each other and as for exercising... I can think of over twenty sex positions that are sure to make you gasp for air."

My voice had dropped seductively low and I smiled as I saw her nipples harden above me. Oh she definitely liked the sound of that. I used the distraction to overpower her and before long I was the one on top.

"How'd you like me now?" I whispered against her ear before nibbling.

She moaned beneath me and I couldn't stop my heart from swelling. I loved her so much and to hear her say it last night made me fuck her to near extinction. I captured her mouth with a hot kiss before we once more got wrapped up in our hot love making.



I blinked, once, twice, until my eyes focused on the ceiling above me. My head turned to the right and the tiny bedside clock told me it was just after ten. Looking down, I saw that Roni was still fast asleep on me; her left hand and leg were strewn on my body and her beautifully streaked hair was partially covering her face. Her face looked so peaceful and ever so often her head would bob up from my moving form. Her lips were slightly swollen from our time, both last night and this morning, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

I gently rubbed two fingers along her cheeks as I trailed a line and I exhaled at the softness. I never wanted to be away from her and if I had my way we would be together forever. I removed myself from her as carefully as I could and walked over to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't stop the laughter from bubbling out of me. My neck was once again decorated by tiny marks of violence and my face was flushed along with a swollen lip.

I ran a hand through my hair as images of us from last flashed through my mind. It always amazed me how I could feel so comfortable when I'm with her. Snapping back to reality, I went over to the shower and turned the tap on. The second the water hit against me my mind was once again bombarded with dozens of images. I didn't even stop the smile that graced my lips as I braced my head against the tile, allowing the water to cover me from head to toe.

Nothing in this world could bring me down from this high.

I knew that if Roni and I were to ever end up together then we would have lots of people against us but I didn't care. Once we had each other then I knew our love would suffice. I picked up the soap and started to lather my skin as a future with Veronica flashed before my eyes.

After the shower, I walked back into the room to see her still fast asleep on the bed. I let out a slight chuckle before I dried my skin and searched for some clothes to wear. I settled on matching undergarments and then a pair of faded jeans, long sleeved turtleneck and my all famous converse. When I was satisfied that I looked good my eyes settled on my sleeping lover and I shook my head.


I'm supposed to be the sleepy head in the relationship.

Roni unconsciously turned and the sheet that was once covering her naked form slipped down exposing her amazing form. Her head was now off the pillow and turned towards me and her beautifully long lashes was seen lying on her face. One hand was unknowingly covering her breast while the other was under the other pillow. Her leg was propped up against the the other and honestly, she just looked like she was posing for one of those famous magazines.

I smiled as I walked over to her.

"Roni." I sing-songed.

She moaned softly before pursing her lips together before once again going silent.

"Ugh... Roni." I said again but this time I brought my face closer.

When she made no move to get up or even stretch I changed tactics. I ran one single long nailed finger along her cheeks before slowly dragging it down. My eyes never left her face as that same finger moved from her face to her neck pausing at her breast where I ran the finger up and down the exposed nipple. My smile broadened when the nipple began to harden but her eyes stayed closed.

Okay, if that's how you wanna play.

I traced the finger further down. Slowly down her tummy and continuing down her legs. I removed her leg that was covering my treasure and still she refused to open her eyes. I shook my head at her reluctance.

"I know you're awake." I continued in my sing song voice but she stayed silent. "If you don't open your eyes I'll just have to make you cum."

I twirled my finger through her tiny pubic hair and continued to the top of her clit. My eyes stayed glued to her face but there was no indication that she was awake. I slowly ran the finger up and down her folds and I started to chuckle when I felt her wetness.

"You are awake." I whispered but she stayed silent. I took that as a sign to continue.

I was about to slip my finger inside her but had a better idea. Sitting on the edge of the bed I positioned myself in such a way that my face was inches away from her heat. I inhaled deeply before my tongue connected with her lower lips.

Looking up I saw that her chest was rising and falling irregularly and I knew she was awake. I started licking and sucking her until her mouth formed that familiar little 'O' I loved seeing. Her eyes were still closed but soon her hands darted out and held my mouth firmly against her. If I wasn't so focused on my task I would have laughed at her but I couldn't. My hands massaged her erect nipples and just on cue she came.

She was a gasping mess and as I pulled away her eyes met mine. I wiped at my mouth as I stood up from the bed.

"Morning sleepy head." I said as she smiled at me.

"Morning." She croaked out.

"Oh my gosh, you sound like a fat alien." I laugh jokingly.

Roni grabbed the sheet and covered herself. "Go away. I hate you."

"Really? Cause the taste of my mouth says differently."

I waited for her reaction and soon enough she pulled the sheet from her face. Giggling she reached up and crashed her mouth against mine. I kissed her passionately and our tongues danced together. I broke the kiss as we both gasped for air.

"Get up love. You have half an hour to get ready, I'll wait."

"Get ready?" She sat up and the sheet fell from around her, exposing her body once again.

I stared at her a bit longer than necessary and I forgot what we were talking about.

"Hello." She said clicking her fingers. "Eyes up here."

I laughed as I walked towards the door. "Go get reading, I'm taking you out." I responded before shutting the door behind me.

Two seconds later a squealing Roni could be heard scrambling from the bed and running towards the shower. I smiled to myself as I braced the outside of the door. I really should brush my teeth again but I loved the taste of her.

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