《Forbidden Love (Book One)》Chapter 2


The silent anticipation, the rushing of blood, the atmosphere stilled, as all hope hanged in the balance. What was she going to do?!

"Maybe I should-"

"No!" I screamed as she started to tickle me.

"Please stop!" I half sobbed, as unintentional tears started to swell in my eyes. I kicked, I rolled, I screamed, but to no avail.

"I have to make sure you don't fall asleep on me."

"I won't!" I practically screamed, tears streaming down my face but still she was relentless.

"Promise me."

"I promise, I promise. Please stop!"

When at last she decided to let go of me I laid there, sweat on my face and trying desperately to catch my breath. Roni slipped off me and decided to lie beside me, panting for her breath. She turned her head to the side and our faces were nose apart. I could feel her breath on my face as she struggled to get it under control.

Staring into her eyes I noticed just how chocolate brown they were.

In this moment I recognized her beauty and my heart increased its rhythm. I wanted nothing more than to lie like this forever; never losing the closeness that we were sharing.

I had no choice but to break the sweet silence.

"Seriously, what do we do now?!"

She turned onto her stomach and propped her face on her elbows. "I haven't a clue. Maybe we could watch a movie, I mean we have the house to ourselves for the weekend. Or maybe we could call Brianna and see if she wanna come and hang out."

The idea of someone else coming and taking away the limited attention I was getting from her made me what to shout no, but I refrained myself. It was better to avoid her as much as possible since it was getting harder to not do something stupid.


"Sure, whatever you wanna do."

"Or maybe we could call Brian and Anthony over... You know, spice things up."

Now I really wanted to scream. Brian and I had a bit of a fling last semester when I was trying to distract myself from noticing how cozy his best friend Anthony was with Roni. Apparently Roni took that as a good thing because every chance she got she wanted us to 'double date'.

It wasn't that Brian wasn't cute because he was. He had rock hard abs, awesome curly hair and dark, mysterious eyes. Any girl would easily fall in love with him... The main reason I hooked up with him was because he was a player and there was no way that either of us would ever develop feelings for each other.

In a way he was my friend with benefits. He understood that and for those couple of months it was great. Not a soul suspected anything and my mom left me alone for the time being. Before, all she did was nag at me, stating that it was about time I started looking for a dashing young man. She didn't approve of Brian but she sure stopped her nagging and I was greatful.

"Yea okay. I guess we could call them." I said slowly.

"Oh come on, it's going to be so much fun." Roni squealed before running out of the room to call up the boys.

Within 20 minutes the doorbell rang and Brian and Anthony walked in. Unfortunately for me they weren't alone. Brianna, Michelle, Susan, Mike and Harold had also been texted so now it was a full blown gathering. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched in silence as everyone took off their coats and made their way over to the living room sofas.


"Do we have enough snacks?" Roni asked pulling me into the kitchen and shuffling through the cupboards.

"I thought we were only going to invite the boys? I didn't know it was going to be a full blown fiasco."

"It's just a few people and besides, they're our friends. Why do you care?"

"I don't, I just hate cleaning up after people." I replied, trying to get the jealous sound out of my voice.

"You won't have too. We'll just munch on some light snacks and play a few games. It's early and the place was getting boring with just the two of us." She finished as she found the snacks and started throwing them into party bowls.

I went over and helped her, ignoring the fact that she said we were boring. Even though we have only been friends for four years and never really gotten into a fight or gone a day without talking to each other, there were times when we couldn't get on the same page.

"What games?"

"I have no idea but hopefully I get to make out with Anthony." She said absentmindedly, as clearly her mind went back in time and my stomach sank.

"What's the deal with you two anyway?"

"I don't know... We kinda just ended things last semester. I mean I like him and all but we had originally agreed to keep our relationship in school. You know?"

"Yeah, same like me and Brian."


"Ladies, what's taking you so long in there?" Brianna asked coming into the kitchen. She grabbed a few snacks from the counter and started munching, looking expectantly at us for some answers.

"Sorry." I mumbled "we were just talking."

"Okay, whatever." She grabbed as much bowls as she could manage and headed back to the living room and Roni and I followed suit.

"Alright folks, let's get this game underway." Mike shouted as he placed the empty Ciroc bottle on the floor.

I was surprised to see that since Roni and I was in the kitchen talking, the guys had made themselves useful and had taken out a few bottles of alcohol. There was now a few half empty bottles around them and music was blaring from the stereo systems.

We all sat around the bottle in a circle and I could see anticipation shimmering in everyone's eyes.

The rules of the game was set by Brianna.

After she had finished stating the rules everyone nodded in agreement. I was completely and utterly nervous but I was not afraid of a challenge and I definitely wasn't going to back down. There was a very good possibility that some of the dares would be difficult to digest but that still didn't stop me.

Harold was the first person to spin the bottle and everyone waited in silent anticipation as the bottle spun. I held my breath and for some unknown reason I couldn't control the rate of my heart. I closed my eyes as the bottle slowed to a stop.

"Oh my gosh." Michelle gasped before all the girls started screaming.

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