《Forbidden Love (Book One)》Chapter 1


"Hey sleepy head, wake up already!"

"Hmm!" I groaned, rolling on my side and staring up at the person that rudely interrupted my slumber.

"What time is it?"

"It's time you got up!" Roni said, looking at me as though I had asked a ridiculous question. I looked over at my bedside clock and stared in horror at the time. It was freaking 12:00 on a Saturday afternoon and she was dragging me out of bed.

"Agg... Fine, I'm up already!" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

There was no use arguing with her, when she had her mind set on something there was no way of changing that. When she was satisfied that I wouldn't fall back to sleep she got off the bed and headed into the bathroom.

Last night we had gotten in late from hanging out with our friends but since we had made plans since when to go shopping today, there was no way Roni would just let me sleep in. We were spending the summer at my mom's house since she didn't want to spend it with her dad and his new girl toy up in Miami. Times like this I wonder why I had even said yes back then.

I sighed deeply before swinging my legs off the side of the bed and stretched as far as my body would allow me. Before I had a chance to even step off I noticed that the room extended to mine was open. That room was the bathroom and apparently Roni chose today of all days to take a shower in there.

I mean we were living in the same house and all, but she had her own room with her own bath, so why wouldn't she use hers? Sometimes I think she's doing this on purpose. Testing me to see my limit or when I would break. She was always stripping around me and trying on different clothing and stuff like that. Maybe it's just how girls are supposed to act around each other but... It drove me insane.

I tried my best to look away but... How can you not look upon perfection?!

Her back was turned towards the door so she had no idea that my eyes had become stuck to her majestic form. Even though she moved quickly, everything I saw was in slow motion.


Slowly she pulled her tank top over her head, exposing the soft delicate skin that the top once sheltered. Her black hair, which had green and purple stripes, hung loosely around her shoulders. The black bra that she had on underneath fit her perfectly but as much as it looked good on her it looked even better as she took them off.

Roni turned slightly to her left as she faced the mirror, absentmindedly admiring herself. I looked on in awe, entrapped by the vision before me.

Her perfectly cupped breasts could be seen peaking out from her arms whenever she lifted them.

A soft sigh escaped from me as I knew she could never be mine.

The next item of clothing that came off was her shorts.

The way her fingers gently caressed her pale skin as they pushed her pants down made me moan aloud... Wishing that they were my hands instead of hers.

I looked away quickly so that I could regulate my heartbeat before I did something terrible; like walking into that bathroom, bracing her against the nearest wall and having my sweet, sweet way with her.

When my gaze finally shifted back to hers she was completely and utterly naked... And totally unaware that the door was slightly ajar.

The picture of her completely naked body was enough for me to have a power bottom orgasmic reaction. I bit into my lips hard, keeping my moan at bay.

She was every definition of sin; powerful, deadly, seductive.

Her back was slender, her legs long and her butt was of perfect perfection. They went together in perfect unison. When she turned to head into the shower I got a glimpse of her from the front before I looked away.

Her breasts was small and her nipples were perfectly pink and there was just a bit of hair at the base of her folds.

My guess was that she forgot to shave... And that was now probably going to get rectified. I threw myself onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.

How is it that I had fallen completely in love with the one girl I knew I could not have?

After a lengthy shower and a well deserved breakfast we both headed out the door. It was an extremely bright Saturday afternoon and we were headed to the mall to do some shopping. This week was our final week of just being free from college and enjoying some friend time. I draped my arm around my best friend's shoulder and entered through the mall doors.


Roni's dad had forgotten that her birthday was last week and so to make it up to her he bought her a very expensive car and deposited a fat load of money into her bank account. The car had been delivered yesterday and we spared no time in taking it out for a spin. That's why we got back so late. Now, we were going on a spurge and I was the lucky person that got to enjoy this little rebellious act of hers.

"Hey Carr!" Roni shouted, snapping me back to reality.


I stuck my head around her changing room door and was ever sorry that I did.

She was trying on a tiny little two piece that left nothing to the imagination and dang it if I didn't have a very bad one. She looked up just as I started ogling her.

"Do you like this color? I kinda think it makes me look too pale." She said absentmindedly fondling with the Orange bra.

I swallowed.

"Am-" I stopped, took a deep breath and cleared my throat. "It looks good and no it so doesn't make your skin look pale. If anything it makes you look even cuter."

"Aw, thanks babe."

Before I could allow that name call to turn me into mush I walked over to look at her tag.

"Oh my gosh! Roni, it's too expensive!"

"Girl please, it's not that expensive, and besides, daddy pays for everything." She winked at me before loosening her bra which I took as a sign to leave.

"Okay, whatever rich girl." I responded before walking away.

Hours later we decided to call it quits and stopped to grab a bite at the famous hangout bar and grill in the city.

"I'm so exhausted." I complained taking the seat beside her.

"Me too and that's saying a lot." Roni giggled and I joined in.

She was accustomed to overindulging when shopping but today we had literally overdone it. I yawned and stretched my arms, genuinely tired.

"Hey, it's barely after 5! How are you already tired?"

"Don't judge me, I've been to bed late last night and I didn't get enough sleep today."

"Are you forgetting that I drove us home and I woke up since in the morning, so stop complaining."

"Well I like sleep more than you."



When we got home I threw myself onto my bed, fully intending to go to sleep but as always, the cards were never in my favor.

"Oh no no. You are not going to sleep on me." Roni said coming into the room.

"Go away, I'm sleepy." I responded already falling to sleep.

"But I'm not tired!" She whined and I ignored her.

"Carrrr! Carrrr! Argh!"

Before my sleepy brain knew what was happening, Roni had made her way over to my bed and was now sitting on my back. My spidey senses popped into action at the contact. I cautiously spoke.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't fall asleep on me." She responded innocently and I knew she was pouting.

"Roni! Get off."



She ignored me and instead started bouncing up and down on top of my back. As much as I started to enjoy the feel of her on me I knew I might say something stupid or worse, moan.

"Okay, okay I'm up. I promise not to fall asleep on you okay."

"Yeah!" Roni said clapping childishly.

"Can you get off me now."

"Why?! Don't you like me like this?!"

I knew she was joking, I knew... But the way her voice took on that unintentional seduction almost made me blurt out yes. I waited until my heart calmed down and then attempted to turn over with her still on me. I succeeded.

Bad news was... She was now sitting directly on top of me and by this time I was soaking wet.

"So hot shot, what do we do now?" I asked when sane thoughts came back to me.


And with that said, she held my hands in their position above my head and bent until our faces were inches apart.

I held my breath as I awaited her next move.

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