《The Golden Girl》25. When they met


They were just friends...

That spoke like lovers...

And that seemed to be enough for

Two teenagers that were afraid to love one another...



"Ugh, it has been three days, three days River, she still have not said anything." Faye barged into River's room with anger blaring through her nerves.

"Care to knock on the door the second time you enter my room?" And that is when she saw River, sitting in front of a canvas, sketching.

"You are painting..." And a wide grin made its way to her lips.

River turned around to look at her, he, himself accompanying a wide grin mirrored to Faye's.

"I think I can now sketch something in the blank canvas without screaming. It feels like, I am finally letting go of everything..." He said with a sigh as he stood up from his chair, examining the way his sketch has turned out to be.

"I am so happy." And she pulled River into a tight hug, laying her head on his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, "Me too."

"What are you working at by the way?" And she pulled away from him, her eyes going to the canvas.

There stood a small girl with pigtails and a little boy with bangs, the both of them of about five. The little girl was kissing the boy's cheek whilst he was giving a toothless grin.

Her eyes shone as soon as nostalgia stroke her. It was them, it was River and Faye.

"I miss those days." Faye heard River's voice from behind.

"You... you made us..."

Even the sketch had life in it. River was a beautiful artist, hell, he was amazing. The way he plays with colors was something that makes Faye feel like it's enchanting. He just had a different way to communicate with the colors.

"Yah..." He scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly.

"You used to be so chubby, cute and cheeky once. Now, look at you." And he smirked as he ran his eyes through her.

"Hey, I eat, alright. I eat like a monster, I just, I just do not understand why I do not grow any fat." She said, stomping on the floor.

"You have high metabolism, damn, girls die to be like you, you can eat five burgers without caring about your increasing weight whilst they feed themselves on salads and veggies." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Did you just say that I got a killer figure?" Now, it was her time to smirk.

"I did not." He stated, his eyes narrowing by a fraction.

"Well, I will just go with the fact that River Blake just said that I am freaking hot."


"I did not say anything like that." He whined, his cheeks turning a shade of red.

"Oh, just suck it up, you just called me hot, stunning, sexy." And at that, he showed her the finger, making her laugh.

They kept on looking at each other for minutes before breaking the stare. Faye walked towards the sketch and observed each and everything.

"Remember, the first time when we met?" She asked, a warm smile on her lips.

"How can I forget?"


13 years ago

"Mommy, let us go to the park." The little boy jumped up and down, clapping his hands as a grin made its way towards his features.

"Oh monster, you both will go to the park, but firstly you need to put your jacket, it is cold in there." And Marlin walked up to him with a jacket.

"You got your hand gloves there, sweetheart?" His mom asked as she tied his shoelaces, a warm smile visible on her lips.

"Yes mommy." He said, hurriedly wearing the jacket.

"My baby is growing so fast." She said with a laugh, as she swept the bangs from his forehead that were almost reaching his eyes.

"Let us go mommy, I will be meeting Nate and Kyle there." He said as his mom snapped some of his adorable pictures.

"Alright, sweetheart, let's go. Say bye to everyone." And he waved at the workers before walking off the street with his mom.

"Is daddy coming home for Christmas?" The little boy asked as his eyes went from one shop's display to the another.

It was almost Christmas, and each and every window was decorated with an enchanting, beautiful theme.

"Of course he is going to be there River, he never breaks a promise." She said, ruffling his hair.

"And is he going to give me the toy train that I asked him for?" He asked, his eyes twinkling.

"He will get you anything that you want, love." His mom said, laughing.

"It is going to be the best Christmas ever." He said, clapping his hands.

And that is when, the park came in to the view.

"I promise it will be my dear. Now, now, we are here, go to your friends, they are probably waiting for you." And his mom helped him to take off his jacket before giving a slight push, telling him to go to his friends.

"Mommy, do not leave me." He said before walking up to just friends who were waiting for him.


"River, its time to go home, honey." And River's mom walked up to him along with the others.


"Nate, dear, come on, daddy is waiting for us." Nate's mother said, taking his hand.

"Alright momma, bye guys, I need to go, do not forget to come tomorrow, we need to build our castle again." The adorable blonde boy exclaimed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he said everything in an animated manner to both Kyle and River.

"Kyle, sweetheart, you will have to come with us as well. Your momma is a little busy with some guests today, she asked me to take you home. So, shall we go?" And bidding goodbyes to both River and his mother, the three of them walked out of there.

"Honey, where are your gloves?" River's mother asked.

"Mommy, I left them in the park bench."

"I will wait for you in the entrance with Patrick. We will have to go to Aunt Ellie's with him. Will you be able to get them?" And nodding, he ran to the place where they were playing a whilst ago.

And that is when he saw the girl, the girl who was laying on the ground, the girl with two pigtails, the girl with big blue eyes, the girl he did not know about.

She was crying, her hands up to her eyes.

River instantly ran up to her as soon as he saw her.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, taking her hands away from her eyes, getting into his knees so that he could reach her.

"I got a boo boo." She said, wiping her tears, hiccuping.

"You got hurt." And she nodded, tearing up once again.

"How did you get hurt?" He asked, wiping her tears for her.

"Stacey pushed me off the swing." She said, looking at her leg that had a red bruise on it. Her eyes went to her shoulder which was badly injured, blood dripping out of it.

"I will call my momma, she will help you." He said, trying to make her stand, but failing miserably.

"I cannot walk... it, it is hurting." She said as he looked at her injured leg.

He looked around to ask for help but he did not find anyone.

Breathing out, he turned around and kneeled down, "I will give you a piggyback ride." He said.

"You will not be able to take me. I am fat." She said with a pout.

"Daddy says I am strong. I promise I will not let you fall." The little boy said, his eyes screaming determination.

She slowly wrapped her small arms around his neck as he slowly lunged her up, trembling in the process.

He finally got a grip on her as he pulled her legs and got her on his back.

"I... I will... I will not let you fall." He said, breathing heavily.

"You do not have to help me." The little girl said quietly from behind.

"Momma says we should always help others." He said, walking slowly with her on his back.

"My mommy do not have time for me."


"She is always busy. Never is home. She is not going to be there for Christmas too." Her voice was sad.

"That's alright, you can come to our house to celebrate it." He said with excitement, trying to cheer her up.

"I can?"

"Of course you can. Mommy will be really happy to have you."

"I guess so, I can come with my sister."

"That will be awesome. I am River by the way."

"I am Faye." She said, a small grin visible on her face.

"River, what took you... Oh my god, what happened?" As soon as he walked up to the entrance with little Faye on his back, his mother's eyes narrowed by a fraction.

"Mommy, she is bleeding." River said to his mother as he struggled to keep balance.

"What happened to you sweetheart? Patrick get the first aid kit from the car." And as soon as she got a hold at the first aid box, she sat her on the car's seat and cleansed Faye's cuts and bruise.

"Honey, what's your name?" River's mom asked as she ran her hand through Faye's head.

"I am Faye."

"That's such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl like you. Well, I am Brenda, River's mom." She said, grinning.

"Mommy, it's snowing outside, mommy, it's snowing." And River ran outside, helping Faye to get out as well.

"It is beautiful." Faye said as snow fell from the sky, embracing her.

"We got to see the first snowfall together Faye." River grinned, looking at her.

At that, Faye nodded, smiling and pulling him into a hug, "Hello to you too, my best friend."


"Everything was so better than, so amazing." River said as he settled in the couch with her, wrapping his arm around her.

"I know, everything was like a fairytale then."

"I am glad that I met you that day." He said as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"You know, I cannot imagine my life without you... I mean, without you, I might have been a wreck." She whispered, before closing her eyes, comfortably laying there.

And at that time, she felt like, she was home. They were each other's home.


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