《The Golden Girl》14. Stacey wants him back


She wanted him back. Even after all the things that happened, she wanted him back. No, not because she loved him, it was never because of that. It was all for that one girl who ruined her life. It was all for one girl who always was in the spotlight. It was all for the girl who snatched everything from her.

It was all for Faye Lockwood.



"She looks like a nerd."

"A hot nerd."

"Is she friends with Kyle Francis?"

"I heard that she came with River Blake this morning."

"Look at those pair of glasses. She is definitely a nerd."

"I saw Kyle Francis accompanying her to gym class. He even walked her to literature."

"Does that mean she's friends with Faye Lockwood?"

"No way in hell. They both belong to different backgrounds, too different."

"She's River Blake's best friend."

"Bad boy and the nerd. Aw, isn't that cute?"

"How can they be related? It's impossible."

"I heard that she is from California."

"Did you all already forget? She is Stacey Sky, Faye Lockwood's ex best friend."

"The one who left this place two years ago."

"The one who slept with Faye's boyfriend?"

"Yes, the one who had a fling with every boy Faye was in a relationship with."

"Whatever. If she is related to the popular squad, she's bad news."

And whispers started.

Comments were thrown here and there.

Each and every eye was on the new girl, on the girl who confidently walked towards the table where Faye along with others sat.

Faye didn't hear a thing though. She had blocked herself from the world. Everything was in a blur for her. Her eyes glared at the entrance from where Stacey Sky was coming.

Her mind whirled to each and every memory, and a single line revolved in front of her eyes.

Stacey is back.

Her ruin was here.

The one who ruined her entire world was here.

Her eyes momentarily found River's and for the first time something apart from fear flashed in her mind.



River's eyes narrowed by a fraction as he saw her. She was shaking, anger was evaporating through her veins.


"Hey Stace."

And it was Kyle.

Kyle was the first one who greeted her in the table, grinning.

Of course he will. He loves her after all.

"Hey Kyle. Looks like you are the only one who welcomes me in the table wholeheartedly." She said before throwing an angelic laugh that made Kyle sigh.

Fucking bitch. The laugh wasn't even real.

"That's because you are not bitch." Aubree muttered under her breath. Her voice was so timid that Stacey couldn't hear it, but well, Max did and a smirk made it's way towards his lips.

"Aw Stace, we are so sorry, we totally forget about you. It was just... we all were helping Faye with some work. You so went out of our mind." Zach said, venomously before squeezing Stacey into a bone crushing hug.

"Zach is right. It just slipped out of our mind." Aubree said, throwing her a tight smile.

"That's... that's...alright. Zach... can you... can you... please let me... let me... go? I... I am... suffocating in here... I think...you are gonna break... break my bones." And Zach finally pulled away before giving her a sheepish smile.

"Oh stop it Zach. Stace why don't you have a seat?" And Kyle slide out a chair for her to sit in.

That was too much, too much for Faye. Her eyes threatened to spill, they blurred her vision as soon as she saw Kyle's face.

He was lovesick. He was looking at Stacey as if she was the only girl in the world.

River's eyes instantly snapped towards her. His eyes softened and he pulled his chair a little towards her. His hands found her's under the table and he gave it a small squeeze, letting her know that he's here.

"So Stacey, how is it to come back here?" Max asked as he took a sip of his coke.

"I am sorry. But do I know you?" She asked, flattering her eyebrows as she looked at Max.

"No, you probably not. I am Max, Max Richmond, I joined this place after you left." He said, managing to break a tight smile.

"Aw, it's always good to meet nice people. Oh, yah, to answer your question, it's so good to be here. I mean, everything is just the same as it was. The park, the library. It's so good to be here after two years." She said dreamily before wrapping and arm around Max.


"Aha. So, where are you living right now?" Aubree asked as she played with the straw in her cup.

"Wait. You know Stacey?" Zach looked at Aubree curiously.

"Yah, she was in my morning class." Aubree mumbled before collapsing on her seat.

"Oh I am living in my grandma's house. It's just a little away from Zach and River's mansion." She said before crossing her legs upon one another.

And that is when her eyes went to Justin, the guy who was busy looking at Faye with concern, with love.

A smirk made it's way to her lips.

"Looks like Faye has a new toy in here, ha?" And for the first time, Faye looked at Stacey in the eyes.

"Don't you dare start with that." She abruptly stood up from her chair, her voice loud. She was shaking, shaking with anger.

"Oh my my. Still haven't changed, have you, Faye? And here I was thinking, we could go back to being best friends like we were once." Stacey said, a smirk visible on her face.

"Oh shut up Stacey. Stop this façade. Stop acting like you care. Everyone knows what you really are. A stupid, manipulating bit–"

"Stop. Just don't, don't complete that." And now, both of them were furious.

"It hurts to face the truth, doesn't it?" Faye asked, throwing a humorless laugh.

"Oh shut up you fucking–"

"Fucking, what? Ha? Fucking what?"

"Fucking whore." And a devilish grin spread across Stacey's face.

Faye was just going to say something, she was just going to when, "Enough." And Kyle's voice boomed through the whole cafeteria.

"Can't you both just start over? I am sick of all this. Both of my best friends are fighting like cats here. Remember? You guys used to be best friends, best friends until that, that... happened. You used to be each other's missing pieces. And now, here you both are, fighting. Just stop all this nonsense, have a fresh start." Kyle's voice was in a horse and he looked angry, too too angry.

He looked at both of the girls that stood in front of him. One was the girl he loved and the other one, his best friend, the girl who secretly loved him.

He met Faye's eyes as soon as those words escaped from his mouth. She was furious and was breathing heavily, her eyes showed disbelief.

She could not believe he forgave Stacey. Forgave her after everything that she did to them.

"I... I always wanted a fresh start, Kyle. It's just her, she hates me, she hates me for everything. I... I am sorry Faye, I... I really really am... I am sorry for everything that I did... I know... I know it was sick... not only her, I apologize to everyone, River... River I... I am so so so so sorry." And Stacey broke down, crying hysterically, tears streaming down from her eyes.

Her hands made its way to her face and she sobbed, hiccuping.

And guess what happened, Kyle's eyes softened, his hard core broke down and by the next moment he was by her side, holding her.

Faye's eyes burned, burned as she looked at them, looked at Stacey and Kyle. One was ready to take the other in their arms, one didn't care.

Honestly, Faye might have believed in her, believed in the tears that fell out of Stacey's eyes. But... but no she didn't, she never did. She knew Stacey too much to never fall in her trap. She never believed in her façade.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the table, a bang that echoed through the whole room. And everyone watched as Justin's fist fell on it, everyone watched as he stood up abruptly, took Faye's hand and looked at Kyle in the eyes, "You do not know what you are missing boy. You do not know at all." And pulling Faye with him, he walked out of the cafeteria.

Everything was cold for a whilst, silence drifting in the surroundings. The student body didn't say anything, no one said a thing, they were stunt, too stunt.

And that's when River Blake stood up from his seat, saying, "You lost her, forever."



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