《The Golden Girl》10. The fall of the golden girl


She sprouted love like flowers,

Grew a garden in her mind,

And even on the darkest days,

From her smile, the sun still shined.



Kyle held her tightly as she stumbled, almost falling on the floor. A lump has grown in her throat, goosebumps had appeared all over her body.

She didn't believe in her voice, in her words. She felt pathetic, she felt weak. Those spoiled teenagers opinions who wrote these horrible and piercing words had never mattered in her life. But today, she felt stabbed. Somewhere those words pierced through her soul.

Her whole locker was filled with those profanities, with words that sting. There were pictures there, pictures of her marked with red, pictures of her with a message or an explanation of how she is a whore.

Her eyes fell on the floor, the locker had emptied now and each and every piece of paper was on the floor, screaming at her.

"Bloody bastards." "I am not going to spare them." Kyle's anger was in an another level, his body was practically shaking. He hate those pricks, pricks who wrote those things that hurt her, that stabbed her.

"Shh... Shh... Kyle." His eyes darted towards the girl who was now leaning against the lockers. The girl who was the victim, the girl for whom those paper hearts were lying there.

She had an easy smile on her face, her eyes not giving a single negative vibe. There were no tears, just a smiling face.

"Take me home Kyle, please." They were the only words that escaped from her mouth, her voice heavy and dry.

Kyle nodded, understanding, he knew she didn't want to talk about it, he knew how she felt.

He grabbed her body, and putting his hands under her, he picked her up bridal style, her head resting on his chest and her hands making its way around his neck.


"I can walk." She said in a timid voice, her heart melting from the heat radiating from his body.

He's so close, she thought.

She was drowning in his manly colonge, sparkes igniting between them. How she felt so deeply for him. How she wanted to remain in his arm for the rest of her life.

It's pitiful, it really is. She liked him so so so much and he, he didn't give a damn.

"Are you sniffing me?" Her eyes shot up to meet his and that's when she saw the smirk plastered in his face.

He is beautiful, she thought.

"You stink." She said with a shrug, a weak smile making its way to her lips.

A laugh escaped from his throat, making his chest to vibrate in the action. His anger was gone and she was thankful for that.

Her heart leaped as she felt the vibration and her eyes once again made its way to his warm ones.

How will I get over you Ky? You are killing me, killing me with your smile.


"I said I am not going. That's it." She shouted, her throat dry from the constant bickering.

"I didn't ask you, I am telling you." Arthur said, his voice calm and contained.

"You do not rule in my life anymore. You lost that right a long time ago." She gritted out, anger evaporating through her veins.

"You are going..." He stood up from his office chair and walked up to her.

"Nothing can make me."

"Are you sure about that."

"What are you gonna do? Take my credit cards or maybe get me grounded oh or better, take my car? You should know, I don't care, I have nothing to lose." Her humorless laugh echoed through the hall, unseen and untold words stiffening the environment.


"Tsk... tsk... you got it all wrong." His voice was... cold as ice.

Suddenly, Faye was alert, her brows furrowed.

"Genevieve Richmond. She started working in Lockwood industry this fall as the company secretary. From what I know, her salary is fare enough to raise her four children, Max Richmond, Anya Richmond, Ryan Richmond and Andrew Richmond. A single mother who's struggling to keep up with her expenses. Guess what will happen if their only source of income will stop..." He walked around her, a smirk plastered in his face.

Her eyes narrowed by a fraction, her face lost all her colors.

He was talking about Max's mother.

He knew, he knew from the start that Faye isn't someone who is possessive over things like credits and clothes.

And he knew very well, which button he had to push, which string he had to pull to get what he wanted.

She stood there, froze, her hands cold. She knew what she had to do, what she will have to do.

"Fine, I am coming." She spit it out, her hands forming fists as she tried to contain her anger.

"Just the way I had expected... Good. I want you ready in the next very hour." And she walked out of the office, making her way to her room.

The tears made its way to her eyes as soon as she entered her room. It was frustration, anger, hurt, just too much.

Today's events had made her feel reckless, week, soar. The fight, those paper hearts, they were too much, too much for her. And now, the auction that her father wants her to go at, blackmailing her to go at.

She wiped her tears furiously and made her way towards the shower, her mind whirling to each and every word that were written in the pages.

Was she that bad? Does people really think of her like that? Does people really think of her as a whore, slut?

The most unnerving thing?

She didn't know where she was wrong? What she had done to make people hate her so much?


Her hands went through each and every fabric present in the closet, her eyes shifting from one to another, looking for an outfit.

And that's when something popped in her head making her frown break into a familiar smirk.

She was going to do it, she was going to make it a living hell for him.

Her hands went deeper into the closet, searching for something that she had in her mind. She rummage through it until her hands grabbed the clothing that she was aiming for.

Her hands pulled the piece out, revealing a golden shimmery and shiny dress, sparkles and golden glitters attached to the fabric.

Her eyes examined the cloth, a devilish grin appearing in her features.

This night was going to be fun.



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