《Mending Her Heart |Book I (✔️)》Chapter 6 : Going back home


She lazily opened her eyes and looked up. There was Elam sleeping on the bed and she was sleeping on chair. Doctor checked him and had bandage his injuries on the head and medicines for other injuries. Also, give him sleeping injection from last night so he was still sleeping. She slowly got up from her place and came out. she got into restroom and then into kitchen where Ghazal was making something.

'Salam (Peace).' Jannat said and Gazala looked up at her.

'Wasalam, Come in.' Gazala said while smiling and Jannat walked in.

'What are you making?' Jannat asked

'I am making tea. do you want it as well.' Gazala asked

'Yes please.' Jannat replied

'How is Elam now?' Gazala asked concerned

'He is still sleeping.' Jannat said and Gazala nodded her head in yes.

'Is you two recently got marriage.' Gazala asked and Jannat nodded her head in yes.

'How is your back?' Gazala asked after a while and Jannat looked at her.

'It's fine.' Jannat replied

'You should check upon the doctor last night as well.' Gazala said

'No I am really fine only slight pain. They didn't hit me much.' Jannat said

'Any idea who they were?' Gazala asked while Janant gulped in nervously then nodded her head in no.

'Gazala, there is no battery in my phone and I need to phone at home. They must be worried all night.I need to phone them.' Jannat asked while changing the topic.

'Yeah sure, I will go with you, there is phone booth, You can phone from there. ' Gazala said

'Where is it? I will go and do it.' Jannat asked

'It is not far away, Wait I will take you.' Gazala said and Jannat nodded her head in yes.

'Shall we have tea first.' Gazala asked and Jannat nodded her head in yes. Then , they had their tea and walked out from the house towards phone booth which was not that far away. They reached there and Jannat got into the booth and dial the number. The bell was ringing.

'Hello.' Mr Farooq voice come in.

'Hello, its me Jannat.' Jannat said impatiently

'Jannat, where you two have been. We have been so worried from past whole night.' Mr Farooq asked worried.

'Me and Elam have been stunk in a small village. Goons attack us last night.' Jannat said.

'What? Is you two are fine?' Mr Farooq asked concerned

'I am fine but Elam is not well. we have been staying here with a family who really help us.' Jannat said.


'Why you didn't phone last night.' Mr Farooq asked .

'Firstly, there was no signal and now there is no battery in our phones and we don't have our charges.' Jannat replied.

'Okay, don't worry, we are coming there . Tell me the address.' Mr Farooq said and she put down the phone after telling him village's address.She walked back with Gazala to her house. They opened the door and walked inside. She walked in and Elam was still sleeping. she sighed and sat on the chair. After a while he slowly start opening his eyes and look around. Jannat quickly got up from the place and stand next to him.

'How are you feeling now?Jannat asked whereas he sat up and looked at her.

'I am fine but Where are we?' Elam asked

'There was couple who helped us yesterday.' Jannat said and he nodded his head in yes whirl looking around while silence between them.

'Who was that goons who attack us?' Elam asked after and Jannat nervously looked at him.

'I don't know.' She replied as she don't want to tell him about Fahad. She was scared and she don't know why?

'But they were so weird and...........' before he could reply Ali and Gazala entered in the room and they looked at them.

'How are you feeling Mr Elam.' Ali asked smiling.

'I am fine and Thank you very much for helping us.' Elam said and return the smile.

'No worries. I think you should eat something and have rest as your injuries are still fresh .' Ali said and Elam nodded his head in yes.

'Gazala will give you my fresh clothes to wear as yours are dirty and there is blood everywhere.' Ali said and looked back at Gazala. Gazala looked at her husband then nodded her head in yes and walked out.

'Thanks Ali.' Elam said gratefully and Ali smiled

'It is really alright.' Ali reply and Gazala came back while there was clothes in her hand. She passes them to Jannat and she smile to Gazala. Ali and Gazala went out from the room leaving them alone. Elam sat up from his place and Jannat helped him.

'Give me clothes.' Elam said while Janant passed him clothes and then Elam tries to took of his shirt but in vain because there was injury on his shoulder as well on arm which was making hard for him whereas Jannat was looking at him.

'Shall I help you.' Jannat said and Elam looked at her. Elam stopped removing his shirt as if give her permission to do. She slowly walked then start taking off his shirts's buttons and opened it. He was wearing vest underneath but there was Injury on his shoulder and she try not to look as much she could whereas Elam was intensely looking at her. She carefully took out his shirt and put it on the bed. Then She got the clean shirt and put on him and start putting up buttons while looking down all the time while she can feel his stare on her and her heart was beating really fast.


'Look at me, Jannat.' Elam said after a while and she slowly looked in his eyes.

'Who is Fahad?' Elam asked while looking at her and her hands freeze while she was shocked looking at him. Oh god that was one question she was scared he will ask because she never can tell him about Fahad.

'Who....Fahad?' She shutter and nervously looked at him.

'When, they were hitting me, I heard that name come out from your mouth.' Elam said while still looking at her. she quickly starts putting his button and finished them.

'I don't know any Fahad.' Jannat said while standing up whereas Elam just stay quite and didn't ask anything further and she sighed in relief. Then she helped him cleaned up his mouth and face.

'I will go and get food for you.' Jannat said and walk out whereas Elam start changing his pants. She warm the food and came back with it. She place it on side table and start feeding him.

'Did you call at home.' Elam asked and she nodded her head in yes. They finished eating food as Ali and Gazala walk in with his family was behind them. They quickly walked towards him and Jannat stood up from her place.

'How are you?' Mrs Malika asked worried and tears start coming from her eyes whereas they all stood around the bed.

'I am fine, don't worry.' Elam said and cleaned away tears from his mother's eyes.

'You scared us brother.' Ayat said and Elam smiled to her.

'I am perfectly fine. No one need to get worried.' Elam said.

'Do you know who was it?' Mr Farooq asked and both snapped their head towards him. Jannat got nervous whereas Elam nodded his head in no. Then they stay there for some time then they come out to go home after thanking Ali and Gazala.

She opened the room's door and entered with the tray in her hand whereas he was sitting on the bed. It had been week since that incident and Elam was on bed rest from past week and still was. He was getting better then before but still not fully recover yet. They had police complained about that incident but police was unable to get to them. They had to missed their honeymoon to Greece due to Elam's health. Elam looked up at her. Jannat walked in and sad down on the bed whereas put the food's tray in her lap.

'Oh god, for how long I have to drink that soup. It doesn't taste nice at all.' Elam complained as Jannat put spoon in his month.

'As long you are not recover.' Jannat said calmly and smiled to him. Elam sighed and start drinking the soup.

'Elam, I want to talk about something with you.' Janat said and Elam looked at her.

' Okay, What do you want to talk about?' Elam asked while took in another spoon of soup in his mouth.

' You know the couple who help us in forest.' Janat said and Elam nodded his head in yes while looking at her.

'Ghazal told me that there is no electricity in their village just because it is small.' Jannat said whereas Elam took in another spoon of soup.

'I am thinking, it will be so hard for them to live there without electricity. Also, if they don't have electricity then there must be many more small villages in whole country who will not have electricity yet. ' Jannat said whereas Elam was listening to her.

'I know I realized as well that they have no electricity. I talk to Ali about it and he said they have been living without electricity from generations.' Elam said

'I was even quite disturb with this as how they living there and have been thinking about it.' Elam said and Jannat just nodded her head in yes.

'I think we should help them.' Elam said and Jannat looked at him.

'Talk to Uncle, he is prime minister of country. He could help us.' Jannat said

'You are right, I will talk to dad as soon I can. Don't worry.' Elam said and smiled appear on her face. He finished having his soup and she walked out while taking out empty dishes with her while Elam sighed and leaned his head on the bed.

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