《Mending Her Heart |Book I (✔️)》Chapter 4: Worst Nightmare
'Ayat I think we should go now.' Jannat said and Ayat looked at her. They were in Mall for shopping from past 4 hours. Jannat was not a fan of shopping but Ayat loves shopping. So she decided to come for shopping with Ayat but Now she was really tired.
'I think you are right sister-in-law, Shall I phone Elam brother to pick us up.' Ayat said and took out her phone then she dial his number and Jannat breath in relief that she was ready to go home.
'Hello brother.' Ayat said.
'Yes, we are free. Can you come to pick us up.' Ayat said
'Okay, we are waiting.' Ayat said and cut the phone.
'What happen?' Jannat asked.
'He said he is coming in 15 minutes.' Ayat replied and Jannat nodded her head in yes.
'Shall we go and wait outside the Mall.' Ayat said and Jannat nodded her head in yes while they walked out from the Mall. His car came and stopped on other side of road then he wave his hand towards them and signed them to come here. Jannat was about to walk when Ayat stopped her whereas she looked back at her.
'Wait.' Ayat said and took out her phone while Jannat was onfused looking at her.
' Please come here. I want to eat first.' Ayat saidto Elam thought phone
' Yeah, their is food stall in the Mall. I want to eat from there.' Ayat argue back and Jannat was looking at her.
'Please brother.' Ayat said while he said something on other line.
'You are best brother in the world.' Ayat said happily and cut the phone. Then he opened his car' s door and stepped out from the car. He locked the car and start walking towards them. Ayat was looking at her phone whereas Jannat was looking at him, he was wearing office clothes and looked really tired with messy hair. She was looking at him when suddenly Jannat saw a car speedily coming toward him. He was walking in middle of road while looking at her. Jannat panicked first looked at him then back to the car.
'Elam. look back.' Jannat screamed while he confused looked back and the car speedy came toward him while he quickly jumped back and fell down on ground whereas the car quickly passed from him. Jannat was shocked standing when Ayat looked up from her phone and ran towards him but Jannat stay still, she can't move from her place due to shock. The same car stopped right in front her and she looked at the car's driver as her worse nightmare was sitting there. He smirked to herthen speed away the car and she came back in his senses then ran towards him.
'What happen?' Jannat asked worried while he was holding his shoulder.
'I think my shoulder is broken.' Elam said
'Who hell was the car's driver? He didn't even stop to look back.' Ayat said angrily.
'Clam down Ayat.' ELam said.
'We should go to doctor.' Jannat said and they looked at her.
'No, we will go to home. I am fine.' Elam said.
'No we should go to doctor.' Ayat said and Jannat nodded her head in agreement as well.
'Okay, we will go home first then we will call the doctor.' Elam said
'I will drive the car.' Jannat said and they all sat down in the car. They reached at home and stepped out then they walked inside.
'Ya Allah,what happened.'Mrs Malika asked worried while ran toward him as soon they entered in the sitting room.
'Nothing bad happen, mum. Calm down.' Elam said while his father and Aryan also walked toward him.
'Ayat, tell us what had happened.' Mr Farooq asked
'Car was about to hit the brother. But he get save from accident by jumping back to save himself but this cause his shoulder to break. 'Ayat said and start crying
'And you think It is not bad at all.' Mr Farooq yelled worried and Elam looked down.
'I will call the family doctor.' Aryan said then took out his phone while they took Elam into his room. His shoulder was hurting really bad. He laid down on the bed while everyone was worried looking at him.
'You should look before crossing the road.' Mrs Malika said.
'I am fine mum, You take too much tension.' Elam said and his mother start crying.
'Come on mum, stop crying please. It will not happen next time.' Elam said while cleaning his mother's tears and Jannat was just looking at them.
'Dad, doctor is here.' Aryan said while entering in the room. Doctor sat next to him and check his shoulder.
'Because of fall down hard on the ground, he have broken his shoulder. I am going to put bandage on his shoulder. He have to rest and I will come after every week to check his shoulder. ' Doctor said and they all nodded their head in yes.
'Don't worry, he will be fine. For now, I will give you sleeping injection as you need rest.' Doctor said and gave him injection.
'Its done.' Doctor said and got up from his place.
'I will leave you to the door.' Mr- Farooq said while he came out from the room with doctor.
'Have a rest. We will go now.' Ayat said while everyone standing up from their places.
'Jannat take care of him.' Mrs Malika said and she nod her head. Then they all got out from the room and he start feeling sleepy due to injection. His eyes start getting close and next second he was sleeping. Jannat got up then put cover over him and put curtains on the window. Then she turn off light and walk out from the oom.
She was reading book while he was still sleeping. She looked at time and it was 10:00 in night when suddenly herr phone start ringing and she picked it up.
'Jannat, today was just warning for you. Next time I will bloody run the car over him. He will be dead next time.' He said and phone fell out from her hand. She shocked looked at her phone then she quickly picked up it from floor.
'What....what do you want?' She said while shaking really badly.
'You?' He said and start laughing while she quickly turned off the phone. She was shaking with fear and she looked at him who was sleeping.
'He could have die today because of me.' His words rang in her mind and got up from her place. She opened the restroom door and entered. she walked and stood under the shower then turned on the shower. The cold water wash over her and she closes her eyes.
'Jannat, that was just warning for you. Next time I will bloody run the car over him. He will be dead next time.' His words repeated in her mind.
' Run the car over him' Again his words repeated in her mind. Her clothes were all wet but she was still standing under cold water.
' He will be dead next time.' His words repeated in her mind and tears start flowing from her eyes while mixing with water.
' He will be dead next time.' His words repeated again and she put the hands on her ears.
'Will be dead.' His words repeat in her head and she screamed.
'No, it is not possible.' She screamed while tears were coming out from her eyes.
' It is not possible.' She screamed again while her hands on her ears. His eyes flew opened with her scream and he worried got up the bed while switching on his bed side lamp. He looked around and the water's voice was coming fromrestroom and the door was opened. He quickly ran toward the restroom and there she was standing under water while her hands on her ears and tearing were coming from her eyes.
'Jannat.' He called out her name and she shocked looked up to him while Elam quickly walked towards her and turned off the shower.
'What the hell you are doing?' Elam screamed while pulling her out from restroom from her hand into room.
'Don't touch me.' Jannat screamed and angrily took out her hand from his grip while he looked at her.
'Have you gone mad?' Elam asked and angrily looked at her.
'Yes, I am gone mad.' Jannat screamed and tears were coming out from her eyes.
'What is happening to you Jannat?' Elam asked again concerned while walking towards her.
'Don't come near me.' Jannat screamed and pushed him away while he tremble backward
'Jannat, stop that madness. Right away.' Elam screamed because he was really worried over her.
'He will kill you. ' Jannat screamed
'What the hell you are talking about?' Elam ask confused.
'All because of me.' Jannat screamed again while ignoring his question then throw away the decoration piece on wall which causes mirror to break. The mirror break into pieces. She looked at floor and suddenly she picked up the piece of sharp mirror and put it on her wrist to cut it. Elam shocked looked at her and ran towards her and tries to took out the mirror from her hand but in vain.
'Stop it Jannat,give me damn mirror.' Elam screamed and they start fighting where he was trying to took out the mirror from her hands and shew was trying to removed away his hands. Then He got the chance and he took out the mirror from her hands and he quickly throw it away on floor, break into more pieces then he slapped her across the face and she fell on bed. He was angrily looking at her whereas she looked at him and tears were coming from her eyes.
'What the hell you think you are doing?' Elam screamed asked and she sat on bed and start crying loudly. He sighed then slowly walk toward her and sat down on floor in front of her.
'Why you are doing this?' Elam askedthen pulled her face to looked at him from her chin.
'I am not good for you. I can never give you any happiness . I am so useless. ' Jannat said while crying.
'What is the problem? Is something wrong?' Elam asked softy and wipe away her tears then softly touched her cheek where he had slapped her.
'Nothing is wrong.' Jannat said while clenaing her tears then got up from the place.
'Ouch...' Elamhissed in pain as she had touch his shoulder while passing and Jannat quickly looked back at him.
'What happen Elam?' Jannat ask worried while looking at his shoulder.
'I'm fine.' He said and stood up.
'I, always only cause you pain.' Jannat said and she just looked down. Then, she walked towards into restroom and came out while holding cleaner in her hands and start cleaning the pieces of mirror while he stood up and sat down on bed while looking at her. What is wrong with her? What is disturbing her?' Elam thought while She finished picking the pieces then throw them in the dustbin.
' Well, I am hungry.' Elam said and she looked back at her
'I will go and get food for you.' Jannat said
'I will come with you.' Elam said
'No, you should rest.' Jannat said and walk toward door.
'No, I already have all day rest .' He said. She stopped in middle and looked back at him. She nod fed her head while they came out from the room. They entered into the kitchen and turned on the light.
'What do you want to eat.' Jannat asked and he sat down on the counter.
'I want to eat pasta. Can you make for me?' Elam asked and she nodded her head in yes. Then She started making food whereas he just looked at her while sitting on the counter. Within half an hour she finished making pasta and put it in plate. She passed the plate to him and he showed her, his shoulder indicates that he can't eat with his hand. She walked towards him and stand between his legs whereas put plate on the counter. Then she took a full spoon of pasta and move it toward his mouth. Elam opened his mouth and she feed him.
'I am sorry for slapping you.' Elam said while touching her cheek which had his hand mark and she looked at him.
'No, I deserve it.' Jannat replied and smile to him.
'You are actually right, You was acting so mad.' Elam replied and they start laughing.
'What was happened to you?' Elam asked and she looked at him. She didn't replied and he got it that she don't want to tell him. He need to give space to her and when she will be ready she will tell him. Then the awkward silence took place between them.
'I think we should play 20 questions?' Elam said while chewing the pasta to break the silence and she nodded her head in yes.
'You go first.' Elam said as she put in another spoon of pasta in his mouth.
'No, you go first.' Jannat said and he nodded his head in yes.
'Favourite colour.' Elam asked
'Tea Pink. What yours?' Jannat asked
'Black.Favourite holiday destination?' Elam asked next question
'Dubai. What yours?' Jannat asked while put in another spoon of pasta in his mouth.
'Italy. Weakness?' Elam asked
'Darkness. What yours?' Janant said
'losing my family. Worst nightmare.' Elam asked while smiling to her.
'Fa........' She was about to say but stopped and he confused looked at her.
'What happen?' Elam ask and put hand on her shoulder to get her attention when she roughly moved his hand from her shoulder.
'Don't touch me.' Jannat said angrily and moved away from him and walk out from kitchen to her room. He got up from the counter and Put pasta's plate in sick. Then He walked back in room. He angrily entered in the room and closed the door with bang. She looked at him and there was guilt in her eyes. She walk towards him but he walk passed her totally ignoring her.
'I am Sorry Elam.' Jannat said and stopped him by holding his hand while he looked back at her.
'Sorry for what?' Elam screamed and angrily took out his hand from her grip.
'For what I did downstairs.' Jannat said nervously.
'I don't get your attitude. What is your problem?' He asked angrily .
'I am actually really sorry.' Jannat said and looked down .
'You always react like this whenever I touch you. I am god damn your husband not your lover. I have every single right to touch you.' Elam said angrily while looking at her but she didn't say anything.
'Why the hell you are quite now? Speak up.' Elam yelled again frustrated for not getting any answer from her.
'I am sorry.' Jannah said again and he loudly sign.
'Can you please tell me what is the problem?' Elam said and she stay quite.
'What is the problem? I might help you with it.' Elam said again but she just stay quite.
'You are not ready to tell me. You don't trust me enough.' Elam asked
'No, I trust you but........' Jannat leave the sentence half way.
'But you are not ready to tell me.' Elam said and she nodded her head in yes.
'Is your parents force you to marry me?' Elam asked again and she looked up at him.
'Yes, I was not ready but now I am fine with it.' Jannat said
'You are just saying that but I know you are not happy with me at all.' Elam said and she was looking at me.
'No, you are nice but It is just that You don't deserve me, you deserve someone better then me.' Jannat said sadly and he looked at her then sighed
'Well it's nothing like that but I respect you a lot and will never touch if you don't want it. Now, Go and sleep.' Elam said softly then picked up his clothes and walked into restroom. She sighed and sat down on bed. Why He is so god damn nice? I really don't deserved him.' She thought while tears were coming from her eyes then after a while She heard restroom's door opening and she quickly cleaned away her tears then laid down on her side and closed her eyes to pretend that she is sleeping. He came out and walk toward his side. He put in cushions between them and walked toward her. Then He read and blow on her then turned off the lights. As soon light were closed, tears again start coming out from her eyes and she put her mouth on pillow to hid her sobs from him. Whereas he sighed and close his eyes while deep thinking over her strange behaviour.
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