《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Epilogue |New|


Life wasn't fair, it messed you up and let you deal with the bullshit. A month ago, his joy walked away. He couldn't and wouldn't ever let her go, Accepting fate was the only way to live, but he wasn't living, Omar was merely surviving and it sucked hard!

Aisha kept pressing for a divorce, everything about the world was messy and hazy. It seemed all fast, too painful. She wanted to be miles away from him and she was. She was safe in Nigeria, no more betrayals. This wasn't some romantic comedy where the guy chases the girl half way around the world, was it?

No, he made his choice and so did she. But, how much did it hurt that everything of his was trailing behind her. Her pregnancy could be barely noticed. She didn't have the intention of telling anyone, certainly not Omar. Her phone suddenly starts ringing, pulling her out of her thoughts. With a sigh, she looked at the name.

He was making things harder than it was for her. She could clearly remember the day she changed his name to Spongebob. It was a couple of days after his seizure and they had gotten in a fight, again. To apologize, he surprised her by decorating the whole house like Bikini bottom. Still amazed and surprised by the apology, she changed his name to Spongebob as the only way to forgive him. He hated the idea but had no choice anyway. She tossed the phone to the other side of the bed and ignored it as it rang. She wished he would stop calling her for she was tempted to pick.

How could he stop when he belonged to her, he was completely in love with her. Omar was hell-bent on getting her back and nothing was gonna change that. If only she had listened to him, if only she trusted him enough to believe that he didn't kiss Jenny, he was just as surprised as Aisha was by her presence. He would never cheat on her, especially after promising to be hers and hers alone. She would always be everything to him, his home and joy. If she wasn't going to pick his call nor reply his texts, then he was going to follow her and get her back.

He verily wasn't going to make the same dumb mistake he made in highschool. He picked the ring on her bedside drawer and left the house.


The doorbell rang, it was the fifth time today and like before, she ignored it. She wasn't in the mood to socialize. All she wanted was to hide in a room and never come out. The persistent annoying sound of the doorbell ringing irritated her, she got up angrily and unlocked the door, not caring to check who it was.

Aisha's eyes shot out of its socket as she took in his appearance. He was dressed in a regular tee, clinging onto his skin. The collar swayed peacefully on his creamy white neck. Hazel brown eyes, sharp and warm. Shooting directly into hers. Nose, straight and long like it was carved by the hands of the finest Greek sculpturer. His smooth face shone gorgeously like a white porcelain under the bright lights. Eyelashes, long and shinny, brushing softly on his cheeks. But his hair, damn that smooth, silky raven black hair of his that swept gently on his shoulders. She longed to brush her fingers through his soft hair and to lay her little hands on the hard muscles underneath his tee.

It sounded wrong, but gosh was he sinfully handsome! He attracted her like hay to a horse and she couldn't even care less if he was gonna grab the rein. A sad smile crept on his moist full pink lips because she was sure he knew the effect he had on her. He caught her gawking like a fool and she hated that. Yet, she couldn't tear her eyes away from him. she was sure as hell he knew that she knew that he knew he affected her and that was a wrong start to playing the not-affected-card.

Omar was trembling like a lost puppy as his eyes met her beautiful brown eyes. He felt like he was under a storm; windy and strangely cold. But immediately she looked deeply into his, he felt a hot breeze all over his skin. He wasn't sure if it was her gorgeous soft lips that parted in surprise or her beautifully crafted oval face. Her peach coloured gown hung loosely on her body and although he couldn't see her curves. He was sure that whatever was under there screamed beautiful and definitely sexy. Eyes, red and teary shattered him. Her skin, flawless angelic structure. He was scared to blink for the fear that she would disappear into thin air.

Aisha's breath hitched as he took a towards her, snatching away whatever sanity that was left in her. His eyes didn't leave hers as he thought of a million things he could do to her, things that included taking her little cute hands in his big ones and holding it firmly. His eyes brightened at the sight of her and all his crushed bones naturally healed. Her mind screamed at her to push him away. With each breath she took, her heart told her to lock the door and it unfortunately kept saying next time she should.


His hands balled in fists hidden in his pockets, he was scared she would see right through him, the writhing fear and nervousness in him. She was scared he would see right through her, the deep yearning for him.

He wanted to touch her, to feel her skin, he longed to hug her but he chose to keep his distance. If he wanted this to work, he would have to keep his distance. "Can we talk please?"

"We don't have anything to talk about." She shook her head, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Please hear me out. I was just as suprised as you were by Jenny's presence. I wouldn't ever kiss her, when I said I love you and want to spend my life with you. I really meant it, every damn second."

"But you kissed her, you did...I saw you, on our bed." She blinked to stop the tears. It was happening again and she honestly couldn't take it anymore. "I'm tired, I'm tired of this, everything! Please just let me go. We both made our choices, please stick to yours." She closed the door and finally let the tears that burnt her skin fall. Aisha fell to the floor, her body rested on the door as she sniffled.

"You're right, we both made a choice. You're my choice and I'm sticking to you no matter what. If only you trusted me." He said softly, yet loud enough for her to hear.

She was taken aback by his words, how could he say such words. She trusted him, she gave him all of her.

"I trsusted you."

"If you did, then you would believe me when I say that I didn't bring her. She kissed her but I never kissed her back. Just like your time with Yousuf. Please let's not make that same mistake. Let's not punish ourselves any further." It was then it dawned on her. They were doing it all over again. They were being distrustful of each other.

"I went to get your favourite bucket of ice cream, some chocolates and burgers. I wanted to surprise you. Instead I was the one who got surprised by Jenny. Wallah, I had no idea she was gonna come. I was shocked to see her in our room and I told her to get out. She didn't though, instead I got dragged and kissed. I didn't kiss her back, I was about to push her away when you stepped in. I don't blame you for not giving me chance to explain myself. I beg of you to forgive me for not pushing her away faster. Please don't this to us and everything we built together."

By then, the tears had stained her face, eyes swollen and red. How awful was she to conclude things?

How stupid was she to lose her trust in him so quickly?

With trembling hands, she unlocked the door and stood facing him. Her shoulders, slumped in guilt and sadness. Without wasting a second more, Omar enveloped her in his arms. It felt heavenly, he was now complete. She was with him and that was all he had ever wanted. Life did mess him up and he dealt with it good.

"I'm sorry." Her voice came out low and slow, almost in a whisper. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry for doubting you. It's...I.. Scared." She sniffled again. "Scared..."

"Shh." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her deeper with her fingers digging into her skin. It has been a long painful time. Now it was over. It was all over.

"I'm sorry I kept it away from you."


She pulled away and brought his hands to her belly, eyes syncing deeply into his. "I'm two months pregnant."

His eyes looked at her tummy then back at her. It was unbelievable and the most exciting news his ears ever heard. He was going to be a father, that was something damn big!


His hand encircled round her waist as he dropped to his knees. "Alhamdulillah." He kissed her tummy continuously before getting up and hugging her tighter.

"I love you Aisha. I love you so much."

Her love story felt finally complete. Funny how her life was a romantic comedy where Omar chased her half across the world.

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