《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 46


She didn't see the bad side of him nor the good side. All she saw was Omar Malik and that was beauteous.

She took another glance at her lover before tearing her gaze away. Last night was the best time of her life, though she had realised that every second with him was the best times of her years on earth.

Highschool love doesn't die in highschool.

She found herself mentally saying those words again and again, as if assuring herself that everything was real, he was on her bed and his lips were on her last night.

After brushing her teeth, she got into the shower and let the hot water cool her. She didn't pick her shower gel, instead her hand went to his. Not only did she want to smell him, she wanted to smell like him. She reached for his and let the gel fall on her sponge. Rubbing it against her skin, she perceived it's woody smell, loving it immediately. Her eyes met her ring, completely falling in love with its cute size. She tucked it further into her not so chubby fingers, afraid that the moment she takes it off, everything would disappear especially the man that slid the ring and called her his wife.

After bathing, she kept sniffing her skin with a toothy smile. However, she was disappointed that she didn't smell like him, but his bathing gel. Aisha glanced at the time on her phone which read 10:31am.

She pulled on jeans and a yellow oversized sweater with black flats. Taking her phone and purse, she quietly crept out, leaving her sleeping husband on their bed.

A knock on her friend's door was enough to make Aliyah rush down to let her in. The two hugged each other and in less than a minute, got occupied in a conversation.

"I knew you two are perfect for each other!" Aliyah squealed after her best friend filled her in on all the details. Not every single gesture though, that was a beautiful moment, their beautiful moment.

As Aisha's lips parted to speak, a wave of nausea hits her, causing her to run half way across the house to vomit. She got up and rinsed her mouth.


"This period is a nasty one." Aliyah said as she rubbed her palm on the back of Aisha who was brushing her teeth with the extra toothbrush. Her phone rings and she goes to pick up the call.

"Where are you? You have me worried sick!" Omar questions, his voice slightly raised than usual.

"I'm at Aliyah's, sorry."

He sighs in relief. "Sorry I snapped at you, I was scared when I woke up without you by my side." As she was about to talk back, another wave of nausea sweeps her, making her sprint back to the toilet.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just good old period nausea." She tried to sound fine as she felt a little dizzy.

"You sure, you need to see the doctor."

She rolled her eyes at the care he was showering on her. "I'm fine really. I'll be back soon."

"I insist, I can come pick you up then we could go to the doctor?" He offered.

"No it's alright, I'll go with Aliyah."

"Promise? I'm not forcing you to come home early, you can take your time."

"Promise. Bye love you."

"Love you too." She cuts the call and sighs. He's getting worried over a little period. She knew she moment she insisted on not going, he wouldn't stop rattling on the importance of self care like a parent.

"Can you come with me to the hospital please?" She asks her friend who in return gives her a puzzled look.

"Omar." She groans. Aliyah nods in understanding and gets ready before locking up and getting to her new Peugeot 407 and heading to the hospital.

Aisha clutches her results to her chest as she entered her home. It felt empty. She didn't hear her husband's voice singing loudly or his favourite Surah playing. Perhaps he was upstairs. She walked to their door with a smile that fell when she heard soft moans.

Opening the door, he comes into sight, half dressed with non other than the blonde beauty whose hands are wrapped round his neck, lips on his neck.


She didn't know when a tear rolled down.

She wasn't aware of the non stopping tears staining the results in her hands.

She was oblivious to her shaking hands that held on to the knob of their door.

All she saw was her husband in the hands of another woman.

"It's not what it looks like. I swear to God I didn't bring her here." Immediately he took a step closer, reality came crushing in and in a swift, she ran out, not looking back.

He pushed Jenny aside and ran after her. Omar held her waist, dragging her to his body. He didn't think about what to do next, he just did it.

He kissed her long and hard till her hands fell to her sides. But pulling away was a grave mistake, she punched him as hard as she could.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled fiercely. He had never seen her cry this much, he had never seen her scream this loud and it broke him far than it could ever break her that he was the one responsible for it.

"You promised you weren't going to hurt me again!" She tried to bite back the tears that didn't stop falling. Her voice shaking in sadness. "You promised." She whispered that last part to herself. It was unbelievable that he had gone back on his words. She had given him all she had, her trust, love, virginity, life. What else could he ask for? Her corpse?

"Go to her." She muttered, her eyes down as she clutched the envelope in her arms. "I'm merely a business deal after all."

"No you're not. I can explain. I didn't bring her here." He came forward. She violently pushed him backwards. It didn't matter if he did or not, she was there at the door and he was with another woman in their room. Her eyes fell on the ring in her fingers. A beautiful ring that once made her feel complete. She looked at it with disgust and felt dirty. Taking it off her finger, she threw it at him.

As he stepped forward again, she let him get closer to her, a few inches away and with the little energy in her, she mustered it up and drag her foot backwards. She swung forward furiously hitting him hard in the groin. It was the hardest kick he had ever received causing a writhing pain that made him sunk to the ground.

With the last of her energy, she walked away, leaving everything behind with only a single thing of his trailing behind her, the sweet smell of his woody shower gel she regretted using.

Aisha sighed as she remembered what happened two weeks ago, settling uneasily in her seat. She had went back for her things few days after, he hadn't stopped her. After all he promised to let her go if he hurt again. She ended up leaving with only the purse she went in with, leaving him with their contract on the bed they made love multiple times and the ring she found in the room on his bedside drawer. Placed it on the paper and walked away.

She was starting a new fresh that didn't involve heartbreak.

"Is there anything you want ma'am?" The air hostess asked, smiling sweetly at her as if the world was a fair place.

"No thank you." She returned the smile and closed her eyes.

Highschool love doesn't die in highschool...just years later.

She subconsciously perceived her skin, glad that his sweet intoxicating smell was gone. Nothing of his was with her anymore. She took a peek at the envelope once more, her heart dropping.

She would have to kiss those words goodbye.

The plane took as she heaves a sigh and rested her hands on her tummy.

Nothing of his trailed behind her.

That too was another lie she would have to live with.

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