《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 25: Death's Door


3rd Pov.

The train had just stopped and the aura in the air was grim and it spelled death for one little boy, everyone knew what was coming and the worst part was that they couldn't stop it.

Kat: Ken. It's...I think it's time.

Kenny: The boy's been bit. In case you haven't figured that out.

He said towards chuck who was watching the whole thing go down.

Ben and Chuck cross their arms, looking sad.

Though when Y/n looked at ben he was even angrier with him.

Y/n: (Thoughts) That son of a bitch doesn't deserve to be sad, he was the damn cause of Ducks condition. Ducks like a brother and that bastard is the reason he's going to die!

Ben noticed Y/n glaring at him but look away, he knew if he said anything something bad would happen, he knew what the kid was capable of.

Lee was trying on the other hand was trying to Console Kenny and Kat before "It" happens.

Lee: Take as long as you need.

Lee: There ain't no time left to take.

Kenny: What are we gonna do?

Kat: We can't allow him to become one of those things.

Kenny: But what if... What if he doesn't?

He knew what he said was outlandish but he was desperate and wanted any kind of hope, Kat however wasn't in denial, she knew what was coming.

Kat: Kenny, I love you very much. I love our son more than life itself. I need you to hear me. What you are saying, that he may not turn, is foolish.

Kenny: But-

Kat: No.

Kenny: There's...come on, Kat...

Kat: If you think of one, let me know.

Kenny: Isn't there some sort of pill, or something we can just give him...

Kat: Stop it.


Kenny: He can just drift off to sleep, right, hon? I mean, Jesus, this is our son.

Kat: I KNOW. But we know it's... (points to head) here. Or nothing.

Kenny: Well...fuck...just...who, then? You want me to?

Katjaa: You don't have to.

Kenny: I'll do it.

Katjaa: No. You don't HAVE to.

Kenny: Katjaa, fuck, I--I--I can. I can do this.

Katjaa: You can't. I love you, Ken. But this is beyond you.

As those words left her mouth, Kenny's hope for his son was gone, non-existent. If the heart could actually make sounds like it was breaking, then his would sound like dropping a thousand dinner plates on concrete.

Lee: I'll do it.

They will remember that.

Katjaa: No. It should be a parent.

Lee: No parent should have to do something like this.

Kenny: Lee's right, Kat. We can say our goodbyes and...just let that be it.

Katjaa: I don't know... Lee, you'd be doing this family a great service. Why don't we take him into the forest? So Clementine doesn't have to see.

Kenny: Yeah.

Katjaa: Give us a moment to say goodbye?

Lee: Of course.

Lee was letting them have their moment, which none of them, not even Kenny, knew was going to be the last for not only Duck but another.

Lee was then approached by Clem and Y/n.

Clem: What's happening?

Lee: I'm going to take care of Duck.

Clementine: I thought he was going to die.

Y/n: He is Clem, Lee's going to give him Mercy.

Clem was obviously saddened by the death of her friend.

Clem: Oh.

Lee: Yeah.

Clementine will remember Lee's honesty with her, so will Y/n.

Lee: Look, Clem. Things will-

He was suddenly cut off by the sound of a gunshot and Kenny screaming.

Lee: What the-


Kenny: NO!

Lee: Ben! Take Clementine and Y/n into the train! Go, it'll be fine.

He started to walk close to us but Y/n gently grabbed Clem's hand and escorted her back to the train, then he looked at Ben.

Y/n: Listen, you wanna make up for what you did, right?

Ben: Yes.

Y/n: If that's the case watch Clem while I go find Lee and the others, and if anything happens you protect her with your life, understood?

Ben: Yes.

Y/n: Also if anything happens to her, anything bad and I see or hear about it or even catch anything like that, I promise you the pain you will feel would make getting your insides ripped apart feel like a massage, understood?

Ben: Yes.

Y/n: Good, now I'm off.

Y/n then ran and saw a sight he never expected when he caught up with Lee and Kenny, it was Kat with a bullet in her hand.

Lee noticed Y/n but couldn't find the words.

Y/n: Good lord, what happened...?

Kenny: She couldn't...she just...fuck, oh, fuck...

As the three looked at the sight, it was just adding to the bad of the day.

Kenny Looked at Lee.

Kenny: What do we do?

Lee: Give me the gun, Ken. I'll do it.

Y/n walked over to Duck.

Y/n: I'm sorry this happened to you brother, if I could've kept this from happening or take your place I would but...I'm sorry.

Y/n stepped away and watched.

Kenny complies. Lee shoots Duck.

After words they all got back on the train, the loss Kenny felt, no words could be expressed and when we saw Clem, she was with Carley who looked after her along with Ben.

What a shitty day...

A/n: Thanks for reading, bit of a sad chapter, right?

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