《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 26: New Days


Y/N Pov.

It's been around 30 minutes since the passing of my friend, my brother, Duck. As I said I knew it was inevitable but that doesn't mean it hurts any less, I know I promised Kat to not feel bad or feel like it's my fault but...It's just hard ya know.

As we were on the train I went over and sat next to Clem, who does what she always does and puts her head on my shoulder as we watch the scenery go by. Then Lee walks up to us next and we move so we could give him space and he sat in between us.

Lee: You guys want to talk?

(Y/n)/Clem: Not really./Uh-Uh

Lee: You understand what happened?

Clementine: Yes.

Lee: Okay. What are you thinking about?

Clementine: What Chuck said.

Lee: What'd Chuck say?

Y/n: Yeah? What did he say?

When we asked she tightened up her grip and in a sad voice.

Clementine: That what happened to Duck would happen to me.

Lee: The fuck he did.

Y/n: What the Hell.

Clementine: Swear.

(Y/n)/Lee: Sorry Clem./Sorry.

Lee: I'm going to go talk some sense into chuck.

Clem: Don't be mad.

Y/n: I'm coming too, gonna teach him a thing or two about messing with Clem.

After I said that I tried to get up but Clem was still holding onto me for comfort.

Clem: Please stay, let Lee handle it.

Y/n: Clem, I can't just let him say that to you and walk off scott free.

Clem: Please..Y/n...

She said that while giving me the puppy dog eyes, I unfortunately could and still can't say no to them.

Y/n: Fine....

I turned to Lee.

Lee: Alright, I'm going to go talk with Chuck now.

Y/n: Alright.

We sat in silence for a little bit after Lee left.


Clem: Is it true?

Y/n: What?

Clem: What Chuck said.

Y/n: No, I'll never allow you to die. Plain and simple.

Clem: But you can't-

I cut her off by hugging her and she places her head in the crook of my neck.

Y/n: I swear that so long as I still have breath left in my body, you will survive no matter what.

Clem takes her head out of the crook of my neck and looks me in the eyes.

Clem: You mean "we" will survive, okay?

Y/n: Okay.

Clem: Promise?

Y/n: Promise.

Clem then proceeds to cuddle into me.

Clem: (Chuckles) Your warm.

Y/n: Why thank you, M'Lady.

We both laugh at each other's silliness.

3rd Pov.

Lee had left to go talk with Chuck, he sees Carley leaning over the rail and she noticed him.

Carley: Hey Lee!

She said in her usual but now with a bit more upbeat attitude kind of voice, Lee simply smiles and walks over to her then kisses her nice and gently, which she always loved.

Lee then pulls Carley into a hug, where she rests her head on his chest for about a minute of peaceful silence until they both pull away.

Carley: So, what are you up to honey?

Lee explained what Clem said to Carley, who's also upset with Chuck now.

Carley: Why would he say that to a little girl?

Lee: I don't know but I'm about to find out.

Carley: I'm coming too.

Lee smiles and kisses her one more time before they finally find Chuck at the front of the Train.

They both stand together and confront Chuck, as a team.

Lee: Don't talk to my girl. Just stay away from her.

Chuck: Excuse me, son?

Lee: I heard you told her she was gonna die; that she was gonna end up like Duck. Why'd you go and do that?


Chuck: 'Cause she is.

Chuck: I don't know much about you folks, but I can tell you, sure as the sun's gon' come up tomorrow, that y'all keep going on like this and that girl ain't gonna make it. That little Boy, Y/n right?, he has all the tools he needs to survive and he's willing to risk his life for that Girl but he might not always be around, same goes for you.

Carley: What do you know?

Carley was clearly irritated with Chuck, she saw Clem as her own daughter even if she wasn't related.

Chuck: I know that you don't have a goddamn plan. We get to Savannah and then what?

Lee: We'll do what's best for Both Clem and Y/n.

Chuck: Oh! Well, then! You do have it all figured out! Never mind.

Chuck said in a sarcastic tone.

Chuck: Look, sit down with the girl and her little Boyfriend and hash it out. Find a map for Christ's sake--I'd give you one if I had it. And if something were to happen to you two or the Boy..

Lee/Carley: It won't.

Chuck: If it WERE, you gotta prepare the girl. Teach her to use a weapon, and for criminy, cut that hair. The boy seems to know how to fight, tell'em to teach her what he knows.

Lee: She's a little girl.

Chuck: She'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive. Look at her hair.

Chuck: You got her running around with a mop that's gonna act like velcro to any hands swingin' its way, the boys hair is short enough to where it ain't a hazard. Find some scissors in my pack and take care of that hair before a walker does it for you. And then show her how to use a gun, because like it or not, that's what saves your life from here on out. Also don't forget what I said about the boy teaching her a few tricks.

Carley: Okay.

Chuck: Explain to her how they work and not to be afraid. I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, but too many people have died already...

Lee: They have...

Chuck: And seein' another little kid die might just do me in.

Lee: I hear you. A plan, a haircut, and a gun. It's good advice.

Chuck: It's something.

After their talk Lee and Carley decided to leave Chuck to himself and instead go back to where Clem and Y/n were but first Lee checked on Kenny.

Lee: Hey, man.

Kenny: You and me. We...uh. Fuck it. Let's just get to the ocean.

Now finally Carley and Lee reached the train car where Clem and Y/n were and when they opened it they saw both Clem and Y/n laid back, with them cuddling, Clems head on Y/n's chest just napping peacefully.

Both Lee and Carley looked at each other before smirking.

Carley: (Chuckles) They're gonna make a great couple someday.

Lee: (Chuckles) That's true.

A/n: YO, I just wanted to thank you all for reading/Voting and now my story is number 2 under #Clementine. I wouldn't be able to do this without the support from you all and all of your support is genuinely appreciated.

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