《The Devil's Smile》𝗦𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡
I groan getting out of bed, somewhere along the way I've slipped my ribs again. It's something that happens more often than it probably should, and each time the pain doesn't get any easier, but that was something I've learnt to manage.
Or ignore
Each time I move my torso the sharp pain sears through my side, making me contort my face in pain and hold the area.
Not to mention i have a constant dull back pain.
I root through my bedside draw, in search of any strong painkillers, finding my codeine in the unorganised mess. Swallowing two with the three day old bottle of water left on the desk.
I lay myself back down into the comfort of my bed and close my eyes, hoping those few minutes of quietness will help dull the pain and aid the painkillers since missing school definitely wasn't an option given how much I've skipped with Charlie recently.
Getting ready for school was no easy feat but the shower definitely helped me ease the pain of my ribs.
My hair was a mess of long tangles so I quickly brush through it before spraying it with water so my hair curls rather than staying frizzy from the brush.
I finish up with lip gloss as i did my make up prior to showering.
Both my dogs are eyeing me up, I'm begging to think they have some early on separation anxiety, either that or they just love guilting me about leaving for school.
I give Prince and Romeo a treat before leaving, locking the door and shoving the key into my backpack then swinging the heavy bag onto my shoulder, grimacing at the discomfort in my side and begin my walk to school.
The walk to school was honestly one of favourite things about going there, it was kind of therapeutic, gave me time to think about the day ahead, although i never did plan any of the shit that does happen at school, i never planned for Scarlet to turn so psycho so quickly or for one of the art teachers to allegedly have schizophrenia and leave.
But that was a story for another time.
The stares and whispers have almost became routine. Scarlet makes it known she still hasn't forgotten about me and makes sure to shoulder me in the corridor or try to trip me over in class.
Note the word try, i never have actually fallen over her fat ankles.
But some have taken pity on me, some being Mollie. She smiles at me in the hallways a lot now and even invited me to one of her parties but that definitely wasn't my scene.
Or maybe it was but I've gotten so used to it not being my place to be that going to a high school party around here is alien to me.
Whilst some are taking pity on me, others are well just right out weird.
I caught a freshman trying to slip their hand under my skirt but I'm pretty sure I've traumatised him and broken his index finger.
But that sounded like his problem now, creep.
At lunch, i was spending my time in the art room, before being greeted with Noah, Alex and Charlie practically ripping the door off its hinges as they barge through the door all at once.
"Um hi guys?" I question, looking up at the three of them.
Noah gave me a playful smile whilst Alex just waved.
Alex was honestly quite shy and reserved unless he was drunk. Then he was a completely different person from what I've heard.
"Come on buttercup, you're having lunch with three very ravishing lads" Charlie states as he dashes between the tables of the room.
"Oh, where are they?" I question, pretending to search around the room.
"Ha ha very funny" he furrows his brows and picks up my bag off the floor and unzips it, allowing Alex to throw in all my art supplies whilst Noah is putting the painting on an empty drying rack.
Tossing my bag to me, i catch it and wince at the sharp pain, proceeding to mask it as i sling it on my back and grab my drink.
Their lunch table was made up of the rest of the football team and some of the cheerleaders that they were either dating or fucking.
But i was surprised when we walked past them, with neither of Noah, Charlie or Alex even glancing in their direction.
Charlie pulled out two chairs at an empty table in the centre of the cafeteria and threw himself in one, waiting for me to take a seat in the other.
I slowly lower myself into my seat, trying my hardest to ignore the pain burning through my side.
I glance around at the three boys in confusion, feeling slightly awkward because the rest of the cafeteria is watching us.
"Well isn't this fucking delightful" i muse, making an obnoxious slurping noise as i finish my smoothie.
Charlie turns his head, growling almost and instantly peers resume eating and chatting amongst themselves.
"You like doing that don't you?" I ask, raising a brow.
"Clearly" he smirked.
"How are your knuckles?" I ask, with genuine concern
"How are your ribs?"
"What happened to your ribs?" Noah asks me at the same time as Alex asked charlie about his knuckles.
Charlie looks at me and props his head up on his hand, like a child waiting for a story.
"Slipped ribs, thats all"
"They're painful" Noah offers me a sympathetic smile. "Tell me about it" i nod and laugh lightly only for a packet to hit me in the forehead.
I throw a grin at Charlie and pop two, swallowing them without any water.
The boys share a concerned glance with one another before looking back at me.
"Now, do you want to tell Alex about your knuckles" i mimic his actions from before, propping my head back up.
"Fight at the tracks"
"Pfft, fight? You almost killed a guy" Noah scoffs at Charlies nonchalant behaviour
"Yeah, no it was so fucking funny, this guy is like clearly in his thirties, is hench as fuck and towers over Charlie." I look around at the three of them, clearly interested in my storytelling skills. "Tell me why it takes two punches for Charlie to lay this man out, caught him with a left hook and a uppercut and he was out cold with a potentially broken nose" I cackle along with Noah as Charlie leans back and smirks with confidence.
"Exactly why I don't go to the tracks" Alex shivered and cringed.
I raise an eyebrow at him, waiting for someone to elaborate. "He's scared of blood" Noah clarifies.
"Seriously?" I muse. "You're on the football team for fucks sake"
"Yeah well that doesn't stop him from fainting because of a dainty papercut" Noah laughs and shoves Alex, a deep blush of embarrassment evident on his cheeks.
"Leave the poor boy alone, he looks like he wants to cry" a fourth voice cuts into the conversation and we all look up to the source.
Oliver I don't know his last name.
"Oliver" the boys say in unison, all of us looking at him.
"Can we help you?" Charlie asked with a cold, deep voice and a "duh" annoyed look on his face.
"I was just going to ask if the lovely lady here would like to come to a party with me this weekend?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"Who? Me?" I asked confused and dazed, the pain in my ribs still fresh and a new found pain my chest and a hazey feeling in my head, all from the codiene.
Side effects.
"Well I definitely wasn't asking Wilson here" he chuckles lightly.
"You fucking wish you could take my thicc ass out" Noah winks at Oliver, clearly making him feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Oh um, yeah maybe. I don't know." I say slightly uninterested, looking him dead in the eye.
"Well when you decide, heres my number" he slides a piece of paper across the table and i look at it and nod, offering a small smile, watching him back away slowly and awkwardly.
Don't get me wrong, he wasn't bad looking but he wasn't exactly my type. I barely have a type but he didn't look like spongebob with the suds, nor does he have tattoos and he wears ralph lauren polo shirts with khaki trousers.
Definitely a fucking no from me.
"You're not going to go are you?" Charlie asks with furrowed brows and a slightly fucked off facial expression.
"Do i look like i want to go party with Oliver whatever the fuck his last name is?" I question, raising a brow, looking directly at Charlie.
"Good, they don't have good intentions with you"
"What's that supposed to mean?" I glance around at the three boys. This is probably the quietest I've seen Noah.
"That you shouldn't go" Charlie states with a demanding tone.
One which I didn't like at all.
He of all people should know not to tell me that I can't or shouldn't do something.
"What because I'm not good enough for the rich football player?"
"You know thats not what i meant" Charlie says with a sigh.
"Oh so you don't think I'm preppy enough? Am i not preppy enough for mr I-wear-ralph-lauren-and-chinos?" I won't lie, I'm not actually mad, I'm just pulling his leg on the situation, it was entertaining to see that he clearly get that.
"You really shouldn't go, thats all"
"Right okay" I roll my eyes, finding amusement in the fact that he thinks I won't go now he's just told me not to.
"Listen they only want you for your body okay?" Charlie slams his arm on the table, no one jumps from the sudden noise apart from Alex but Noah takes a sharp intake of air, already knowing that that was definitely the wrong thing to say to me.
"Are you shitting me? Are you actually being serious?" I wait for a reply, only to be met with his cold stare. "Do you honestly believe that I'm that unlikeable that the only reason he would invite me is for my body?"
"Wow okay" i grab my bag and storm out of the cafeteria. It may be over dramatic but I'm a stubborn bitch, I'll go to that party if its the last thing i do.
Looking back on it, Charlie was probably right. Maybe i was only invited because of the sudden surge of my popularity due to being seen with Charlie. That and the fact that guys only being interested in me for my tits or what between my legs isn't uncommon.
However in my future search for a potential sugar daddy, that might come in handy.
However those thoughts wasn't going to stop me from consuming all the free alcohol i could stomach.
I didn't want to impress anyone at the party but if i was going to show up, i was going to show up.
I had decided on a small black dress with tied straps and a distressed cropped denim jacket, paired with my dr martens and some small sunglasses.
Yes i was aware its dark out but its a fashion statement.
I had texted oliver the following day telling him to pick me up from my house and he seemed a little too ecstatic to be hanging out with someone like me.
The knock on the door had to be no other than Oliver still haven't learnt his last name so grabbing my phone which had $30 stuffed into the case and the bottle of vodka left on the side i jogged down the steps and opened the front door.
Oliver greeted me with his smile that was too wide and kind and his scent wafted through the air.
He was wearing a ralph lauren black crew neck with of course, a polo shirt collar sticking out and blue jeans and black trainers.
"Hi" he breathes out with his charming smile still plastered across his face.
"Hey" i smiled up to with with tight lips, stepping out my house and locking the door, placing the keys under the welcome mat because there was no way in hell I'd be able to keep track of my sunglasses, jacket, keys and phone for the whole night.
"You ready to go?" He asks, as we wander down to his black jeep.
"Ready as I'll ever be" he opens the door for me and i slide in as gracefully as possible for a girl who needs a booster to actually get in the car.
He jogs around and gets in, starting his car up and smoothly pulling out of my driveway. "Well if it gets too much just let me know and we can leave" he smiles at me.
Why does he never stop smiling, its scary.
"Oh I'm not worried, I'm a big girl" i laugh.
"So big that you didn't struggle climbing in my car?" He smirks
"Shut up" i actually return his smile this time.
When we got to the party. It was in full swing. Teens littered the lawn, a few already throwing up or passed out.
We even had to shove a few out our way as we made our way through the open french doors of the huge ass house.
Oliver was greeted with smiles, bro hugs and cheers whilst i was greeted with unsure smiles, smirks from the football team and glares from a couple of girls.
No surprise there
Oliver intertwines our fingers and drags us through the crowd of sweaty drunken bodies to the kitchen.
"What would you like to drink?"
"Want to crack open the vodka?" I lift up the bottle of vodka in my hand and Oliver gives me another dazzling style before opening two cans of coke and placing them along with two red solo cups.
I pour the vodka into one cup which i deemed being mine because it was almost halfway full with vodka.
I pour a similar amount into his cup.
"So you're a vodka girl" he looks down at me as he begins to fill the rest of the cups with coke.
"I'm an alcohol girl" i smirk up at him whilst grabbing my cup as he lets out a laugh.
We spend an hour just making small talk in the kitchen, finishing the bottle of vodka between us before we was dragged into a game of beer pong.
It was Oliver and I vs two other members of the schools football team.
They were getting thrashed thats for sure. They had two cups remaining whilst our side had five.
The opposing team landed the small white ping-pong ball into one of our cups and it was Olivers turn to drink.
He begins chugging it when a drunken girl walks directly into him, making him spill the contents of the cup down his front whilst the girl stumbles and climbs onto the table with two others, drawing attention to them as they sensually dance, not caring about the now spilt beer.
It was absolute scenes as guys cheered on the girls and Oliver was now soaked. I couldn't stop the obnoxious laugh escape my mouth at his misfortune and the guys on the opposite side of the table since the girls were kicking up beer, splashing them with it.
Oliver looked pissed but when he seen me laughing my ass off he facial expressions changed immediately like a chameleon.
If the night wasn't going as good as it is, I'd say Charlie was right because the vibes seem off with Oliver what the fucks his last name.
"Nice shirt" I continue to laugh at him over the music although i had an unsettled feeling inside me.
"Come with me to change it before i get all sticky?" He bends down slightly to whisper into my ear.
Now, I'm not fucking stupid, so usually id stay put and wait for him but the stares from the other party-goers have put me on edge and i don't feel like standing in a corner as if I'm a loner for ten minutes waiting for him.
So i make what could possibly be my second worst decision of tonight.
The first being that I actually decided to come.
I nod up at him and follow his slender body through the crowds of party goers and towards the steps upstairs, completely oblivious to the fact that instead of uneasy stares i was now receiving grins like they're the cheshire cat.
He pushed open the first door on the left of the second floor, and we entered what seemed to be a typical boys bedroom, messy with a great gaming system set up.
"Help me find a tshirt" he asks me with a soft smile
He crouches down and looks through draws whilst i go over to the wardrobe, searching through coats and jackets.
I feel a pair of hands on my waist and freeze momentarily. Spinning around only to come face to face with a shirtless Oliver.
Or face to chest more like because of his towering height.
"What are you doing?" I question, looking up past his slightly sculpted chest into his eyes.
"I know you want me baby" he wispers in what he thinks is a seductive voice but actually just sounds like he's out of breath.
"No, no I don't want you" i say sternly.
"Don't be like this baby" his slips down from my waist to the bottom of my dress before slowly going underneath the black fabric.
I grab his wrist and pull it away from my body and use it to shove him back, but he only stumbles back a few mere inches due to his build from the constant football workouts.
"You're drunk, get away from me" i step back, only to realise theres not exactly anywhere for me to go unless this wardrobe opens to narnia. Fear sets in my stomach as I notice the door the bedroom is closed and no one could possibly hear me scream over the pounding music.
Oliver takes slow steps towards me with a face that can only be described as sinister "you know, i thought you'd be an easy fuck" i splutter at his sentence and he stops until he's as close as possible to me "hanging out with Charlie and all" he trails his hand back down my back as his other hand grips my left bicep a little too tight.
I'm rendered silent and it seems as though he takes this as a sign to keep going.
That is until i shove him back, giving me room to swing my right arm in an uppercut punch, connecting to his nose.
The crack from his now bloody nose was loud and piercing, loud enough for me to hear it over the blaring music and screaming teens.
I'm not a violent person and god knows I've tried to be nice to this creep but he got what was coming to him.
I guess I've lived up to my expectations and reputation tonight. Trouble always finds a girl like me.
Normally that was with Charlie.
Oh god Charlie was right.
He hisses out a string of swear words which pulls me from my thoughts but i dash to the exit, pushing Oliver aside before he had time to comprehend whats happened.
Outside the bedroom was none other than his friends, their faces dropping from drunken amused smiles to looks of shock as they look over my head and to their bleeding and furious best-friend.
"Move" i growl out, making them part like the red sea with their jaws still hanging widen open.
I run down the steps with a terrifying expression slapped across my fave judging from the fact that people continue to move out my way as i storm towards the front door.
I don't know where or who i had grabbed them from but by time i made it to the front door I'm gripping a beer bottle in one hand and a half full bottle of bacardi.
Skulling the remaining of the beer and throw the now empty bottle onto the front lawn of whoever the fucks house this is and take off in the direction of my home, clutching the bacardi in hand.
This bottle was coming home with me, although it'll probably be empty before i get there.
This chapter got a little bit dark but here's Nyx's outfit for the party
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