《I Find Myself in Words》Trigger Words


You're sitting in the bathroom crying.

The door is locked with a chair in front of it.

You turn the faucet on and prepare a warm bath.

You take a look in the mirror and freeze.

You freeze because you don't recognize that girl you see.

"Who have I become?" You ask yourself.

A tear drips down your face and you shake your head.

"This is who I'm supposed to be, right?"

You shake it off and undress and let your hair down.

You turn toward the tub and finally turn the faucet off.

You step into the steamy warm bath and lay there.

You lay there and think, "Empty."

That's what you feel. You can't feel anything.

You shake your head once again and finish up your bath.

You empty the tub and look in the mirror.

You can see your rib cage. You can see every fragile bone in your body.

Your mind begins to replay the reason you are like this.

"Fat" "Pig" "Ugly"

You look down at your self then glance back up.

"What have I done?"

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