《I Find Myself in Words》I'm Fine...


"How are you?"

I'm breaking.

I'm falling apart.

I want nothing more than to die right now.

I want to cry and never stop.

I want to be able to actually get out of bed and not have anxiety

about what I'm going to wear.

I want to be able to leave the house

and not feel like all eyes are beaming right at me with judgment.

I want to be able to go to school and not feel like an outcast.

I want to be able to go to out with "friends" and not feel left out.

I want to be able to speak my mind and not be shunned by every little word I speak.

I want to have actual genuine friends that love me.

I want to not crave giving myself a stripe every day because of people's hurtful words.

I want to be able to walk in the bathroom and not be tempted by the empty tub.

I want people to look at me like I'm normal. I just want to be normal.

I don't want people to leave me.

I want people to actually care, but they don't. They don't ever care.

I want to be able to want to wake up.

I want to be able to want to breathe, but I don't, I really don't.

"I'm fine."

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