《ONESHOTS (Beyoncé, NickiMinaj, Normani, Megan Thee Stallion)》Polygamy 2
"Would you share your man with me?" I asked Megan on the phone.
"For a bag, hell yeah. I'd do a lot of shit with you for a bag." Megan explained. I laughed loudly.
"Oh please, you'd do a lot of shit with me for free." I muttered.
"But especially for a bag." She added making me laugh cause she's right. If I had the opportunity to do the same shit they're doing I would too. Easy money.
"You're not going to try and stop their hustle are you?" Megan asked me. I scoffed.
"Hell no. I don't care. Get it how you get it." I replied. "But I want something out of all of this too. What's the point of knowing all of this if you can't use it to your advantage?"
"What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know yet. I have to figure out their weaknesses."
"Maybe you should blackmail them." She suggested.
"I'm not going to blackmail them! I would need some type of proof to do that." I giggled.
"Well get it somehow."
"Megan, that sounds like a lot of unnecessary work." I sighed exhausted just from thinking about having to find proof that they're gold digging broads who only want my dad for his money then having to confront them and hold it over their heads and for what? I'm not sure yet.
"Well, I'm out of ideas and I have to study for this exam." She said defeatedly.
"Okay well I'll call you later, baby." I whined. She laughed and told me she loved me then hung up. I sighed getting up and headed out of my room and downstairs to look for something to eat.
"Goodmorning Normani." I heard a perky Onika say as I walked in the kitchen. She reached her arms out and wrapped me in a tight hug.
"Goodmorning..." I said awkwardly patting her shoulder. She pulled away with a bright smile on her face.
"Hungry?" She asked. I nodded.
"I was just about to make some breakfast. What would you like?" She asked me. I frowned confused, we don't have like cooks and maid and butlers and shit like that around here?
"Um...waffles?" I thought out loud. She nodded getting the ingredients out of the cabinets as I sat down on the seat at the island. I watched her as she grabbed bowls and stirring spoons. Her hair was pulled back into a low bun with a middle part and she had on a short black dress that cut like a V in the collar showing her cleavage with a belt around the waist....looking like a maid...a fine one.
"Goodmorning Normani" I heard a deep voice boom. It was Beyoncé she walked in with a sigh and sat her black purse down and reached over giving me a hug and smiling at me. I return the hug with less enthusiasm.
"Morning" I said looking at what she had on. It was similar to Onika's fit. A black dress, but hers had a zipper running top to bottom in the front and like Onika's had a low cleavage showing V cut with heels to go with. She also had her hair pulled back with a middle part. I looked at her funny then reverted my gaze to Onika.
"You two sure you're not maids?" I asked them. They looked at me then eachother giving one another a once over curiously then realizing why I said that. Suddenly the curious looks turned into a tense stare off. I sensed hostility in the air.
"No she just likes to dress like me" Beyoncé gritted out causing Onika to loudly and bitterly scoff.
"Oh please, I was dressed first." She said stirring the waffle mix in the bowl forcefully.
"The lies you tell. Aren't you tired of lying all the time Onika" Beyoncé shot back. I looked to Onika waiting for her response, they seemed pretty mad over something so little and I was paying very close attention. I figured I could instigate a little. Just a little. Tiny bit.
"Well I did see Onika in the outfit first." I chimed in before Nika could even respond. They both snapped their heads my way. I shrugged shamelessly.
"Exactly." Onika said smirking at Beyoncé. The blonde rolled her eyes hard.
"You swear you do things first, but you'll always be second. I've been dressed since 6 this morning, I accompanied my husband in his meeting this morning while you were still asleep. I picked this out last night like I do every night and like always you come up with something similar somehow." Beyoncé retort annoyed. I sipped my orange juice through my straw taking all this in. I'm sensing some drama.
"Oh whatever Beyoncé, you're so ridiculous. Trust you're not the fashion icon you think you are to think that I would want to copy you" Onika returned. Oh?
"But somehow you always do. Hair, outfits, makeup-
"Husband?" I threw in before clearing my throat. The attention was now back on me. Onika was clenching her jaw while Beyoncé's stare was intense.
"Husband." Beyoncé added. I was living for this early morning tea. I thought they were in so much "LOVE" lastnight.
"Oh shut your mouth Beyoncé, it's not my fault you can't fulfill all the wifely duties Denzel needs so he had to go out and find another who was able. You're mad he needs more than eye candy for his work affairs." Onika snapped back at the blonde. My eyes widened at that dig. The blonde's eyes were on fire...I mean if looks could kill Onika's head would be detached from her body.
"Oooh, Onika you're so fucking lucky. You're lucky I don't tell Denz-
"Tell Denzel what Beyoncé? You have the same agenda as me! To tell on me is to tell on yourself! We're in this together baby whether you like it or not!" Onika responded.
And we all know that that agenda is I said to myself.
"I'm not in shit with you! I started on my own and will finish that way." The blonde spews angrily. And I mean she was angry, I was even scared. They stared at one another having a rather intense conversation with their eyes before the shorter woman replied.
"Beyoncé get over it. I'm sorry I came in stomping on your plans. Look we made a deal, let's see it through. We're not in competition." Onika tried to reason grabbing Beyoncé's hand.
"I'll do no such thing! I don't need your help!" Beyoncé snapped snatching her hand from the smaller woman storming out of the kitchen.
"You need me Beyoncé!" Onika hollered after her and that was the end of it.
"Trouble in paradise?" I mumbled then giggled after.
"Oh honey, I'm sorry about all that. She's a little stressed with business and stuff." Onika spoke softly to me giving my hand a comforting squeeze.
Yeah business. my daddy. the bag. business. I got their tea.
"So here's what I gathered from this little fight they had." I spoke to Megan through the phone while I closed my bedroom door.
"Onika said something about them having a deal, plan, and seeing it through." I added.
"We also know why he has two wives now." Megan chimed making me laugh.
"Yeah, Onika said they're not in competition, but they definitely are. Hmmmm." I mentioned placing my finger on my chin thinking hard.
"Maybe you could make something work with that." Megan suggested.
"Megan you're a genius! I was just thinking that. The question is what?" I wondered as I paced back and forth in my room.
"Maybe just for whatever you need. Use it when it's convenient." The tall girl recommended.
"But how? Hm I'll have to try some things out." I told her just as there was a knock on the door. "Megan I'll call you back someone's at the door. Love you."
"Come in" I called. It was my dad. He came in with this big goofy smile on his face. He's honestly such a creep.
"Babygirl, how are you settling in?" He asked me taking a seat on my bed.
"Just fine. How was your day so far?" I asked him placing my phone down.
"Great. Had a meeting this morning. It went well and uh...it went really well." He said like he had something else to say.
"That's good. Why are you saying it like that though?" I asked curiously.
"Well baby, I know you just got here and uh well...I have to fly out in two hours for work." He told me.
"What Dad? I literally just got here! We haven't even gotten to spend anytime together." I exclaimed.
"Princess, I know and I feel just awful to have to leave when you just got here, but the meeting went so well and I have this new offer...I have to go and handle this babygirl. I promise when I get back we'll spend as much time together as you want." I promised me. He's such a lying asshole.
"How long are you going to be gone?" I asked.
"If everything goes as planned two months max."
"two fucking months???" I shrieked. He's absolutely unbelievable.
"Baby, it'll fly by and I'll be back before you know it."
"So I'm just going to be here by myself! No maids, no butlers, no nothing!" I said standing up from the bed pacing my room.
"What's your thing with maids?" He asked me randomly.
"Um focus here! Are your wives going with you? Cause if so you have to leave at least one here to clean up around this place and from what I hear that's what Onika is for." I told him. He let out a hearty laugh. I didn't see what was so funny.
"You're so spoiled, Mani. No neither are coming with me. Paris is joining me this trip. Remember Paris my assistant?" He told me. Oh he's such a fucking slut. He's sleeping with that white bitch and before you know it he's going to be introducing her as his third wife. Trifling. I shook my head at him.
"Yes I remember her. So what? I'm just going to be here with your wives? Daddy they're strangers! And quite frankly I don't think they like eachother very much."
"What? Mani they love eachother! They told you last night." He told me shoo'ing me off.
"Maybe in front of you, but I don't thi-
"Enough! They love one another and I'm leaving them here with you because I want you to form a relationship with them. So we can be a family. One big happy one." He said smiling big. I crinkled up my face.
"Aht! Don't make that face! At least try Mani. Do it for your Daddy." He added trying to reel me in.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes.
"That's my babygirl! Now here's your card. 50,000 on there right now. I'll refill this account every month...so don't blow it all! I'm trying to teach you how to use your money wisely." He told me handing me a black card, you could say my eyes turned into dollar signs at the sight.
"Why don't you refill it every week, Daddy?" I asked him.
"Mani...don't push it." He said I rolled my eyes.
"Fine." I deadpanned.
"I'm serious Mani, don't blow through that money because you will not be getting it refilled until this day next month." He told me seriously.
"Dad I get itttt." I whined making him laugh.
"Now if you need anything Onika and Beyoncé will be here and happy to help you." He said and I nodded in response.
"Alright Princess...I'll leave you alone." He said standing up dusting off his pants. "Give your Daddy some love." He told me wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.
"I love you" he said as he let go.
"Love ya back." I told him, he laughed and left my room.
Now what am I gonna buy with this card.
It was later in the day now and I was tired of sitting around this house bored. I figured I'd go to the mall and get me a few things.
I made my way down stairs and saw Beyoncé sitting on the couch looking at her laptop.
"Um...is there a car I can use? I want to go to the mall." I told her. She looked up from her laptop and smiled at me. I gave her a tight lipped one back.
"Yeah, your dad left you some keys on the hook in the front." She said sweetly. I nodded heading to the front.
I found three different pairs of keys with a notecard by them. 'For My Babygirl' - Daddy xoxo!', I smiled to myself.
"Alright community dick! I see you!" I said out loud. I randomly grabbed one pair and headed outside and my mouth dropped.
Outside was three different rose gold cars. a Lamborghini, Rolls Royce truck, and my jeep like I asked for! I smiled brightly.
I pressed unlock on the key and the Rolls Royce's doors unlocked. I hoped in and headed to the mall.
On my way to the mall, I passed Rodeo Drive and decided to go there first. I shopped like I normally would. I stopped at all the stores I normally go to keeping in mind my dad saying 'don't spend all the money' or something like that. And so far I hadn't.
So far I stopped at Dior, Gucci, Victoria, Cartier, Dolce & Gabana, LV, and Jimmy Choo getting only a few things from each store because I was being very mindful on how many items I got. And now I was heading to Chanel to get me a bag or two...or three.
I walked in and was greeted by the workers and they offered me sparking water. I politely declined.
I went over looking at the bags while a nice lady, Elizabeth helped me pick out the best looking ones for me.
I strutted and posed around the store with the bags while she let me know if it looked good or not. It's safe to say, I was having a ball.
Eventually I decided on getting four bags, I was only gonna get two, but I couldn't choose between this one white-multi colored bag or the baby pink one so I just got both.
I got to the register and the cashier rung me up. The total came out to 24,100 dollars. I smiled confidently and swiped my card.
Then the device made a horrifying noise!
"Oh try to re-swipe it again! It does that sometimes!" Elizabeth advised. I smiled at her sweetly then re-swiped...and there it went again, that god awful noise. My eyebrows furrowed.
"Maybe I'm swiping it wrong." I mumbled to myself and wiped the card off on my skirt and retried. Which was no use when the embarrassing noise loudly rang off again. I looked up at the two worker who were giving me dirty looks. I gave them a crooked smile.
"Maybe there something wrong with your machine?" I said cooly. They shook their heads.
"This is a new machine maybe there's just something wrong with your card. Can't afford this maybe?" Elizabeth gritted at me unbagging the two bags I couldn't decided on.
My mouth dropped and I let out a sharp gasp. How dare she!
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with my card! Do you know who my father is!?" I shot back.
"I don't know, maybe somebody who can't afford four Chanel bags." She retorted. She can't even afford four Chanel bags!
"Javier, let's retry!" I ordered him while giving her a nasty glare. Who does she think she is! I'll show her! She stood there crossing her arms and watched. I tried five times and every time that noise resounded I got more and more embarrassed. Not only that there was small line of people witnessing this now. I could cry in this store right now!
"It seems as if the card can't cover the full amount. It's only covering two bags." The man finally let me know. God this is humiliating. I wanted to call my dad, but I knew what he would say and I knew he wouldn't help me right now since he's teaching me a lesson.
"Okay well, I'll take these two!" referring to the two I really wanted. He gave a disgusted scoff.
"Not these two. The cheaper ones." He responded. NOT THE CHEAPER ONES. God I could pass out in this store. I just want to wither away. I could hear others in line behind me mumbling and giggling. I bit my quivering lip and nodded defeatedly.
Elizabeth bagged up the two purses and handed the bag to me.
"Are you su-
"You're holding up our line." Both workers said harshly interrupting me. I grabbed my bag and flicked them off walking out the door hearing gasps behind me. I walked to my car in shame with tears flying down my face Those bastards!
I so badly wanted to call my father and tell him about the embarrassing moment and make him do something about those mean workers, but I didn't want hear what I knew he had to say.
I drove home completely mortified as the incident replayed in my head. I could not believe my daddy would have me experiencing something like that while his two gold digging broads and white side tramp ran his pockets up. I, his very own daughter, can only get fifty thousand? That's not enough to eat at Nobu! That's not enough to buy a regular house! Thats not enough to get four Chanel bags!
I decided to call my mother so she could make me feel better.
The phone rang and rang, all the way to her voicemail came up. She was singing then I could hear Morris in the back adding his two sense as she giggled happily and he said to leave a message after the beep. I angrily hung up. To make matters worse, it started to rain.
Why do both of my parents hate me so much!? What did I do to deserve this type of treatment? Not to mention, I'm broke! How the hell did I blow through fifty thousand dollars that quick?
Eventually, I pulled up the house. I looked behind me realizing I had a lot of bags. I also had no umbrella in here. I groaned knowing I was going to have to get out the car, carry the bags in, and get my hair wet.
"Can this day get any worse!?" I cried hitting my head on the steering wheel. I finally got over myself and got out trying as quick as possible to grab everything in one trip and not to get my hair wet which was no use sense I did.
I tried running up to the house as quick and as careful as I could with all my thousand of bags as the cold rain droplets fell on me, and just then...my stupid heel broke.
"What the fuck!" I yelled, I was on the verge of a mental break down.
I limped to the door and banged on it getting all drenched in this cold rain.
Beyoncé opened the door with a sweet smile while I groaned. The fuck is she smiling for!
"Move!" I grumbled, she was just standing the doorway looking at me goofily while I got quenched. She stepped back and I stepped in dropping the bags immediately and slamming the door behind me.
I angrily marched up to my room slamming the door again while I cried.
I could hear Onika and Beyoncé bickering back and forth downstairs over my outburst, they're so annoying.
I went into my walk in closet, peeling my clothes off slowly since they were wet and cold. I heard a knock at my door.
"Go away!" I yelled back cause the fuck do they want. I heard my door open anyway and that pissed me off. I just got disrespected in a Chanel store you think I'm going to be disrespected in my own room? They got another thing coming.
I marched out of my closet with just my undergarments on, I didn't care, we're all girls anyway plus I'm pissed.
"I said go away!" I gritted crossing my arms over my chest. They were both in my bedroom. Instead of listening Onika just sat down on my bed while Bey leaned on the dresser.
"You left your shoe downstairs." Beyoncé told me holding it up for me to see. I let down my tough act and dropped my hands in defeat seeing my shoe in her hand.
I fell backwards on my bed next to Onika letting out a much needed exhale as the tears rose from my very bad day.
"Those were one of my favorites." I let out quietly wiping my face.
"Jimmy's" Beyoncé said analyzing the shoe. I nodded.
"Yeah my mother got them for me!" I sobbed.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Onika said grabbing my hand rubbing the back. While Beyoncé made her way over sitting on the other side of me as I laid in the middle.
"I-I just had a very very very hard day." I told them. They nodded sympathetically.
- In Serial78 Chapters
*THIS WORK IS FINISHED* In a world of epic struggles between superheroes and villains, not everyone is enthused with the spectacle. Walter Watson is an unassuming young man and a part of the Powerless majority. His only want in life is to escape the noise of celebrity Heroism which is, he believes, no more than a thinly veiled excuse for neverending martial law. He wants freedom, not Power, and he has no hope in saving a world that was doomed to conflict from the start. Unfortunately for Walter, fate has different plans. His entire life will come crashing down as the Truth reveals itself. He is harboring not only the greatest... but most terrible ability in existence. The very key to Power itself. DISCORD --LINKS-- PATREON !! This story includes gore and characters that some may find disturbing.
8 207 - In Serial14 Chapters
Steps of the Immortal Tree
Evan stood on a hill, staring calmly at the gate of his former clan. A crowd waited behind him, some eyeing the clan in an unresigned manner, others looking at their spiritual support. Some of the young children shivered at the gnawing cold. Wind howled in his ears, seemingly deploring his fate. A silvery cloud drifted over the mountains surrounding the compound. The roar of a river could be heard from underneath its frozen surface. He had reincarnated many years ago. Hailed as a prodigy from his youngest age, Evan had seemingly tread on a path to invincibility. He had gotten married with his childhood sweetheart and had cultivated with a group of friends, forming a considerable power of his own. Yet now, here he was, devoid of any path to move forward, with his energy locus destroyed. His wife was dead and his branch had been kicked out of the clan. He looked at his progeny that had been entrusted to him. The baby seemed content in his father’s strong arms, too young to understand anything but the warmth of the father’s beating heart. Signaling to the people behind him, he turned around and the procession gradually disappeared in the distance, as the sun gradually set and the stars acted as a guide. --- Author-san here. I originally started this novel on another account, but lost the login information for it, so I'll be restarting this story here. Thanks for understanding! This is my first fiction, so I appreciate any and all feedback! (^^) The cover picture is by Yuji Himukai (as pointed out by Truis). I found it on the internet. Please contact me if you want to have it taken down. If anyone is interested in drawing a cover, send it to me. I'll put it up if I feel it represents the book well, with your name in the credits.
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Kindling Stars [Hiatus]
Rivka grew up on a backwater world that is part of a vast interstellar empire, ignored by even it's feudal overlords outside of yearly taxation. She has a loving family with important and prosperous parents, two younger brothers, friends and the promise of a glowing career ahead. Both of her parents are capable mages and she confidentially expected to inherit their talent, to become one of the elect. Instead she Awoke as a dragon, tearing apart her school in blood and fire, the product of some far distant ancestor finally breeding true. She was faced with no real choice at all but to become a ward of the noble house owning her homeworld, sponsored by them yet sworn to their service whilst being hurriedly packed aboard a starliner and sent to the sector capital for 'proper education'. Dragons are mighty and terrible, regarded with awe, strategically and politically important, but dragons do not run the Empire. She is also a sixteen year old girl who now needs to eat several times her own body weight in meat on a daily basis and is being driven by the urge to burn or consume all who 'thwart' her. She is being sent to an exclusive academy for the most capable scions of the nobility.
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Secrets of the Arcane
A Fantasy Novelby J. D. SHINOHARA During a reincarnation in Aidinth in Dragon Wolf's year, a baby is born and dies before he can take his first breath.During a reincarnation on Earth in 2001, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. That baby becomes the 21-year-old Julien Weiz, a weak but strong-willed man.What if there were second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances? Would you eventually be able to save yourself, your people or the world from skirmish Arcanist who kill each other? Would you even want to?The Dark Emperor who is the shadow of Julien Weiz and his truehearted lover, Freya, as their magical lives tumble through turbulent events in different realms, again and again.However, Julien finds himself troubled by his magical ideals and becomes overwhelmed with moral questions. Will his conscience allow him to do whatever is needed to stop the Arcanist?J. D. SHINOHARA explores Arcane, Spell Arts, and Beautiful Empires to full effect in the fantasy novel to end all fantasy novels.
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Abominable King
(Rebooted version Synopsis) I was just a man like any other, until I got sucked into a world that wants me dead. I can’t think of a reason why they want me dead, aside from the fact that I command a massive army of the unliving and have the reputation of being the embodiment of evil. Between a character I had created in my youth who wants nothing less than to conquer the world in my name, a force made up of unholy monstrosities and the Forces of Light constantly trying to kill me, how am I to live peacefully or find a way back home and will I even want to by the end of my journey? I will do what is needed and fight for survival, even if it means becoming what the slanderous rumors about me proclaim as truth. The reign of darkness has come again on this fantasy world, and all who try to fight me will face the wrath of the Abominable King. (I did not make the art.) (WARNING! THIS NOVEL CONTAINS CONTENT THAT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG READERS! IF YOU ARE UNDER 16-21 OR HAVE ISSUES WITH INTENSE DEPICTIONS OF CRUELTY AND/ OR OTHER NSFW CONTENT, THEN KNOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!) (There are acts and opinions in this novel that I do not condone. Read at your own peril and watch out for depictions of violence, cruelty, evil in the extreme and more.) (Updates every Saturday at 8:00AM when not on Haitus.)
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Jane Eyre (1847)
"Jane Eyre" follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous character, including her growth to adulthood, and her love for Mr. Rochester, the byronic master of fictitious Thornfield Hall.
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