《Bleach: The Shadow Shinigami》Chapter 13: A three day promise
Ichgio now had began opening his eyes as he had started looking around as he had then heared a very fimilar voice.
"So looks like you are finally up" a voice said which Ichgio looked up and saw this voice belong to Yoruichi.
"Oh...hey there Yoruichi-san....thanks for saving me" Ichgio said not remembering what happend as he had sat up and Yoruichi had sighed.
"I didn't save you....your elder brother did" Yoruichi said as Ichgio eyes had then shot open as he had finally remembered what happend.
"That asshole knocked me out! Where is he at?!" Ichgio asked wanting to give his older brother a peice of his mind.
"He had just left to go fishing for some more food he had said like always "I am still hungry" then he just left" Yoruichi said looking to the side showing a whole pile of plates.
"Oh yeah before he left he also made you this" Yoruichi said as she had then passed Ichigo a bag and so the orange haired boy opened up the bag showing four bento boxes and a note in the middle.
"Dear Ichgio by the time you woke up you most likely are hungry so I had made you these lunches so go on and eat the lunch I made for you and just listen to Yoruichi and do not piss her off wait for me to return"-from Yato.
Ichgio had sighed and decided to eat the food his brother had made for him even though he was still mad at his elder brother.
"Well you might be mad at your brother but could you at least slow down as you eat" Yoruichi said.
"Yoruichi I gotta say I'm impressed that you easily managed to get around and in Yato's note it says......"don't piss her off"....are you a girl?" Ichgio asked Yoruichi.
"Yes I am a woman what made you think am not but come to think about it you haven't seen my original form" Yourichi said as she had began walking form infront of Ichgio.
"Original form?" Ichgio questioned as he had then watched and witnessed as then Yorichi had transformed in a cloud of smoke appered covering her upper and lower half as she was fully exposed.
Ichgio quickly blushed and turned to the side and looked away "What the hell put some damn clothes on!" the young orenged hair teen boy yelled out as Yoruichi soon realized that she was naked and didn't really seem to mind but quickly started to get changed.
"Well the first time your brother saw me in my orginal form he didn't freak out he just asked me if I could reach up into the pantry and get him some cupped noodles while I was babysitting him" Yoruichi said as she remembred the time she baby sat a young Yato.
Isshin and Masaki had decided to go out on a date and since they couldn't get any babysitter they had decided on asking Yoruichi to keep on eye on Yato who was only at the age of two.
Masaki had told Yoruichi to keep a keen eye on her two year old son as he is very independent and tries to do things by his self like when he did his first steps which he had almost fell and she went to help him but he had caught his self and quickly started walking.
So Yorucihi now was sitting on the couch in her cat form and looking down over at the young who instead of watching TV like a regular child like she had thought instead he was reading a book.
"Your a weird one Yato" Yoruichi said as the two year old had turned his head looking at the shinigami cat and spoke up.
"Your...one....t-to....talk" the two year old boy said Yoruichi had looked annoyed at what the two year old had just said.
"The hell you just said you brat!!" Yoruichi yelled at the two year old who had simply went back to reading his book which after a while his stomach had grumbled and so he had gotten up and walked his way over to the pantry.
Yoruichi had watched and saw as the two year old with his little feet walk over to the pantry and tried to open it but he couldn't reach for what he was trying to grab.
So Yato had then looked at the pantry shelfs and then at his hands and came up with an idea which he had then began climbing up the pantry with Yoruichi watching the two year old impressed.
As soon as he was about to reach his goal he had slipped and began to fall which Yorichi had moved jumping off the couch and unknowingly transformed into her human form and streched out her arms and caught the two year old.
"Oh my god are you ok?! You didn't hurt yourself right?!" Yoruichi asked looking and checking to see if the young boy was hurt or injurged but instead he pointed up.
Yoruichi looked up to see where the boy was pointing at and saw that he was pointing at a cup of noodles "If you wanted noodles next time just tell me. Now I'm starting to understand why your mom said to keep a keen eye on you Yato" Yoruichi said as she had sat up and grabbed the noodles and then quickly noticed she was naked.
"Wait right there I gotta go put on some clothes" Yoruichi said as she had placed down the two year old and went to get changed as she does do some laundry in the kurosaki house hold since at Urahara shop the dryer was broken.
So she does have some clothes in the dryer being dried right about now.
As soon as Yoruichi had came back into the living room she saw Yato was gone and looked around and found him reading a book but with ten empty ramen cup noodles infront of him which then Yoruichi had sat down on the couch looking down at the two year old.
'Jeez now I understand what Ishhin, Urahara, and Masaki have been talking about this kid is a whole diffrent case but still he's my god son' Yoruichi thought to herself as she has smiled and looked on the coffee table to see a cup of ramen noodles with a note and her name attached to it.
"Is that for me?" Yoruichi asked the two year old knowing he could most definetly understand her and he did as he had nooded his hand conforming that the noodles are for her which she had smiled and began eating while watching Yato.
"Wait Yoruichi what is your relationship with Yato?" Ichgio asked blushing a bit.
"Oh well I'm his godmother" Yoruichi said as she now was fully clothed.
"Godmother I never knew that" Ichigo said as he had finished eating his food.
"Well there is a lot you don't know about your older brother" Yoruichi said which was very true Ichigo didn't really know much about his older brother.
Then something had caught Ichgio eye and picked up a skull like item "What's this right here?".
"That is an old artifact that was once used just add your spiritual energy into the artifact and you'll fly" Yoruichi said.
Ichigo asked this question since it seemed like Yoruichi has been holding back some information .
Just before Yoruichi could even answer Ichgio their was a huge surge of spiritual pressure in the area.
With Ichgio quickly recognizing who it was.
"It's coming from the direction of Senzaikyuu!" Yoruichi yelled.
Ichgio quickly gotten up and picked up his shikai running towards the exit with the flying artifact that he was talking about with Yoruichi.
"Wait Ichgio where are going?!" Yoruichi yelled.
"Hanatoarou and Ganjyu we're going to Senzaikyuu! If I don't go who's gonna save them?!" Ichgio yelled.
As Ichgio had then added some spiritual energy into the artifact and it had manifested wings and he quickly flew off to go and save his freinds.
"Hey there Yoruichi" a voice called out and it belong to Yato who was holding two barrels full of fish.
"Oh you finally are back I thought it wouldn't take you long?" Yoruichi asked as it doesn't take Yato long to fish.
"Well I had cut up the fish and remove the bones and I had to add ice to the bottom to keep it cool. I also seen my little brother took off to go save his freinds" Yato said casually.
"That idiot we'll let's go after him" Yoruichi said.
"Well how about we make this a race old lady" Yato said as Yoruichi had then grinned.
"Who the heck you calling old I'll show you how about the last one to make it has to do the laundry for the next month" Yoruichi said.
"Deal" Yato said as Yoruichi had picked up a nearby twig and looked over at her god son who was still holding the three barrels of fish.
"Are you sure you still want to hold those barrels of fish?" Yoruichi asked.
"Oh it's fine just giving you a chance old lady" Yato said.
"Alright then don't be complaining when I win" Yoruichi said as she had tossed up the twig into the air and as soon as it hit the floor the two at blinding speeds disappeared and ran towards the direction Ichigo had went.
Ichgio was now faceing Byakuya as Rukia and the captain of thirdtenth divison Ukitake was watching these two clash.
As now Byakuya was about to activate his shikai only to have been stopped by Yoruichi who just arrived and stopped him.
Byakuya, Ukitake, Rukia, and Ichgio was suprised as the two captains finally recognized who was infront of them.
"Your a three seconds late Yoruichi you are gonna have to wash ny clothes for a month" a voice said as everyone looked and behind of Ukitake was Yato who was still holding the barrels of fish.
"Oh shut up I know!" Yoruichi yelled at Yato who had simply walked past Ukitake who is shocked.
"Yato you asshole why the hell did you knock me out!?" Ichgio yelled at his older brother.
"Well because I wanted to be the one to fight Kenpachi since everyone had hyped him up and belive it or not it was a great fight so I hope to fight him again you brat!" Yato yelled.
"That makes zero sense why not fight him together?!" Ichgio yelled.
"Oh just shut up I wanted a challenge you are to young to understand" Yato said.
"Both of you shut up already" Yoruichi said as both of the Kurosaki brothers looked at the female shinigami with an annoyed look.
""SHUT UP OLD HAG!!"" both Yato and Ichgio yelled at Yoruichi.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING OLD?!" Yoruichi yelled as they began having a full blown argument infront of the shocked Byakuya and Ukitake while Rukia was just already used to this.
Ukitake just was still in shock at what happend earlier as this Yato person not only managed to get behind of him but he managed to conceal his spiritual pressure without even being noticed.
Even so Ukitake should have been able to sense him.
'So he must be this "" everyone has been talking about even though I can't sense him I now understand how he managed to beat Kenpachi and the half of the stealth division' Ukitake thought to himself.
Yato had simply looked over up to the sky not really caring about Yoruichi and Byakuya conversation.
"Yoruichi, Yato if you two came here to save me? Thank you but please move out the way. I have to deafeat him" Ichgio said which made Yato sigh in annoyance.
"Ichgio you have gotten stronger I'll give you that but you aren't even close to his level. "Deafeat him" don't say something that you can't back up" Yato said.
"What?!" Ichgio asked annoyed at what his brother just said to him.
"Ichgio I could easily right now take him down without even needing to use half of my power but what you said was right" Yato said as he looked at Ichgio with a grin.
"You are gonna deafeat him but not right now at your current state" Yato said.
"What are you talking ab-?!" Ichgio then was cut off by Yorucihi who knocked him out and placed him over his shoulder.
"If you think I'll let you leave your sadly mistaken" Byakuya said as Yato had then disappeared and reappeared infront of him.
"Three days" Yato said which Byakuka had raised and eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?" Byakuya questioned asking what Yato is talking about.
"In three days my god mother will make him ten times stronger and he'll come back and deafeat you" Yato said which Yoruichi had nooded her head and flashed stepped away.
Byakuya had went to try and stop Yoruichi only to have Yato only using his physical speed he had appeared right infront of the head of the Kuchiki clan and only using his feet had kicked him away.
Byakuya who at the very last second managed to block the kick sending him sliding back across the bridge and into a nearby wall which cracked behind of him.
'With just one kick he sent Byakuya flying into the wall and his speed. That wasn't even a flash step but just his pure physical speed!' Ukitake thought to himself as then Yato had landed down infront of the thirfteenth division captain.
"I wanna apolgize for the mess me and my students have made so to pay you back for it let me fix something for you" Yato said as he had then at blinding speeds had pocked Ukitake in three points on his chest.
Ukitake had fallen to a knee and had began to catch his breath but instead of coughing up blood like he would have but he actually was breathing normally.
"There you go I just fixed up your organs and now allowed the flow of your blood but it's not completly fixed so don't use to much power plus here is a barrel of fish you should eat you look like yo haven't eaten breakfeast" Yato said.
"W-Wait why you could have easily saved Rukia and left why haven't you done so?" Ukitake questioned Yato.
"Well because it's a lesson for my students to learn to do some things for themselves but also I wanna take a shot at the head captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto" Yato said which shocked Ukitake.
Yato before leaving looked over at Rukia who had a shocked look on her face.
"Rukia if you could just wait a little while longer for my little brother to save you so don't you dare lose faith" Yato said as he had then dissapered in the blink of an eye leaving the captains and Rukia shocked.
Yato now arrived at where Yoruichi was and had saw as Ichgio was yelling at her for not saving Rukia.
Yato had then grabbed Ichgio by the back of his clothes and easily tossed him away towards a wall.
"What the hell Yato?! Why didn't you save Rukia?!" Ichgio asked.
"Because Ichigo thats your responsiablilty now I have bet that in three days that you'll gain and get ten times stronger and take down that prick so prove me right" Yato said.
"Thats why I decided to bring you here so don't worry just make sure you get stronger. Right now you don't stand a chance against Byakuya, but in three days, I'll make you strong enough to deafeat him. Then you can go and rescue everyone" Yoruichi said as Ichgio had finally calmed down.
"Alright then let's get going" Yato said.
"Going where" Ichigo questioned his older brother.
"To go and train of course we can't just do it here" Yato said as the two had began walking down a staircase and eventually arrived under Sōkyoku Hill which had the same style as Urahara shop's secret Study Chamber.
While very similar in appearance to the Urahara Shop's Study Chamber, the Sōkyoku Hill Study Chamber also sports a hot springs whose waters have the power of healing injuries.
Which it was a place where Yoruichi and Urahara used to play together but it wasn't time for that it was time to train.
"Alright then Yoruichi I leave Ichgio training in your hands" Yato said as he had started to walk off and away.
"Wait Yato where are you going?" Ichgio questioned his elder brother.
"Well first I gotta go and cook this fish then start my own trainning. You'll be facing Byakuya but I'll most definetly be going up against the head captain" Yato said which made Yoruichi sigh in annoyed.
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