《Bleach: The Shadow Shinigami》Chapter 12: The Meeting of the two beasts
Inside of a room Ichgio had started to open his eye's and had went to get up but the moment he did he winced in pain as he looked down to see he was bandaged up.
"What the heck....!" Ichgio said as he managed to sit up.
"Ichigo your finally awake!" a voice said from the side as Ichgio looked to the side to see Hanatro who had just woken up as well.
"What happened?" Ichgio asked as then quickly Hanatro rushed over to Ichgio side.
"Don't move to much or you'll open up your wounds. Man your brother actually did a good job patching you up" Hanatro said.
"Brother?.....Wait where's Yato?! Ichgio yelled finally recalling what happened after his fight with Renji.
"Oh are you talking about your brother Yato oh he's over there" Hanatro said as he had pointed over to the side where Yato is and he is leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.
"He's been like that since we had gotten here and he healed you up" Hanatro said.
Ichigo had looked over at his older brother and had began walking towards his brother to give him a peice of his mind.
"If your wounds open back up I won't stitch you back up" Yato said yet still Ichgio walked towards his elder brother and went for a punch.
Only for Yato to easily dodge and flick Ichgio on his injured shoulder which quickly made Ichgio to fall to a knee and wince out in pain.
"Like I said just relax and wait here to heal up if your to go out there the way you are you'll just get easily taken out" Yato said.
"When....?" Ichigo asked looking up his brother.
"When what?" Yato asked as he went back with his back against the wall looking at his brother in his eyes as he was still on one knee.
"When....did you get here?!" Ichigo asked Yato.
"Well I had gotten into the Seireitei a few hour's earlier I had to do something for Urahara and after doing this I had decided to go around and fight" Yato said.
"So....your this shadow guy everyone has been talking about" Ganju said.
"So that's what people been calling me well I don't mind the nickname" Yato said as he had taken out his book to read.
"Then why didn't you help us when we had gotten here?! We could have been rescued Rukia by now!" Ichigo yelled at Yato who was still reading.
"Well if I did it would be harder for you guys" Yato said confusing Ichgio.
"What...?" Ichgio asked.
"If you haven't noticed the Gotei have been mostly coming to me as they are more concerned about who and how dangerous "shadow" is. Which now also thanks to me taking down a majority of the stealth division and you took down a vice captain they are most likely are gonna start sending out the captain and vice captains" Yato said.
"How is that better?!" Ichgio asked Yato who just sighed and decided to explain.
"Because that means less people we have to deal with and you don't have to waste time fighting against
Ichigo had really began thinking as each time he gotten into a fight the reinforcements had never came to help the person he was fighting.
"So for now like a said regain your strength and wait because if you take on anyone the way you are you right now you might as well be digging your own grave.
The news of the deafeat of half of the stealth division, Renji, and captain Mayuri had spread like Fire throughout the Gotei.
With also the news of the death of captain Sosuke Aizen the Gotei had went onto go on a lockdown.
As now captains and vice captains had been given the permission to use bankai but one captain decided to do something his own way.
This captain being the eleventh division captain Kenpachi Zaraki who was looking around for the "shadow".
As Kenpachi sees this one person strongest out of any of the intruders being able to take down more then half of the members of each division.
Even Byakuya who normally never says anything had warned the other captains to not underestimate this person as with just his physical speed alone he managed to catch him off guard.
After finding out about that Kenpachi really wanted now to go and fight this person who is doing all of this but unknown to Kenpachi the one he was looking for felt the same.
After Yato had done his research he had found out a lot about Kenpachi and even how he had became the eleventh division captain.
Not by going through the traditional ways and not even a Bankai the way Kenpachi became the captain of the eleventh division was by killing the previous eleventh division captain.
That was how Kenpachi managed to become the captain of the eleventh division.
As the two had been waiting to clash blades and test the others strength and abilities.
On the other hand Captain Hitsuguya was looking in on who might have killed the captain of the fifth division Sosuke Aizen.
A key suspect into this investigation was the head of the third division Gin since he had allowed Ichgio team to live when they arrived.
So for now the Hitsuguya has been keeping an eye on Gin for now while still investigating on what happened to Aizen.
While Retsu Unohana the captain of the fourth division was off and examining the dead body of Aizen.
Ichigo finally had recovered enough and was ready to get going and looked over to his older brother and walked over to him.
Ichgio had went to go and decided to get a little pay back so he went for a kick to Yato shoulder only for his elder brother to disappear and Ichgio fell a hand on his shoulder.
"Just because my eyes are closed doesn't mean my guard is down little brother" Yato said as he had did a swift kick to Ichigo leg making him almost fall go the ground.
Only for Yato to quickly catch Ichgio by his hand and pull him up onto his feet.
"I always have my guard up and you should learn to as well even if you are asleep, eating, hecking even showering don't let your guard down you have to make it as if it's second nature to you" Yato said to his younger brother.
"Yeah what ever let's get out of here it's smells like crap" Ichgio said.
"Well what do you think we are in the damn sewer's but atleast you are fine so let's get going you three" Yato said to Ichgio, Hanatro, and Ganju as they had left the little room that they had discovered.
"Yato I gotta ask have you seen the other's?" Ichgio asked his elder brother who was walking ahead of them through the sewer's.
"You mean Sado, Uryu, and Orihime?" Yato asked.
"Yeah" Ichgio said as the they had procceded to gotten out of the sewer's and onto the surface now.
"Well Orihime and Uryu should be fine and as for Sado can you still feel his spiritual preasure?" Yato asked.
"Yeah I've felt it ever since we landed. Plus...." Ichgio had looked to the area where Sado spiritual energy is coming from.
"Ichgio my little brother I understand you have a lot of faith and trust in Sado but hopefully he doesn't draw in the wrong attention" Yato said.
"What are you saying?" Ichgio asked his elder brother.
"I'm talking about a captain Sado is strong yes but a captain is a member of the Gotei that would make someone with Renji powers seem like that of a child's. So for now hopefully if Sado encounters a captain or vice captain he could do his best to not test them" Yato said.
As if Sado was to go up against any serious captain who would eliminate him the moment they seen him as Yato has been drawing most of the attention to him.
So the four were now making their way towards where Rukia should be until they felt some very powerful spiritual energy which quickly caught Ichgio, Hanatro, and Ganju off guard.
While Yato on the other hand had a very small grin on his face as he was excited to see who spiritual energy this belonged to.
While the others are sweating and are getting worried Yato is the complete opposite he is getting more excited the closer they get.
Just then while running Hanatro had collapsed from the amount of spiritual pressure and Ganju had fallen on a knee.
Yato had just stopped as he had then looked up at a man looking down at him, Ichgio, Ganju, and Hanatro this man having a smile on his face.
As Yato looked to the side to see as Ichgio was sweating bullets from the spiritual pressure this man was giving off.
The spiked haired man had jumped down and landed right behind of Yato.
"So you must be the one I've been looking for this whole time you have the strongest spiritual energy out of the others. I would even say your spiritual energy is on that of the captains and that's just you holding back" the spiked hair man said.
"Indeed I am and if I my ask what is your name?" Yato said as the two turned around and looked at each other as the spiked haired man wearing an eyepatch had smiled.
The two had simply just looked at each other and didn't even need to exchange any words but then Ichgio had quickly ordered Ganju to get an unconcious Hanatro out of the way which he reluctantly did.
Ichgio had taken out his Zanpakuto in it's Shikai form and gotten next to his elder brother.
"Alright Yato we got this if we work together we can beat him" Ichgio yelled as Yato just looked at Kenpachi.
"Ichgio when you wake back up don't try to hit me" Yato said.
"What are you talking abou-!?" Ichgio was then cut off has he had then been chopped on one of his vital points knocking him clean out but before he could fall to the ground Yato had caught his little brother and looked up at Kenpachi.
"Is that young lady on our back gonna fight as well?" Yato asked Kenpachi who simply just chuckled.
"Your sense's are very sharp able to sense Yachiru even with me leaking out some of my spiritual power that's just shows that your really are the one I've been looking for!" Kenpachi yelled excited as a pink haired small girl jumped from behind of Kenpach back.
"Yachiru was it if wouldn't mind could you please watch over my little brother I wouldn't want him to accidentally get sent flying" Yato said.
"Sure then mister darkness man!" Yachiru said as she had then jumped over to Ichgio and picked up placing him over her shoulder.
"Have fun Kenny!!" Yachiru said as she had flashed stepped away to watch from afar so she doesn't get caught up in the battle leaving Yato and Kenpachi to stare each other done.
"At first I was gonna let you deliver the frist attack but I could tell that you wouldn't like that so how about we just start our warm up" Kenpachi said as he unsheaths his Zanpakutō in it's sealed form which the blade is much longer than a standard Zanpakutō's, roughly the size of a nodachi, with a relatively narrow, but long tsuba shaped like a serrated, eliptical bicone. The hilt and braid are both white, though they are mostly wrapped in white bandages, as is his sword's saya the blade is chipped and seemingly worn-down upon its edge.
Still Yato could tell that the blade has alot of cutting power.
"Let's do this!" Kenpachi yelled as he had rushed at Yato going for a swing with his one hand and Yato just easily dodged the slash and jumped back as Kenpachi rushed at him going for a barrage of slash's.
As this continued on for a few more minutes with Yato dodging another slash which had cut straight through the wall behind of him and quickly Kenpachi rushed towards Yato like a beast going for a juicy peice of meat.
While Yato on the other hand wasn't really focused on the fight but on Sado who spiritual preasure was now against on of the captians of the Gotei.
Yato is able to sense that the captain the Sado is facing isn't taking him serious better yet testing him and thank fully the captain that Sado was facing wasn't that of a serious one who would kill him on sight because if that was the case Sado would have already been dead.
So now Yato attention was back to his fight as he had dodged another slash from Kenpachi and had decided to finally fight as he then jabbed Kenpachi in the face making him slide back from the punch.
This making Kenpachi grin "Finally you fight back! Now use your blade!!" Kenpachi yelled as Yato had simply sighed.
"I would like to ask you a question about that eyepatch of yours" Yato said pointing at Kenpachi eyepatch.
"What about my eyepatch?" Kenpachi asked.
"It not only is it reducing his depth perception and range of vision it also is sealing the bulk of your spiritual energy but also those bells at the tip of your hair can only be heard by enemies whose Reiatsu is concentrated am I correct?" Yato asked.
"Yeah your right I had my eyepatch made so I could enjoy fighting long" Kenpachi said.
"I have only last question for you" Yato had then pointed at Kenpachi Zanpakutō.
"Do you know the name of your partner?" Yato asked Kenpachi who had began to chuckle and then laugh.
"Are you kidding me partner?! A Zanpakutō is just a tool a tool used for killing your enemy nothing less!!" Kenpachi yelled.
As everything just went silent as Yato was now gritting his as he was gripping his fist.
"Are you joking me you dare disrescpect your blade like that?" Yato asked with his head down looking at the floor.
As the gound under him began to crack and so did the walls around him as Kenpachi had began to feel as his opponet spiritual energy was rising more and more as the ground and walls began shaking as well.
Yato then looked up from the ground at Kenpachi with a beyond pissed off look on his face which is something only a hand full of have seen as to Kenpachi his enemy was now something else.
With Yato looking like a complete different person.
As Yato now was releasing more spiritual energy which was so great that it could be felt throughout the Seireitei.
To the point where all the captians and vice captains could feel it and Yato had quickly had to relax and catch himself as everything stopped shaking and Yato looked dead at Kenpachi.
"For dissrescpecting your Zanpakutō am gonna beat the crap out of you" Yato said to Kenpachi who was now very excited getting a glimps at the power that his opponent is still holding back.
"Oh hyeah well then show m-!?" Kenpachi was cut off guard as Yato had dissapered and reappered right infront of him and before he could even react he was delt a barrage of swift and fast strikes by Yato.
Yet he didn't stop as Yato had followed up with another barrages of gut punches that had even made Kenpachi who is taller then Yato just lift him up into the air.
Then had landed a solid kick on Kenpachi chest sending him flying through twelve walls creating a huge cloud of dust and after a few minutes Yato had heard some foot steps and eventually Kenpachi who had a big smile on his face.
As he then spit out some blood as he was beyond excited even though he had three broken ribs and many other broken bones.
"Man you really now got my blood pumping and you most definitely are a person....no your something all but no matter because" Kenpachi then reacher for his eyepatch.
This releasing Kenpachi full strength but Yato just sighed as Kenpachi still couldn't hear the cry of his Zanpakuto but then he had effortlessly slices a building in half.
Yato had then placed his hand on the handle of his Zanpakuto.
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