《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》17: Back in Time


Mirai kept staring above the stars, laying upon the flight deck of her ship everything she experience felt unreal yet so surreal.

There was a feeling of deja vu in her stomach. Regardless she stood up to confirm wether or not it was a dream.

The first confirmation was her cat, who she had forgotten with all the battles she has been fighting.

Secondly was her Sister's captain hat. That was cutely worn by her little furball. She smiled creeping the cat out of the room, dropping the cap which she immediately picked up.

"No way..."

She strode forth taking the Katana that her sensei had left, the Moonlight Maiden.

A visible frown can be seen in her forehead as she slowly enters the bridge directing electricity to that part lights lit up the darkened corridors.

However something different occured, her systems were working. The radar immediately detected the American fleet that was supposed to intercept her.

As soon as they were in range a radio hail coming from a destroyer began. The muffled untested sound was unbearable for the Modern Destroyer to comprehend so she ignored it.

"Haaah." She sighed, "that nightmare must've been real."

It was unbelivable for one she lost to an easy rival like apex, secondly she was acting too edgy, thirdly... forgetting Hiyo's teachings.

That third one might've been true that is the only Mirai would confirm.

"Right!" She stood up from the seat of captain flexing her body, and preparing for an annoying bunch of Yanks.

But she couldn't stop but ask herslef. "What realy is the Moonlight Maiden." Because even she didn't know it's true name.

Regardless of any doubt, the American Musuem Pieces approaches. Lights scanned her ship, and then replaced by a megaphone demanding of surrender.

"Just as the dream foretold..."

However this time her plan was different. As soon as she felt the footsteps within her hull, she deconstructed the vessel and turned it into a rigging surrounding her, however this time it was far more similar to the second world war riggings with the bow and aft at both her sides split by their missiles.


The Officer Uniform she had worn was changed into a Samurai Under armor with only a kode as protection for the upper body however, she did wore a Kabuto helmet.

One of a Samurai, with a crescent moon as the Helmet's symbol while above that was the crest of Mirai's shipyard.

Her white Yoroi Hitatare mixed in with the red skirr has a compelling simplicity that terrifies her enemies.

"I am Mirai pupil of the great flagship Hiyo, and none of you will ever experience the sweetest dreams once I face. So why don't end this with a mutual agreement."

It was kind of anti-climactic as she said her first sentence in a menacing way but ended it with a friendly tone like addressing a sister or so.

The Destroyer Gleaves saw no point in antagonizing a cooperative unknown Kansen and thus strode forth infront of Mirai even if the Battleships objected.

"You're a Kansen from Sakura are you?"

Mirai wanted to say no and tell her the truth however the Yanks are not the exact people she has any fondness with.

"Yes. Aeg– Fast Rocket Cruiser of the Yukinami class a sub-class of the Atago-Cruisers..."

At first Gleaves wasn't convince but the structure of the hull and it's length was very comparable with the Atago-cruisers so there wasn't much doubt to be raised.

It was a smart decision after all at this point in time the Sakura Empire or the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Eagle Union or United States of America has only issues regarding trade embargo's.

No matter how innocent it seems, Gleaves wasn't willing to relent and started probing even more questions.

"Then why did we detect an anomylous rift from the point of your location?"

That was a good question and Mirai knows she's cornered. But an Idea sirfaced in her mind after remembering her "Death".

"I was chasing a Siren Observer however she retreated into a Mirror Sea. I was staying here and waiting for her to return but I guess she truly had fled..."

It was a convincing reason, Gleaves knew she couldn't pry anything away and so she turned around.


"Alright we'll return. Sorry for bothering you."

"No no, you weren't a bother. I'm just happy that we don't have to fight."

She waved goodbye to the fleet, now that one obstacle was gone Mirai finaly decided to head where an annoying Gay Battleship lurks. Though she planned for a different path to the future ahead.

Mirai already prepared for this the moment she had woken up. Instead of constantly denying what is infront of her, Mirai will instead accept everything and keep moving forward.



Arizona not fully accepting what they had just talk with the Sakura destroyer decided to hop on Annapolis where Gleaves sat at the bridge.

"What brings you here Arizona?"

Just as Arizona opened the door she recieved a question from Gleaves herself.

"Well it's just that... I don't think we met a Sakura ship just now..."

"You think I wouldn't notice and came to convince me right? Don't worry. I know who the Sakuran's are, they always favored big ships with big guns, while what we saw was exactly a big ship for a cruiser however‐"

"The Gun is almost close to a Coastal destroyer."

"Indeed. That is wht I immediately asked Ann to calk for a Submarine squad to investigate."

Arizona looked to the sides and saw Ann looking at her with an Innocent smile. "Hey Mama~ did I do a good Job?"

Arizona's eyes sparkled and a motherly instinct kicked in—



The Humming of a slender beautiful woman in a Military uniform with a gorgeous blonde hair sitting atop it's second primary turret, IJN Kongou, Brittania's blood but a child of Sakura. Kongou was someone completely different from her fellow Kansens as she not only was terrible at Nihongo, but she also did not act or look the part of Sakura which made her realy odd among the fleet.

Instead of being deployed with an escort on her way to resupply a forward base that has secretly invaded and captured a land of the Northern Parliamen, she was deployed alone because everyone found it hard to get close with her.

"Haaah, I hope this ends soon." Kongou sighed her breath formed into condensed air.

She looked past the horizon where the moon illuminated the darkness of night, in another timeline under the bask of that light would be the shadow of a certain Aegis Destroyer, however this time it was different.


The freezing blow of hair into her ear made her shudder and lose balance on the steep angled turret she sat on.

"Eeeek–!" She squeels with a cute voice and was then followed by a large smack into the wooden deck. "Wh– huh..."

When she raised her head a person, Mirai, had their Katana the Moonlight Maiden pointed in the face of Kongou.

"... I.. Surrender?"

She broke into a sheepish grin with a nervous sweat pouring down her forhead. In her head she curses the commanding officer, her Husband, for ordering her deliver supplies to a far off forward base.

"IJN Kongou. I'm Mirai, can you tell me where you're going?"

The gentle voice tickled Kongou's ears.

"O- Oka~y... A Forward Base."

Kongou never broke the smile even as the sword was sheathed. Mainly because she's trying to hide her frustrations to the commander.

"Mhm. Then alright, I will come with you."

"Are you not afraid that I'll tell the guards?"

Kongou should've stayed quiet specialy with an easy target for the Ministry to extract Information. However she still warned Mirai in her own way, and Mirai did realize that but also because they have nearly the same personality as the Kongou of the JMSDF.

Mirai did not answer for a time that Kongou thought she was deliberatly convince. But Mirai only showed a grin, ".... Then that's a good thing, more dead in my name."

Kongou immediately looked away a bullet of sweat pouring down her face.

'I'm bringing someone crazy along...' Kongou thought.

If she did tip the Guards of the Island she would definitely be responsible for the death of many people and she didn't want that.

But in reality, deep down her curiousity to the stranger had peeked. And she desperately wants to know more even if she were to profusely deny it.

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