《Dorming With The Jocks》Chapter 26- OLD VERSION


"Why wouldn't you want to go?" Rebecca nearly hissed at me while we stood in front of our libraries history section.

 "Keep your voice down," I nudged her slightly and pretended to look through the books, just in case our teacher walked by. "I just don't know if I want to be with Charlie all alone at a cabin,"

Rebecca rolled her eyes and leaned against the shelf, not caring if any teachers saw us chatting when we should be finding books for our history papers. 

 "Okay, I know you're super into those murder documentaries and what not, but Charlie isn't going to do anything but love on you," She winked and made a kissy face before we were shushed by the librarian herself. 

 "Seriously, keep it down will you?" I glanced around again and grabbed a random book from the shelf, to further sell my appearance of actually doing school work. "So you don't think it's a bad idea if I go up to a secluded mountain with some guy I barely know?" 

 "I didn't say that," Rebecca popped the gum that she was chewing. "I thought you said it was at some ski resort, so you're not all alone," 

 I thought about the fifth letter I had received from Charlie, the letter I had stuffed in my backpack so I could show Rebecca when I got to school this morning. Charlie had mentioned his families cabin up at some ski lodge a few hours away last week in his third letter to me. We had been writing to each other for three weeks now and last night's letter from Charlie marked number 5. He finally asked me to come with him for a weekend during winter break. I hadn't even started to write him back because I had no clue what to do. 


 "I am always down to be your backup, just say the words and I'll have a bag packed," Rebecca announced, suddenly her face lighting up. "Sadie! What if I came with you? As support and comfort, of course," 

 "Actually that's not a bad idea," I had two more weeks before winter break so I had plenty of time to ask Charlie if Rebecca could come with us. I wonder if he'd be okay with that. 

Maybe one of the other guys could come with him. Maybe Kent. 

 I shook my head and Rebecca glared at me. 

 "What, you don't want me to come? Fine, I won't then," Rebecca pouted and turned towards the books on the shelves that she hadn't even glanced at since we walked into the library. Rebecca can be a little dramatic. 

 "No, no that's not what I was shaking my head about," I explained. "I was just thinking about . . . never mind," 


 "Yeah," I confessed, sighing slightly since I was disappointed in myself for thinking about Kent. Why would I waste my time thinking about someone who couldn't even send me a letter, let alone respond to one! 

"Look, write Charlie and see if I can come with you guys, it would be so fun!" Rebecca was cut off by the bell ringing and got even more excited than she previously was. "And for cying out loud, get your phone back and just give him your number already so you guys can stop with this 'Dear John' crap," 

 Rebecca waved goodbye and disappeared to her next class while I walked the opposite way towards mine. I hope Charlie would be okay with Rebecca coming.

Chunk and Squid were battling out on Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64 that three of the guys had pitched in to buy while Charlie, Jase, Jayden and I watched. 


Usually with two days before it was time to head home for winter break I would be getting drunk like all the other guys. I could barely bring myself to drink a whole beer. I held the half empty can in my hand still and for some reason kept glancing at my phone. 

 I couldn't help but notice that Charlie had been glued to his phone for the past week but when I asked him who the lucky girl was he would never answer. 

 "Any fun plans for break?" Jase asked the group. Most of us shook our heads but Charlie lit up with excitement. 

 "I'm heading up to my parents cabin on the mountain," He boasted with a big smile. His phone buzzed in his hands and his attention quickly went back to the screen. 

 "Just you or are your parents going too?" I asked. I hadn't been up to Charlie's families cabin in a few years but it had always been a fun time when we used to go. I wonder why he stopped inviting me, we used to go up together every year.

 "Nope, cabin all to myself for the weekend," A smug look made it's way onto his face but quickly vanished when his phone began to ring. "Oh, I gotta take this," 

 He jumped up and hurried from the room without answering the phone until he had shut the door behind him. 

 "Guys, I think we should surprise Charlie up at his cabin this weekend," I blurted, getting the guys attention. Chunk even paused the game. 

 "I'm in," Squid announced first, raising his hand for some reason. Chunk and Jase agreed but Jayden looked skeptical. 

 "Are you sure we should just go up there? What if he doesn't want us up there?" Jayden asked.

"Why would anyone want to spend a weekend alone in a cabin?" I asked and the others nodded in agreement. "Come on, we'll grab a ton of beer, surprise Charlie and have a great weekend getting shit faced," 

 Now Jayden was nodding along with the others. I guess it didn't take as much convincing as I thought.

"What did I miss?" Charlie asked as he rushed back into the room, his cheeks a bit rosy. 

 "Nothing much," Squid said, unpausing the game and continued to play Mario Kart with Chunk. Charlie looked at me with a questionable look but shrugged it off and sat back down next to Jase. 

 This weekend was going to be great!

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