《Notes From a Broken Heart》Toujours espérer


Sometimes I look at people and see how great they are with art, music, and how they love doing it. Yet, they aren't Christian. All I can think about is how great it would be to see them use their gifts to praise God and share His message through their passion.

It truly makes me sad to see hurting people reject God. I see through the lyrics and see that if they could just accept God's love for them they could feel loved and understood.

I won't judge though, it sounds really crazy that a guy would ever die for me and my sins and rise from the dead three days later just so I can have everlasting life. If I haven't witnessed miracles upon miracles of what God has done for me and my friends and family, I wouldn't believe it either. But I believe it with all my heart it happened, because I can't imagine anyone else dying such a painful death just for me and you.

God is real, and I hate to say this but so is hell. Hell is a real place, I wouldn't wish my worst enemies to go there. I don't want to see my friends going there too. But it's their decision not mine, I care about my friends but I don't control what they do. If I really wanted to, I could force them to be a Christian! But that wouldn't change anything, that would drive them further away.

I'm getting off topic, but what I'm trying to say is... It makes me sad to see people use their gifts and not give praise to God for everything they've accomplished. Maybe someday they'll become Christian, or not, but there's always hope. I'll keep praying for the lost and the broken.


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