《Fell For You》16. " I Aint Dumb"



" yea.... No... I said no. You kicked us out

we just kids. We was sleeping at shelters and dumpster diving for fucking food. Amari and Amara cried every night for you and I didn't know what to do. I needed you mommy.

You kicked us out because that Man didn't want anything to do with all of us this time. Don't act like you ain't kick me out before for him. Our own flesh and blood the first person who's supposed to love us, the woman who carried us for NINE FUCKING MONTHS threw us out for a man who sits on the couch and drinks away and beats on her.

Now all of a sudden you call me not to even check up on Amari or Amara but to ask for some damn money. Get the fuck off my phone before I really say some shit I mean"

I hung up the flip phone I had. It wasn't the newest thing but it did it's job.

A knock on my door took my out my thoughts of that recent conversation with my birth giver "Whit you ready?"

Miss Michelle popped her head in after a couple seconds watching me "ouu you look cute girly come on down breakfast is ready" she left most likely walking down

I grabbed my backpack and left out the room down the stairs seeing everyone.

These people really family oriented must be fucking nice.

I watched as Amari and Amara was laughing eating breakfast with Zachary, Nikki and Mason like they were all the best of friends.

We've been staying at the Wrights house for about a little over a month now. Miss Megan had her triplets. She was finally home with the two boys but Miracle was still at the NICU and miss Megan was there everyday

She didn't seem as happy as she used to be with the little time that I knew her. Mr. Wright doesn't scare me as he first did. he's just intimidating to me so I keep my distances as much as possible to not get on his nerves. The last thing I want is for him to kick us out on the streets


"Morning Whit" Mr. Wright greeted as I sat down at the table

I gave a short good morning back and sat down. Miss Michelle was usually here to help in the mornings cause Miss Megan would be off to the hospital after spending the whole afternoon/evening taking care of her two newborns

I watch all three of them, they looked tired but I don't know how to help. I cook and clean sometimes but I don't feel like that's enough. That's why I've been searching for jobs

"Whitney you ready for your big test today?" Mr. Wright asked me. I was ready but I scrunched my face up still because why he remember something like that. However he was referring to my finals. I missed school... a lot but I wasn't dumb. I missed more than half of the last semester of my senior year

And as a senior the semester was already cut short due to that so I've been catching up ever since Miss Megan enrolled us all at school. I had one last final today then that will indicate if I graduate.

" uh yes sir. I think I got it"

He nodded his head continuing eating his breakfast

I really don't know how Megan talked to the principal in letting me be able to graduate with all these missed days. But I won't complain cause I want this chapter in my life to be over with I don't even like school

" Amari and Amara"

I put my head up as he called for my siblings as he was already up holding their school bags in his hands " Yes Mr Mikey"

He laughed lowly as he watched them "you guys can just call me Mikey no need for the mr okay"

They both nodded okay as they slide off the chair and grabbed their plates off going to the kitchen.

To describe my siblings I would say they both look like they don't even know how to speak but in reality that's not the case most times. Amara can be as loud as train coming through if she gets extremely comfortable with you. She's the most sweetest caring little girl that I know. Amari is the nonchalant prince of us all he doesn't get mad quick, very patient especially when it comes to Amara, when he gets moody though I hate being on the receiving end of it. At his young age he knows the right words to really hurt you


I watched as they walked up to miss Michelle walking one by one on the stool next to her washing their plates at the sink "thankyou for breakfast Chelly" Amari said as he blushed

I raised a brow as I seen the interaction Chelly?

"Aht aht none of that now Amari back up from my startburst"

Mason said as he walked into the kitchen behind Zachary

I never had shit like this. A big ass family .... Must be nice

Amari waved him off hugging Michelle as he went to stand by Mr.Wright and Amara

Waking in came Daisy and her older brother Mr. Morgan

"Morning baby" Mr. Morgan said kissing Ms.Michelle on the cheeks. Which in turn made her blush and for Amari and Mason to get upset

He then greeted everyone else

I took my last bite of my breakfast as I watched them all I wonder what it would be like to have that... to have someone actually in love with you.

"Aye Whitney?"

I glanced up to see mr. Wright talking to me as I took my plate to the kitchen to wash "yes sir ?"

I don't think he much likes me calling him sir cause every time I do he scrunches up his face and his sister and everyone laughs a bit

"Megan and I have something to discuss with you after school so come right home today Aight ?"

I nodded my head and said yes as I went to clean my plate and glass off then grabbing my backpack going towards Mr. Morgan's car. He usually drives Ms.Michelle, Nikki, me, and Daisy to the conjoined middle/ high school in the area and Ms.Michelle go work while Mr. Wright would drop off everyone else off at the elementary school because they were in opposite directions.

Daisy was twelve and Nikki was sixteen a sophomore at this school. I try to lay low but those two act more grown then me half the time I'd assume they were the seniors the way my grandma old ass do not want to do anything.

I sat in the backseat looking out the window when the two of them came in talking about whoever and whatever as we waited for Ms. Michelle and Mr. Morgan to come into the car


"Yea?" I took my eyes off whatever I was looking at outside the window to focus on Nikki

"Did you ask them?"

I shook my head no

They are already doing so much for us and for me to ask them for more just doesn't feel like the right thing to do.

"Girl I would've asked already cause you can never FaceTime us with the phone you got and every time we have a three way call you got to either talk to me or Nikki. What's wrong with asking for a phone?"

"Nah I'm getting a job soon I have an interview tomorrow after school"

They looked at each other then at me " Does My sister or Mikey know about this job ?" Nikki questioned

I shook my head no and they looked at each other again

" good luck . The first time I got a job they were so overprotective even went into the store so no boys could even talk to me" Nikki said as she typed away at her phone

" I use to babysit a little bit just family members or Zachary and Mason. I know I'm still a kid but they always hover over you and have a watchful eye Always."

I shrugged as Michelle and Nasir got into the car placing Malachi and Malik into their car seats

" well I'm eighteen. I do what I want." I whispered back to them

They both looked at each other again with a look

"Yea ok."

"Do what she want but she whispering"

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window "Yea cause that's what I wanna do"


Official welcome to Whitney Fletcher

Looks like she wants the past to stay where it is


Sorry for any grammatical errors


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