《Fell For You》15. " I'm So Sorry For....."



We've been here for hours with no word on how Megan is doing.

She has two healthy beautiful baby boys now resting in the hospital nursery right now. I'd go and just stare at them for awhile staring at their precious little faces

" yo mama gonna make it. She got to"

I sent a silent prayer to big G because throughout everything I've been through he's the one that sees me through every single time. So I'm putting my faith in the master of miracles.

I been staring at them for some time so I figured someone would come and find me soon. "Baby... the doctor is back" as soon as those words left Nasir's mouth I grabbed his hands and was speeding down the hall towards the family waiting area where I saw everyone waiting for us so the doctor could proceed.

"How is she ? Is she okay? Can we see her?" Mikey was asking questions back to back and I don't blame him because he beat me to it for real.

We listened on carefully as she explained what happened during the twins birth. " I'm so sorry for the wait. So Mrs.Wright suffered from placenta previa this is when the placenta blocks the opening to the cervix which caused severe bleeding to mom and babies. So we had to form an emergency C-section I know our two bundle of joys came a few days earlier than expected.

The bleeding was severe that put mom in a critical state." She stared at Mikey like she didn't want to continue what she had to say which caused him to break down crying.

"Could you stop the bleeding? Is my daughter okay?" Uncle Art asked as he wrapped his arms tightly around Auntie Maya waiting for her the answer we all wanted to know


Is Megan dead?

She gave us a small smile nodding "We were able to stop the bleeding just in time and she is recovering nicely in one of our critical care suites. Dr. Rosemary wants nothing but the best for you all. Mr. Wright whenever you're ready can I speak with you privately for a moment there's also another outcome that occurred that needs your attention."

Girl she should've started with she's alive and okay had people over here bouta faint. Got Gran back there throwing back tequila in that fake ass coffee mug.

"Can we go see Megan if that's possible?" Megs' mom asked

" maybe two of you at a time she is resting right now but she'll be up pretty soon"

We said our thanks as we decided that since Mikey has to speak to the doctor Auntie and Uncle should go see her first.

Mikey got his self situated and walked off somewhere with the doctor discussion till he stopped and looked back at me holding his hands out

I felt frozen in my spot cause what if it was more bad news? A small nudge to my side from Nasir made me move my feet going towards him and grasping his hands into mine

" I can't do this without you." I could barely hear him as I squeezed his hand

"I got you twin"

The doctor escorted us down towards the hospital nursery is originally at to the right of us but she turned left walking down towards large double doors that said NICU

I started panicking a bit because I just saw the twins and they were doing just fine not to long ago. For something to happen that quickly is mind boggling to me in all honesty.

She walked through the doors with us going towards the nurses station for us to wash our hands and put on protective gear before we enter where the babies were kept. She asked for the Wrights information then walked with us explaining what's happening


"Mr. Wright sometimes ultrasounds are not 100% accurate all the time and we did not see her on the ultrasounds. Seeing now she was probably hiding behind one of her brothers because her heart beat isn't as profound as the other two. So it was assumed you were having twins. However....."

She walked us over to a small little baby all tubed up in an incubator seemingly sleeping " this is your third bundle of joy. She's currently having difficulty breathing on her own right now. We do want to keep her here until she is strong enough and able to breathe on her own"

Mikey was staring down at the little girl with such awe and pain the only thing I could do was rub his back and talk with the doctor "Is there anything else that we should know about her heart wise? Is it just the breathing we need to worry about? How long till she will be moved to the hospital nursery with her brothers?"

I nodded as she proceeded to explain the situation with the little one as Mikey stared at her in shock until he snapped out of it when she said something that caught his attention " I want to let you both know she has a hard fight ahead of her. She will be under constant observation until she is in the clear and breathing on her own without the tube."

"Will she survive ?" Mikey asked

"That's entirely up to the little one. We will need to do test as I was saying to see if she may need surgery"

He was crying again as we nodded and asked for a few minutes alone with her. She respected us and gave us time as I started calculating what needs to be done in my head

Need to check in on Whitney,Amara, and Amari


Need to get a schedule going with Mikey to help with school pick up and dinner for all of them.


Damn. I start work officially on Monday so I need to schedule that around helping


That brought me out of my train of thought cause nobody I know and love calls me Jelena or my first name really unless I'm in trouble or it's something serious

"Yea Mikey?" I looked at him as he still had his finger in as she squeezed the one finger with her whole hand"

" I don't want to leave her but I also want to make sure my wife is okay and tell her the news." I nodded already understanding "I'll stay with her."

He gave me a hug as he went to remove the gear and go towards Meg. I put my finger in as she tried to wrap her hands around it . Smiling down at her

" Our little Miracle"



Our two ladies made it... for now __________________________________

Sorry for any grammatical errors and heartache


Fran 🤍

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