《Fell For You》10. "Im in Love With You"



"Hurry the fuck up Michael"

See she lucky she pregnant cause Ian gon be too many more Michaels now

"Girl sit down somewhere forreal" I put my hand on her lower back walking her towards a table close to enough towards the bathroom. Lil baby always had to pee every five minutes

Y'all in all honesty I'm ready for Megan to have the baby already because she be bullying me more these days I had to call a anonymous hotline to vent the abuse.

" what you going to get Michael? She only doing that cause she want some dick but she can't have none. Lil baby been sick deprived for a hot minute now

I smirked looking at my menu " ion even know.... Shit sound like they got a unseasoning ass white chef in the back

"On God giving me momscancook blogging ass"

That was corny but imma laugh cause she be getting pissed off when I don't "Ahaha girl you kills me"

She straight faced me and look to her menu you I swear I thought I played that off clean

"I'm in the mood for some seafood"

"Megan you can't even be eating allat pregnant"

Her lips poked out indicating she was getting ready to cry her eyes out.

I'm ready for her ass to pop this damn child out because I'm tired of her sensitive ass girl cried cause I ate her last hot fry muhfucka I bought them.

"Never mind baby I was just playing man"

She wiped her tears as soon as the waiter came " yea let us get two king crab boil extra shrimp extra sausage extra potatoes To go please"

Fatass. She asked for two watch she eat half of mine

"Call me a fatass again in yo head imma beat yo ass ugly"


I broke my neck looking at her "Ian even said nothing Meg"

" yo face said it all. When is Chelle and Nas coming home ?"

" since they got Daisy Nas said they all coming home in two days"

She nodded as she was staring at a young woman and the kids as they tried to figure out what they wanted to eat

"Excuse me" she called over the waiter

"Yes ma'am can I help you with something?"

They real diligent here

"We would like to pay for that family right there. Whatever they get we will pay for it." I had a soft smile looking at my wife

My wife

" what made you decide to help her ?"

" just because.."

We watched as the waiter informed the family that someone has decided to pay for their meal and the relief on the girls face made Meg start to cry again.

Her crybaby ass bruh

"That's why. It takes a little burden off her. Imma go talk to them"

I helped her up as we made our way towards the family

"Hello. I'm Megan and this is my husband Michael" Meg introduced

A closer look and the girl looked sleep deprived and had a bruise under her eye she tried to cover up. I smiled and said nothing. I don't know her story but the way she stiffened up when I was introduced tells me she's not comfortable around men.

I let Meg talk to them zoning out on the much needed things we needed to get done before our baby comes.

Finish building the rocking chair

Towels for the bathroom

"Alright it's settle then y'all be staying with us... Mikey can you make sure the guest room is ready"

Make sure the guest room is—holllonnnn


"Guest room?"

She turned to me with an eyebrow raised "yes guest room"

She better chill out before I wipe that perfect arch off her face "lemme speak to you real quick.. excuse us"

"What you talking about Megan?"

" She needs help Mikey. Look at her... look at the kids they're so... young"

"Megan you know I'm an outreach program owner why didn't you just ask if I had a place for them to stay?"

"Cause Michael Giovanni just the other day you were in bed rubbing my feet discussing that every facility is at full capacity until someone decides to leave or you and Josiah finish your latest building.... And that will be?"

"... in March"


"But baby I know you want to help but we have a newborn child on the way. We can't have random strangers in our house"

She glanced behind me at the table where they were sitting " Call it God or a gut feeling but something in me is telling me to help Mikey. I need to do this."

I groaned wiping my hand over my face " they gotta show me one time they up to no good and they asses are out you hear me."

She kissed my cheeks nodding "yes sir"

I saw the waiter come with our bag of food handing it to us " Uh huh gon head and get your friends and wait here while I pull the car up"

Grabbing the food out of her hand I walked out the restaurant. Megan is like Mama Maya, Mama, and Michelle always wanna do the right thing even if someone telling them they shouldn't

I'm always gonna protect me and mine. Pulling in front of the place I parked and got out as Meg was walking out.

" Mikey this is Whitney Fletcher and her siblings Amara and Amari. Twins."

"Wassup." I nodded my greeting "the car is over here so y'all go ahead and get in and get comfortable it's a short ride back to the house"

They nodded as Whitney helped her brother and sister in the car once the back door was closed I turned to Meg "siblings... I thought they was mother and children from the looks of it"

She shook her head " from the little I gathered she just turned eighteen and took guardianship over her two younger siblings... she's a kid herself Mikey." I nodded placing my hand on her back

"Aight mamas we gonna help them now let's get you off your feet please and thankyou" I guided her towards the passenger side.

"I love you Michael Giovanni."


"Boy fuck you"

I pulled her into a kiss "I'm in love with you Megan Pasliee always have been"


Megan has a heart of Gold I swear

Should Meg keep an eye out for her new houseguest?


Sorry for any grammatical errors


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