《Isekai Tensei no Boukensha》Isekai Tensei no Boukensha - Chapter 16 part1


Isekai Tensei no Boukensha Volume 2 Chapter 16 part1

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Chapter 2 – 16 (part 1)

Onto the

“……It’s morning? It was just a dream…… no, it wasn’t.”

A pair of bracelets and three collars were in the bed, lying next to me. I got changed and headed down to the garden, where I quickly put one of the collars on Shiromaru.


I faced Shiromaru, who was now wearing the collar, and silently urged him to become smaller. Very quickly his body shrunk and he did indeed become smaller, stopping at about 1.5 meters.

He had shunk in size by about half, compared to before the collar went on. Seeing that, I tried one of the bracelets on myself, but it didn’t feel like anything had changed. However, it seemed like the bracelet had somehow been absorbed into my wrist. I became flustered and when I tried to remove it, the bracelet appeared again.

After trying it out a couple times, when the bracelet wasn’t in use it had the ability to absorb into the wearer’s arm, and it seemed to reappear when you thought about it. Afterward, I took the bracelet off and left it somewhere. When I tried thinking about it again and willed it to return, it actually reappeared on my arm.

It would seem suspicious if Shiromaru was just way smaller out of nowhere, so I decided to let him stay his usual size until we left the city.

For now, I thought of him returning to his normal size, and he went back to that size again. Apparently the collars would fit on any familiar, regardless of their size. It was only natural, seeing as it was a tool made by the gods themselves.

I ate my breakfast, and then the rest of the day would be preparing for my journey.


As for the food, I had the magic bag so I bought things and threw them in there without worrying how long they’d keep for. Putting things directly into my bracelets would just invite misunderstandings, so for now I put things into the bag and then transferred it to the bracelets. I saved up a lot of food in both.

I bought and stored water, alcohol, ingredients, seasonings, and medicinal herbs, then came across an interesting item from a stall tucked into a back street.

At first glance it looked like just a small, dirty knife, but I was strangely drawn to it.

“Can I get a better look at this one?”

I asked the old man who ran the stall.

“You have strange taste, don’t you~? To want to see such a battered old thing…… buy it then, and knock yourself out!”

he said. I tried using appraisal on it, as well as on some of the other items there.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

An orichalcum knife, a mithril short sword, an adamantine sword, adamantine wrist guards and adamantine armor.

They were quite good…… no, they were all insanely good items. However, they were all covered with thin plates of iron or copper, which were all rusted on the surface and looked worn down.

“How much for all of these?”

“You’d buy them? If that’s the case, two gold coins…… no, what about 1 gold coin and 5 large silver coins?”

“Hmm~m…… well, okay. If I can repair them, then I can probably use them.”

I said, playing it up a little. I grabbed the money, exchanged it for the goods and then stored them in my bag.

“Oh, you have a magic bag? So that’s why you’d consider buying such shabby stuff? They’ll be useful after you send them out for repair! Although they look quite beat up, they’re solid underneath.”

he said, but when I repair them all, they’ll be worth several platinum coins, making me some easy money.


The old man said with a smirk on his face, but I was the one who should be really be saying thanks.


I went back to the inn, and immediately started to clean up the knife and short sword. I used a simple method. It was merely taking the two of them, and hitting them against each other.

The knife looked like a survival knife with a 20cm blade, and 15cm handle.

The short sword seemed like a good quality wakizashi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakizashi'>1, and looked almost like a Japanese blade. It lacked a scabbard, had a single edge and was slightly curved. It was a little large, with a 40cm blade and 20cm handle.

I hit the backs of both weapons together and the metal on their surfaces flaked then fell off, revealing a blade with no cloudiness whatsoever underneath.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

The adamantine sword was a simply constructed great sword, and was very large with a 1m long blade and 50cm handle. As the surface of the orichalcum knife was peeled back, a dark colored blade emerged.

The armor and wrist guards weren’t my size, so I’d probably just stash them away in my bag for a while.

I cleaned them intently for close to 2 hours, paying close attention to detail. It had already become dark outside, and a pleasant aroma wafted up from the dining area.

In order to test it out some more, I willed Shiromaru to be smaller and then brought him to my room.

“Shiromaru, here’s some food, eat up.”

I tried giving Shiromaru about half the amount of food I would normally give him. At first he ate voraciously, but by the time he was half finished he had visibly lost all steam.


He left about a third of the food there and stopped eating.

“Okay! That proves the amount of food is much less!”

Knowing this, I should save some money, and it would make meals for him a little easier. As I thought about it, I found myself pumping my fist in victory.

“Okay, now time for us to eat too.”

I said, while I gave some food and water to Slalin. I then went down to the dining area.

When I went down earlier that morning I hadn’t noticed, but the innkeep’s wife was in a strangely good mood and her skin was glossy. The innkeep himself seemed terribly haggard though, as if he had aged a ton overnight.

“……Tenma, is that you……I’ve been working hard…… Night and day……you know…”

Paying no mind to what may have happened,

“Things have been tough, huh…… Here, take this, it’s my homemade recovery medicine.”

I said, and handed it over to the innkeep.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“You’re too kind, Tenma! *gulp gulp* Ara, that went down easier than I thought it would!”

The innkeep’s wife had swooped in from the side and grabbed the medicine, downing it in one gulp.

……I’ll never forget the old man’s face at that precise moment……It was as if he had discovered an oasis in the middle of a desert, and when he scrambled to get closer to it, it was no more than a cruel mirage…… it was an expression of utter despair.

His face had turned completely white like Joe. https://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20150925/23/beginninghealth/29/a6/j/o0342050013435712768.jpg?caw=800 '>2

“……What did you say……Try your hardest……”

As he said that, I slipped two recovery pills into his clenched fist, and stuffed four more into his pocket for later. I then took a seat.

“Auntie, please give me today’s special!”

I ordered as if nothing had happened.

“Okay! Dear, that’ll be one special, serve it up!”

The old innkeep started to totteringly move upon hearing her words, and swallowed the two pills in one gulp.


he said, and headed into the kitchen. The dish that came out was made without any heart, and was a tad salty.

“Ah, auntie, I was thinking about leaving tomorrow. Thank you for watching over me.”

“Whaa~~~! So suddenly, you’re leaving!?”

It was only natural she was surprised.

“Honey~! Come here for a sec!”

Refulgent, your translator here, if you like my translations, you can show your support by leaving a comment or constructive feedback at Four slimes . com I’d love to hear from you directly~

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