《Isekai Tensei no Boukensha》Isekai Tensei no Boukensha - Chapter 16 part2


Isekai Tensei no Boukensha Volume 2 Chapter 16 part2

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Chapter 2 – 16 (part 2)

Onto the

As the innkeep’s wife called him back out, she went outside and hung a sign on the door that read “Sorry, We’re Closed”.

“What’s wrong~……”

The innkeep appeared, apparently still not back to his usual self.

His wife told him that I was leaving.



He cried out with so much force that he collapsed.



The customers around the area became terribly noisy.

The innkeep regained conciousness about an hour later.

“Wha-, I had a weird dream!”

“Dear…… It wasn’t a dream, Tenma’s leaving the city tomorrow!”


It was too much of a shock for him, and it caused his character to break down.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“I’m sorry. But I really feel like I have to go right away.”

That was the explanation I gave them, since I couldn’t tell them what the god of war spoke about in my dream.

“I see……Intuition is very important to adventurers, hm……I guess that’s how it is, then.”

The innkeep was easily convinced.

“Hey. I just want to say, thank you for taking care of me for these past two years.”

I told him. I then offered a small bundle of papers to him.

“We’re a business after all so you don’t have to go to the trouble…… wait, are these really!?”

“What’s wrong…… seriously!?”

The papers that I had offered to him contained recipes for the sweets that I had successfully reproduced in this world.


“But you…… these alone are worth a fortune!”

There aren’t actually that many recipes for sweets in this world. It’s because sugar is so expensive, so when you bring up sweetness, fruits spring up first in most people’s minds.

If you’re not very skilled in the kitchen, using sugar would just be a waste. Fresh, dried or simmered fruits were typically added to things like bread and cakes, and even though it wasn’t directly adding sugar, it made them much sweeter and tasty enough for most.

The recipes I gave them were for donuts, pancakes, pudding and cream puffs. They’re not especially difficult to make, and I included a note that they were likely to be well received by both women and children.

“Please, don’t worry about it. There are also some recipes I didn’t write down. What’s written there are recipes that should be simple to make in the kitchen that you have. They’re are easy to improve upon too, depending on what type of flavours you want to go for. What’s more, they have the Duke of Sanga’s signature as insurance.”

After I said that, I took a document out of my bag, and noticed the relief that washed over their faces.

The reason for the insurance was that a long time ago, a dessert recipe from a restaurant in the royal capital had been sold without permission of the nobles. Although restaurant owner protested against it, he was sentenced with and received the death penalty in the end. Apparently a true story.

Having heard of it, I asked the Duke about it before.

‘Sure, I’ll write a few lines for you. If anything happens to that shop, it will be tantamount to picking a fight with me, how does that sound?’ the Duke had said, and he quickly wrote it down.


―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“The Duke had his own conditions however. He will occasionally come around, and he wants you to make extra sweets that he can take back with him.”

When it comes to someone of the Duke of Sanga’s standing, even royalty wouldn’t be able to just simply take him down. You could call it the highest form of security.

“If that’s all, then it’s no problem.”

“With this, every day we can eat sweets!”

“Auntie, eating too much will eventually turn into a problem, you know. Especially for a woman’s closely guarded secret……”

Upon hearing my words, she stopped moving for a moment.

“With this, occasionally we can eat sweets!”

She had done a retake on earlier. No matter what world you’re in, weight seems to be a concern for the women there.

“Anyways, thank you for giving us these.”

After that, I spent my last night fielding questions from the innkeep about the recipes.

The day of my departure had quite fitting weather, perfectly clear blues skies.

Even though it was early in the morning, many people who I had become close to within the town had gathered, all to see me off.

Lilly and her sisters, the innkeep and his wife, Flute and the Guild Leader, Serna and her uncle Marcus, and then Primera along with the other Knight Captains.

They all likely had their own business to attend to, but showed up despite that.

Since I had already said goodbye to all of them before, all that was left now was a lighter farewell.

Everyone freely gave me their thoughts. They had prepared handmade snacks and drinks, ingredients, healing sets, and even a hand written map.

“Tenma, take this with you.”

Alain gave me a broken sword, spear and armor.

“These might be hard to repair, but I believe that you can make them new once more, Tenma.”

It was certain possible using my alchemy. I gave him my thanks.

“Tenma-san, this is from my father.”

Primera handed me an envelope that was sealed with wax. When I opened it,

“This is the coat of arms of the Duke of Sanga, isn’t it?”

Contained inside was a hexagonal metal plate about the size of my palm. The coat of arms on it featured a pair of deer, and a string was attached to the top.

“Yes, it is. As long as you have this, if anything should happen, it will help. He also asked me to tell you: ‘This coat of arms is my apology for all the trouble I’ve given you. Please don’t hesitate to use it. However, please don’t abuse it either.’”

“Thank you very much for your concern. I won’t abuse it, of course. Please pass that on to him.”

“Okay, I will. Tenma-san, take care.”

With those words, I climbed onto my horse drawn carriage.

“Everyone, thank you for all that you’ve done for me. I’ll come back to this city again!”

I made Tanikaze set off at a slow pace. I turned around and waved until I couldn’t see anyone any longer.

Eventually they all turned into tiny specks, and I turned around, facing forward. To shake off my feelings of loneliness, I increased Tanikaze’s speed.

Hi, Refulgent here, if you like my translations, you can show your support by leaving a comment / constructive feedback at [ FourSlimes . com ]

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