《Burning Tears》One (1)


Alexandria, Egypt, December 17, 2009.

Nadine was lying on her bed listening to her favorite songs and thinking about her life. Deep breath taken; annoying thoughts crawled back to her. Captivated, grounded, and trapped in a terrible play. Asking herself every day why couldn't she just disappear.

A daydream where she could leave everything behind and simply vanish. With every day passing, an unreasonable aching feeling crawled into her soul slowly, leading her to lose all senses of reality.

She finds herself dragged into these realistic dreams that feel more live and believable than her own. For the past eight years, one weird dream was a regular visitor. She couldn't recall it fully, yet she vividly remembered how it felt every time she had one.

She sighed and looked at the ceiling, defeated. The daily yearning began. It was towards something, or rather someone she doesn't know or remember.

Or yet to remember.

The new song plays into her ears. Incredibly emotional lyrics and a singer's voice from heavens; clear and dominate yet soft and heartwarming. She knew every word and memorized every sound in it. The song had a spark within her soul. It was like the starter engine of her weird dream. The beginning of her escape.

She discovered the song seven years ago. The only song ever created by that singer's angelic voice. The world music industry and regular fans went insane, wanting to know the identity of its creator yet with no luck. Even after long seven years, the identity of the famous unknown singer was still unsolved.

His deep and calming voice always put Nadine on cloud nine. His voice felt familiar and close to her heart. Every word felt drown to her. Her favorite moment of her day, letting go of the stress and her life and simply drift with the song.


Every time she feels somehow carried away from her body into a magical light one. Feeling her soul floating through air. Alive and free. Felt real almost too real. The realism of her feeling got to her, scaring her to the core. She opened her eyes swiftly, confirming how she felt. She was floating in the air and right above her peacefully laying body.

She blinked and watched herself closely. She looked foreign and not real. Nadine moved away and reached the floor to stand. Walked toward the mirror. She didn't see her reflection or any other reflections.

She saw a golden halo inside the mirror. Nadine felt a powerful urge to touch it. She looked at her hand and slowly reached to touch the halo. Nadine felt attached to whatever behind the halo. She felt like she was walking on a memory lane.

The so-called dream always stopped at this moment; with her about touching the mirror and never knew what was behind it. Yet this time was different. It felt real and not a dream any longer.

She followed her instincts. The golden halo flickered when she touched it and quickly spread all over. She looked back at her laying body and saw how the halo covered it and swallowed it whole.

She stood in a golden luminous void that slowly transformed into another room. It looked familiar and nostalgic. A hypostyle one with a massive golden circle table in the middle and ten golden chairs.

Nadine was standing at the far end of the room. Golden wisps flew from above her head toward the chairs and then transformed to ten strained men. In the middle of the table were hundreds of papyrus and books. One of the men stood up and start walking back and forth with his hands over his hips.


He was talking in a low tone that Nadine couldn't hear from where she was standing. She walked toward them and stood behind one chair and eyed each one carefully.

They were all wearing long white linen shendyt with golden belts and long-sleeves tunics. Some wore plain silver neck collars and others wore gemstones golden ones. Most of them were bold and with clean shaved beards. They all shared similar clothes, yet each was weirdly different from the other. They were like all belonged to the same culture but from different time eras.

Nadine narrowed her eyes while looking at their faces; she could swear on her life at this very moment that she saw these men before. She knew each one and exactly what they were talking about yet his mind nor her body let her react or even talk.

"If our calculations are right, we have to move fast, we cannot let them take our right to fight," the standing man said and looked at the other men. The third man from the right looked at him intensely before standing up and walked to stand beside him. He looked different; he had full dark brown beard and hair and he was wearing more layers of clothes than the rest. Nadine's eyes widened, she knew this man, she knew his name, yet she didn't move nor speak.

"I tested everything; they are everywhere"— he sighed and eyed the rest of the men who shared the same worrying reaction— "they are in disguise, recruiting weak souls to get to the heart."

The man sitting in front of Nadine gasped and said, "but...how? The heart doesn't exist in any reality!"

"I tried everything to prove that they are not but... if we didn't stop them, we will lose everything, our only chance is in seven."

"She is not even born yet! None of the other girls had it! She won't," another man said.

"I saw every possibility and it all led to the massacre"— he rubbed his temples roughly— "I saw it with my own eyes, it is the girl from the seven." He sighed and looked at the man next to him. "did you find him?"

The man looked at him and said, "He is in seventy-three... but he is mortal." The other man was about to ask something else, but he didn't when the man continued his answer, "I don't think he could do anything."

Another man stood up and went to the right to a huge brown door. "We have to get the girl before any of them... we must protect her till we could find a way to fight them without risking her life." The rest nodded their heads agreeing with him. He nodded back then grabbed the doorknob; a loud noise hit the whole place the moment he opened the door.

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