《Burning Tears》One (2)


Nadine gasped for air. She looked around and lay on her bed. Nadine couldn't call it a dream anymore. She looked at the clock next to her; it didn't move even a second. She could remember everything this time, but within a minute and without, she could even realize her mind covered it up. Leaving her again with nothing but yearning for something she no longer remembers.

She blinked several times before sitting up. She grabbed her iPod to switch it off before leaving her bed. Her eyes went from the iPod to her left hand. A cicatrix between her thumb and index fingers looked rough, not stitched nor treated. For years, she thought the accident she had when she was eighteen was the reason behind the scar. Her parents told her she survived such a horrible accident with no broken bones or even a bleeding wound. No one knew how she got the scar.

Eight years ago, she went into an enormous car crash. She was driving on El-Gaish road when suddenly her car flipped multiple times causing her to become heavily disoriented. The only thing she remembered from that day was the world passed up and down in a blur. After she woke up in the hospital, she couldn't recognize anyone. When the doctors asked her if she remembered anything, nothing was in her mind but her name.

The doctors said that her memory loss was because of the accident and it might not get back. After one month, she remembered everything except her childhood memories; even the things she remembered were more like feelings from the past, not genuine memories.

For anyone who knew Nadine; would mostly envy her. Nadine had a perfect-looking life. She was the youngest member of one of the wealthiest well-known families in the country. Nadine had the money and the power to have anything she wants yet it wasn't as luxurious as it sounded. She wasn't free to decide anything major in her life. She must follow in her family's footsteps.

She was the only granddaughter of the Azmi family; her family dominated her life in its every aspect. It wasn't bad to have a comfortable life ready for her to lead, yet feeling captivated was drifting her away and she didn't know why she kept feeling this way.


She didn't celebrate her birthday after the accident; she couldn't even remember if her family ever celebrated that day. Three months ago, was her twenty-six birthday. Her cousin Camellia threw her a party even though it was a hectic day for her. Camellia called Nadine to convince her to go to the party she arranged for her at their favorite restaurant.

Nadine smiled as the memory came vividly to her. She looked over her room while heading to her closet to get ready. There were many pictures of her with Camellia hanging on the walls. Despite having distinct personalities, they had a strong friendship. Their mothers raised them to love and protect each other as they did. Nadine opened her closet and there was a picture on the closet door of their summer trip two years ago in South Korea. She remembered how crazy this trip was. "If I only knew all that crap will happen just one year after this photo," she said sarcastically and looked away.

After she went to the bathroom to have a quick shower, her phone ranged, she looked at it and blew dry her black wavy hair. She had a kind of beauty that women love to hate, with a willowy figure. Light-olive skin tone, heart-shaped face, and almond brown eyes. Long curved eyelashes, and naturally full round light red lips with rounded cupids bow.

Her phone kept ringing. Two names were calling her: Camellia and Adam. She finally answered one of them after taking a deep breath. "Nadine!! Please talk to me." Adam's voice was strained.

"Don't call again." She hung up the phone before Adam could say anything else. Nadine went to her room to wear her heels while holding her phone, blocking Adam's number. She checked herself over in the mirror one last time. "will it ever end?" she said and grabbed her bag.


Camellia's House, 8:30 am.

Employees from Camellia's parents' private hospital crowded the house. Camellia smiled at them while she was going downstairs to her mother. She couldn't hide her anxiousness that washed over her face. She had an attractive beauty with hourglass slim body and round face. Curly brown hair, full round naturally red lips, and hooded light hazel eyes that shines encounter with her glowing skin she inherited from her Nubian father.


Like her parents, she studied medicine to run the hospital with them. She was famous for being the smart one. Her obsession with ancient civilizations was taking over her life. Camellia wanted to study it deeply, but her parents weren't fond of it. She made a deal with them; she would study medicine in return. Camellia would travel every summer to any country she wants and get the chance to explore the world.

Being an only child made it a little easier for her to get what she wants. She went to the backyard garden where her mother Layla was having breakfast next to the pool. Her mother was a psychiatrist. Famous for her calm and friendly personality. "Good morning Momma," Camellia said and sat on the chair next to Layla.

"Good Morning," Layla said without looking at her. "Did you sleep well?" she asked and then eyed her, noticing Camellia's anxiousness. "What's wrong?" she asked, and tapped once on Camellia's arm.

"I'm worried about Nadine," Camellia said, taking one toast to eat.

"What happened yesterday was a lot to take in," Layla said. And held her cup of tea and took a small sip.

"I can't believe what he did; how could he hurt her like that? I tried to call her yesterday, but her phone was off," Camellia said and sighed. "She always keeps herself busy and does not share what she's feeling."

"Not everyone knows how to express their feelings, so don't leave her; she's definitely needs someone with her," Layla said and eyed Camellia again.

"I won't," Camellia said and gulped her breakfast.

After a few minutes, she kissed her mother goodbye and passed by her father's office to see him before heading to her car. She tried to call Nadine from the minute she woke up, but Nadine didn't answer. Camellia decided she would get Nadine her favorite coffee first before heading to her office.

At the Azmi corporation, 9:10 am.

"Sorry Mr. Adam, you're not allowed to go inside," the security man said firmly.

"I want to talk to her now!" — Adam held the man's collar roughly — "move."

The security man held Adam's hand, shoving it away, causing him to slightly lose his balance and said, "You're not allowed to enter, and your belongings are already here." Adam looked beside the man to see one big brown box with all his belongings.

It took Camellia a solid forty minutes to get to the corporation. After she parked her car. She saw Adam walking to him in the parking lot. He noticed Camellia and hurtled toward her. "Camellia," he said loud enough for her to hear him as he kept his fast pace.

She didn't respond. She put her bag over her shoulder and grabbed the coffee and locked the car. Adam stopped right in front of her in a quick movement that almost pushed the coffee cups over her. She gave him her iconic death stare that sends shivers into his spine along with apologized look washed over his reddish and sweaty face.

"Can we talk? Please, I need your help," Adam said and left the box next to her car. She cringed at his action and quickly shifted her body and walked away, yet Adam followed her fast steps. "come on, Camellia, just give me a chance to explain myself! You owe me."

"I owe you?" her stare was dark and cold.

"We are friends, and I need your help."

Camellia looked back and chuckled. "Don't flatter yourself. You know I hated you from day one." She left Adam standing behind her and was about to cry. Camellia mumbled, cursing words, till she reached the elevator button. She rarely gets angry; she has a joyful, optimistic personality, yet when she gets angry or nervous; Camellia curses nonstop.

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