《Love Revealed By Fear》Death Eater


Already back. Yes I know, it's a miracle! So here's another chapter and it's a long one. Hope you enjoy!

(I've used a bit of dialogue from the fifth book and all rights obviously goes to the amazing J.K Rowling)


Draco couldn’t help it. When all the new prefects got to leave the compartment he had to glance after Granger and the Weasel. Just to see where Harry was seated. Not that he was going to act on it, but he just wanted to see. “Draco?” Pansy asked, pulling the Slytherin boy out of his thoughts.

He looked away from the compartment where the two Gryffindor prefects had disappeared into and over at the girl instead. “Yes?” he asked grumpily and pushed past her.

“I thought that we maybe could find our own place to sit. You know, just the two of us”.

Draco rolled his eyes without stopping. “Let us just sit with Blaise and the other”.

He could hear Pansy sigh behind him but ignored it. Instead he slid the doors open to where Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle were seated. He threw himself down in a seat next to Crabbe and leaned back. “Is it that heavy?” Blaise asked, looking at the silver emblem shining from Draco´s chest.

“You will never know” Draco shot back.

Blaise smirked. “A bit grumpy today. You had a bad summer?”

“I´m just bored” Draco quickly said, ignoring the slight blush on his cheeks.

“Go irritate Potter then. That usually helps”.

Draco bit his lip. He really shouldn’t, but he wanted to see the other boy so badly. He had only briefly caught a glimpse of him at the station. “I know you want to” Blaise teased.

Pansy put her legs over Draco and began looking at her nails. “I think Potter has more than enough problems today. After all what has been written about him in the papers, half of the school will either hate him or be scared of him” she said matter of factly.

Dracos stomach turned and he quickly looked down. He had read all the awful things. He knew, first handly that Harry was telling the truth. He knew that the Dark Lord was back. He looked down at Pansy´s legs on his and stood up abruptly. “Crabbe! Goyle!”

The two big boys looked up at him with confused expressions. “We´re going to the mudblood and Scarheads compartment” he explained to the two.

Blaise chuckled. “You´re obsessed with him”.

Draco glared at him. “I´m not”.

Blaise nodded with his eyebrows raised. “Sure”.

Pansy also looked at him with, but she didn’t look happy with both her feet back on the floor. Crabbe and Goyle finally stood up and walked with him down through the train. Draco´s heart was beating rapidly in his chest. This was so stupid. This was exactly what Harry had said that he wouldn’t accept. But why should he care? He didn’t want anything to do with the boy. The warm feeling he had felt when his father had seen the emblem was suddenly back. That was what he needed. He took a deep breath and opened the doors to reveal Granger, Weasley and his sister, Longbottom, some weird girl and Harry. He looked up when the door opened and his eyes got big when he saw who It was. Draco´s heart beat even faster, but he ignored it. He ignored the emerald eyes and the wild hair. “What do you want?” Harry suddenly asked before he got to open his mouth.


“Behave Potter. Remember that I have one of these now” Draco said and poked the emblem with a smug smile, which felt forced and wrong on his face.

“You see, I, unlike you have been made a prefect, which means that, I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments”.

Harry´s eyes narrowed at that. “yeah” he said- “But you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone”.

Draco knew that he had deserved that, but hearing it from him, hurt like a real punch in the stomach. “Well, just watch yourself, Potter, because i´ll be dogging your footsteps in case you step out of line”.

Hermione stood up at that. “Get out” she hissed, pointing at the door.

Draco chuckled and took a last glance at Harry before leaving. Crabbe and Goyle both grinned like monkeys when the door had closed behind them, but Draco didn’t feel like joining.

He looked out the window, without seeing anything. He had really thought that he had tried to change. Why did Draco had to do that? The trees rushed past the train window, people talking around him, but Harry just felt empty. This was going to be a hard year. People not trusting him after everything the papers had written about him, Ron and Hermione prefect, Hagrid missing and Draco being an idiot again. Why did Harry Still have feelings for him? How could he fancy such a git? He needed to get rid of those feelings.

Draco turned in his bed. The irritating sound of Goyles snoring filled the Slytherin dorm. He had a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach and he knew perfectly fine why, he just hated to admit it. The burning look of disappointment in Harry´s eyes days ago in the train carriage. Draco turned and buried his head in his pillow. “Weak, weak, weak” he mumbled down in the soft fabric.

His warm breath tickling his face. He remembered last year when he had helped Harry with the tournament. The look of surprise and hope in the green eyes made Dracos heart flutter. The way Harry had pressed him up against the pillar in the room with the mirror. The room where they had their first kiss. Draco quickly shook his head, when a warm feeling spread in his lower stomach. “You sound like a love sick girl” he murmured frustrated and ignored his body’s response on the memory of Harrys warm body pressed against his.

He groaned irritated and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.

“Write four pages about this potion and how to protect yourself from it if drank” Snape said with his monotone voice, his eyes inspecting every pupil.

“Now, clean up”.

Draco sighed and stood up. He was tired after last night. He hadn’t been able to fall asleep. Something he had a hard time doing at the moment actually. He started gathering his things from the table and went towards the ingredient cabinet to put the things back. “I just want to know where he is, that´s all”.


Draco immediately tensed at the voice. He looked up and saw the golden trio, standing at a table next to the cabinet. Harry was looking really frustrated. “We all want to know Harry, but you cant just barge up to Dumbledore to ask” Hermione said while putting her books back in her bag.

“We can ask Professor Grubbly-Plank later” Ron agreed.

Harry sighed, but nodded. Draco knew that they were talking about Hagrid. He knew from what he had heard from his fathers meeting with the hooded men, that they too were looking for him up in the mountains. It wasn’t hard for Draco to guess what he was doing up there. Harry took his kettle and went towards the cabinet. He stopped for a second when he saw Draco standing there, but then ignored him and put the kettle in its place. “Maybe” Draco said without looking at the other boy- “he´s been messing with stuff that´s too big for him, if you get my drift”.

Harry´s eyes snapped up at the other boy. “Why do you know anything about that?”

Draco shrugged. “I got my sources”.

Harry snorted. “Your father I guess. How could he possibly know” he said, voice thick with sarcasm.

Draco quickly looked down. The harsh tone making him want to hide. “Let´s just hope he´s not over his head and gets hurt” he said with, what was supposed to be an evil smirk, but more felt like a grimace.

“Shut up or you will regret it” Harry said, anger radiating from him.

Draco looked at his face, biting his lip. The fake smirk falling from his face. “I meant it” he whispered, afraid that people would hear him.

The anger disappeared from Harry´s face and got replaced with confusion. Draco quickly left, walking back to the table where Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were waiting for him. “What did you say to him?” Pansy asked with a giggle, looking over Dracos shoulder, at the raven haired Gryffindor.

“Nothing” Draco mumbled closing his bag.

“He looks like a lost toad” Pansy continued still giggling.

Draco´s jaw tensed at that. What did she just call him? But before he could open his mouth, Snape, luckily, called his name. Draco looked up to where his teacher was standing, writing ingredients on the blackboard with his wand. “Come here. I wish to talk with you”.

Draco walked up to the front of the class. All the other students had now cleared up and left the room, even though Draco was sure that Pansy was waiting for him outside the door. Snape didn’t say anything, so Draco waited, hips resting against one of the tables. “How are you?”

Draco furrowed his brows. That was not a question he had expected to hear. “Excuse me?”

Snape didn’t turn away from the ingredient list he was writing. “You have been acting differently in my classes for quite some time and your father keeps nagging me to keep an eye on you to make sure that you behave”.

Draco looked down in shame. His father didn’t trust him? What could he do to make him proud? “Everything is perfectly fine Sir”.

Snape turned towards him. “I know that you have been lurking at your fathers door. You know more about the Dark Lords plans than you should”.

Draco´s breath got caught in his throat. “Your father doesn’t know this” Snape said, his cold eyes resting on the boys face, inspecting him for any emotion that might show.

Draco had always felt like Snape could walk inside his mind. That he could might even read his mind. It was scary and uncomfortable. He quickly looked away from the black eyes. “I want to know what happens” Draco said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Snape narrowed his eyes. “Has your father ever talked with you about the Dark Lord?”

Draco looked confused at him. “How?”

“Does he expect anything of you?”

Draco finally understood and a his whole body instantly felt cold. “As in me becoming a Death Eater you mean professor?”

Snape tilted his head slowly, but didn’t say anything. “I want that. It would be a honor” Draco said as convincing as he could.

The very thought scared him more than he could express, but maybe that was what he needed to do to finally make his father proud of him. Snapes jaw tightened. Draco didn’t understand it. Didn’t Snape want him to become part of The Dark Lords inner circle? “You can go” Snape suddenly said, without stopping eye contact.

His eyes still fixed on Draco, who just wanted to get out as here as possibly. He nodded and slowly turned. A real Malfoy wouldn’t run out as fast as he could and hide, like Draco very much felt like doing in that second.


Thank for reading!

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