《True Love [BxB] (Unedited)》Chapter 23


Jungkook POV

I don't know how I couldn't have seen it before.

He was the exact copy of Jimin. In the way the way he dressed and the way he acted. The way he talked and moved. All of it was the same and yet, I had failed to notice it.

It all made sense now, how he knew things about me that no one else did, like my panic attacks or my nightmares. How he always knew what to say around me.

Heck he wore those ridiculous hair colours like Jimin did!

I found myself smiling at the memory of how I had argued with Jimim for an hour when he had dyed his hair orange telling me it was the in thing when all I thought was that it made him look a carrot!

I thought back to the first time Taehyung had arrived with bleached blond hair, I had immediately told him to dye it black, hating anything and everything that reminded me of Jimin.

Now that I thought about it, I cherished it.

I found myself liking the way they were so similar, and it almost felt as though Jimin had never left me.

It still hurt that he wasn't with me anymore, but I suppose I found some peace knowing that he hadn't left while he hated me. That he was okay with the choice he made and that it wasn't taken from him.

I let out a sigh as I pulled into the street, surprised that I had actually remembered it. I pulled up in front of the house and parked. I looked at it, not knowing at all what I was going to say or if he would even want to listen to me after I had practically treated him like shit.

I sighed once more before I got out of my car and walked up the pathway that led to a small one story brick house. I stood on the porch and gathered up my balls before I knocked on the door. I waited for a few seconds before the door opened and revealed the face I had been dying to see.


"What do you want?" Taehyung asked as he leaned against the door.

"To talk. Please." I replied and watched him look at me sternly before he opened the door and walked out onto the porch carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"Then talk." He said as he walked down the stairs.

I raised my eyebrow and followed him as he walked down the street. I knew I had said that I wanted to talk but I honestly didn't think he would even listen to me, thus I hadn't thought passed that.

I walked next to him in silence, while he didn't say anything, probably waiting for me to talk.

I took this chance to look at him realizing that he had dyed his hair on odd shade of electric blue. He was wearing his signature skinny jeans that had more holes in them than jeans and a hoodie. I noticed, the closer I looked, that he seemed to look older than when I last saw him. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked as though he hadn't slept.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw him walking towards a cemetery. I followed him, not questioning where he was going as he walked up the steps and through the graves until he came to one and stopped in front of it, making me gasp out loud as I stared at the headstone written in bold letters..

In Loving Memory of Park Jimin

Beloved Brother and Son

I watched as Taehyung bent down and sat on the ground. He crossed his legs and wiped away a few dry leaves from the grave before he gently placed the flowers on the grave and smiled at it.

"Shitface is here today. And I hate to tell you that you won our bet. He totally went ballistic and kicked me out. " he said as he smiled at the grave.


"My job's been fine just a bit busy, and I'm sorry I haven't come to see you that much, I've been caught up at the shop and I can finally make the cappuccino that you like without you know, everything going to shit." He said as he chuckled and reached up to wipe a tear that had rolled down his face.

"I miss you so much brother. But I know you're in a better place and at peace. I hope you're sitting on your ass and resting, lord knows you didn't get to do that here. Don't worry, I'll take of care shitface here and his stubborn ass." He said as he wiped his nose and got up. He bent down and pressed a kiss to the headstone.

"See you again soon brother." He whispered as he turned to me.

"I'll be in the park." He said before he placed his hand on my shoulder for a few seconds before he walked away.

I looked down at the grave and felt like my chest had pulled tight. I honestly had no idea what to say and yet, I had so much to say. Did that even make sense?

I sat down on the ground and placed my hand on the grave, closing me eyes and telling the tears fall down my face.

"Jimin. I..I.. I didn't think I'd get to see you again." I whispered and felt my voice crack as I spoke.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't stronger for you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you and I'm sorry that you had to sacrifice yourself for me." I said as I dug my hand into the soil, somehow feeling like I was holding some part of him.

"I'm okay. I'm okay Jimin. I'm better now. I'm stronger, and I wished you could have seen it, but I'm stronger because of you. You made me who I am. So I want you know that I'm okay. That you can rest now. I will be okay." I said as I smiled at the grave and looked up at the sky, knowing he was looking down on me.

I stood up and walked towards the headstone. I touched it and ran my fingers across it. I smiled and bent down, pressing my lips against the cool surface.

"I love you" I whispered as I drew back and looked at it once more.

"I'll come to visit you again soon, and Jimin.." I trailed off as I looked at the grave..

"I do love him and I'll protect him just like you did for me." I said as I smiled and walked backwards to find Taehyung, repeating in my head what I had just uttered..

"I love him and I'll protect him."

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