《When I'm with You》20
first of all..
anyways meme for the chapter
《🍯's/N: pls omg nothing Bennett and Razor do shld be seen as sexual or like it will lead to sex. 👤 like I've written actual smut, but the way I write razor and Bennett is meant to just be purely fluffy and cute. People kissing isn't always leading to sex. That's all. 》
Incoming: Long chapter + Timeskip
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Bennett sat up in Razor's bed. He hadn't realized that he'd fallen asleep there. "Razor."
"Hm?" The tired boy responded. After a bit of kissing the two of them ended up cuddling and falling asleep together.
"It's getting late."
"Sleep over."
"Oh.. but what about Ji Ling.. and the twins.."
Razor opened his eyes,"If you want to leave, I'll take you to the bus."
Bennett contemplated it for a moment before grabbing his phone off the bedside table and sending his dads a text. "I'll need to borrow your clothes."
"You can wear anything." Razor replied, reaching a hand out to grab Bennett's hand, pulling it gently.
Bennett looked down,"What?"
"Come back."
"I'm not sleepy anymore."
Razor frowned.
"Let's go eat." Bennett spoke, giving Razor's hand a quick squeeze before getting out of the bed and adjusting his messy hair.
"My lips look so pink now." He murmured, looking at them in the mirror.
"Sorry." Razor apologized, getting out of his bed and stretching and joining Bennett by the mirror,"They look pretty though."
"Of course you would say that." Bennett turned around to face him. Razor attempted to kiss the boy but was cut off by Bennett placing a hand over his mouth. "I want food."
Razor sighed and left the room to go cook for him and Bennett.
Bennett laughed, following his boyfriend to the kitchen and sitting at a barstool to watch the male cook.
"Razor!" Mei ran into the kitchen only to be stopped by Razor blocking her path.
"Dangerous." He spoke and Mei frowned.
"Sorry. Liu and I are hungry.. Ji Ling told us to ask you to cook." Bennett frowned at this.
Razor patted the top of her head and decided to just make more servings to include the kids.
"Do you need help?" Bennett asked, "Can I do anything?"
Razor thought about it for a second. He didn't want to hand Bennett anything that could accidentally hurt the male,"Find something to drink?" He asked.
Bennett furrowed his brows in confusion.
"I can help cook Razor."
"It's an easy meal Benny. It's just pasta."
Bennett narrowed his eyes at the male,"Fine."
He got up and went to open the fridge to find something to drink.
A second later the two boys were caught off guard by Ji Ling entering the kitchen.
"I heard two voices." She spoke, holding a glass of wine. "You have friends?" Ji Ling smirked before looking around,"Wheres the third one?"
"What?" Bennett asked.
"I heard two voices. So where's the third?"
Razor looked away from her uncomfortably.
"Was Razor talking?" She asked.
Bennett didn't respond and that appeared to make her more livid.
"All of a sudden you're mute like that freak?" She sneered at Bennett who flinched.
"Stop." Razor murmured.
Ji Ling took a step back,"What the hell?"
"Leave Bennett alone." He spoke.
"Wow. This is so impressive. So you've just been faking haven't you?"
Bennett had enough,"He's not faking anything. He just isn't comfortable enough around you to talk to you. You've done nothing to comfort Razor and that's why he can't even be relaxed around you."
Ji Ling scoffed,"I've given him a place to live what else does he even need?"
Razor took a deep breath and just decided to not bother. He turned off the stove and grabbed Bennett's hand,"Let's leave."
"Where are you going?" Ji Ling watched the two, yet received no response.
Razor had had enough of her verbally abusive words. Bennett followed the male to his bedroom silently and watched as Razor started packing his things. Bennett frowned, moving to help fold clothes before breaking the silence, "Do you want to stay at my place?" Bennett asked.
Razor nodded sadly.
The two finished, and Bennett helped Razor take his things out of the house. Ji Ling didn't even notice as she was struggling to try and cook for her kids, something she hadn't done in a long time.
"Razor?" Bennett peaked into his bedroom to see the male sitting on the floor in front of his bed with his head down.
The boy frowned and sat down beside Razor, offering his presence as comfort. Wordlessly, Razor wrapped his arms around Bennett for a gentle hug.
Bennett hugged the male back, caressing the back of the male's head. After a moment the two of them pulled away from each other. And Bennett was surprised to see the tears falling down the boy's face.
"Razor.." He whispered, wiping the tears.
"..I just wanted to be loved and wanted." Razor murmured, looking away while more tears streamed down his face.
Bennett felt his heart clench in his chest. He didn't think he could give Razor the love he would've received from parents, and it only made him feel guilty.
"I'm sorry." Bennett apologized, his eyes beginning to water with the empathy he had for his boyfriend. Razor relaxed in Bennetts arms.
"Ben?" One of his dad's entered the room and paused seeing the two boys on the floor,"Oh. Is everything alright guys?"
Razor looked down in embarrassment, not wanting to be seen crying by anyone other than Bennett.
"U-uhm." Bennett wiped his own tears,"Yes. We're fine."
The male frowned at his son who was obviously crying,"Papa and I are downstairs if you need anything.. dinner is pizza for today."
"Okay got it."
"And Ben.. you and I need to have a talk with Papa later."
Bennett figured that would happen. The boy nodded and watched the male leave the room. "I'm going to get something for you to eat. It's been hours since you last ate."
He sniffled and stood up, "I'll be right back."
Razor watched the boy walk away before curling into himself again. He couldn't stop crying and it was honestly making him feel worse instead of at ease.
He was also feeling a bit guilty for making Bennett cry as well.
Bennett brought the food upstairs and handed a plate to Razor,"I know you might not feel good.. but at least eat a little bit.. and then we can cuddle and sleep.. or talk.. just whatever you want us to do."
Razor looked up at his boyfriend's eyes which were red from crying and frowned, taking the plate from Bennett and eating whatever he could manage.
The two finished and Razor finally spoke up,"I don't want to live there anymore."
Bennett nodded in understanding,"I can um.. talk to my dads.. if you would like to stay here with me." Bennett started.
"I would." He replied.
"Okay I'll be back soon." Bennett collected their plates and took them down to the kitchen, where his fathers were standing near each other nervously.
"Hey Ben.. what's going on?" His shorter father Emmett asked.
"Uhm.." He was unsure of how to explain the situation without mentioning Razor's personal trauma. "Razor needs a new place to stay."
The taller father, Sebastian, furrowed his brows in confusion,"Why? What happened?"
"His.. well.. guardian is abusive." He whispered.
The two men shared a worried look,"I think we should go to the police."
"Ben.. could you bring your friend downstairs?"
Bennett nodded and turned back around to go upstairs and grab Razor.
"So I told my dads the basic parts.. but I think they're going to ask you about other things.. and I know it might be difficult for you to talk so you can just text it all to me, okay?"
Razor nodded, anxiously grabbing Bennett's hand as they walked down to the kitchen together.
【A few months later】
「Winter Break」
Razor taped up the last box and turned to Bennett. He was finally moving out for good, and Ji Ling was being investigated for child abuse.
The court trial wasn't due for quite some time, but for now he was finally leaving the house for good.
Initially Razor found it difficult to tell the police everything, but Bennett was beside him the entire time so he could feel comfortable.
And while he was happier to finally be out of the house, he was still concerned about Mei and Liu. All he could do was hope things would turn out well for them.
"All set?" Bennett asked.
Razor nodded.
"Okay let's go, my dads are outside."
Razor lifted the box and Bennett carried a smaller one. Razor was going to be living with Bennett. Of course, they had told Bennett's dads about their relationship, and the men were very accepting.
They had even made space in their guest room for the boy to have his own privacy too.
The carride to Bennett's house was quick, and soon the two teens were unboxing everything.
Halfway through it all, Razor took a break, pausing and facing Bennett, who was taking out clothes and folding them neatly.
"Hm?" The boy looked at him. "Wanna take a break?"
"Yeah." Razor spoke, approaching him and sitting down on his new bed beside Bennett,"..Things moved very quickly." He spoke.
Bennett nodded and grabbed his boyfriend's hand,"I'm sorry."
Razor looked at him,"Why do you keep apologizing?"
"I.. don't know I just feel bad that this all happened."
Razor shrugged,"It's over now." He squeezed Bennett's hand gently,"I feel better too." He rested his head on Bennett's shoulder cuddling up to the boy.
"That's good." Bennett spoke gently, stroking the back of Razor's hand with his thumb,"After all this unpacking, I should take you on that date."
Razor pulled away from the boy and looked at him with a small smile,"I'd like that."
"And I'm getting you a gift." He added, kissing him on the cheek.
Razor blushed, which wasn't a common thing for the boy to do. "Awww! You're blushing!"
Razor looked down at their hands instead of up at Bennett. "You're making me nervous."
Bennett teasingly pinched Razor's cheek,"So cute." He smiled. They shared a fond look together when Bennett noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Razor! It's snowing!"
Razor turned his head and sure enough, thick snowflakes were falling down from the cloudy sky. "Pretty."
"Let's go make something warm to drink to celebrate the first snow of the winter." He stood up, pulling Razor to his feet.
"Okay." Razor followed Bennett down to the kitchen where Bennett's dad was pulling a tray out of the oven and placing it on the counter.
Bennett breathed in the scent of the freshly made snickerdoodle cookies.
"Hey kiddos." Emmett spoke,"What'd you need?"
Bennett shrugged,"Just making hot cocoa." He let go of Razor's hand to grab milk and pour it into a larger cup almost spilling it, had it not been for Razor grabbing the carton from behind Bennett, and stabilizing it.
Bennett thanked the male with a blush.
"Ohh. I made cookies by the way." Emmett added, gesturing to some cool soft chocolate chip cookies on a plate,"The snickerdoodles aren't cool yet."
"Thank you Papa." Bennett spoke and took one, taking a bite of it before handing it to Razor, who blushed and bit it from the same spot.
"Also, Papa it's snowing." Bennett added, taking hot cocoa packets out of the pantry and placing them beside the two mugs he had, biting the cookie that Razor had lifted to his mouth.
"Oh really?" The male looked out the window above the sink. "We should take a few pictures then, don't you think?"
Bennett nodded, warming up the milk for him and Razor in the microwave. He quickly finished making the drinks and handed a mug to Razor, who had finished the cookie on his own.
Right as the boy was about to take a sip Bennett stopped him. "Wait!" He opened the fridge, grabbing whipped cream and adding some on top for Razor. "Okay now you can drink it."
Razor laughed, taking a sip of the drink and getting whipped cream on his nose.
Bennett laughed at Razor before drinking his own hot cocoa and doing the same.
The two shared a look before laughing to themselves, both of them grabbing napkins and wiping the other's face.
"What's going on here?" Sebastian asked, approaching Emmett who was sitting at a barstool scrolling on his phone.
"The boys are enjoying their young love with hot cocoa." Emmett spoke, looking up at Sebastian and recieving a kiss on his forehead.
Bennett blushed at the word love, not saying anything. "Razor let's go outside. I wanna catch snowflakes." Bennett shyly dragged his boyfriend out of the kitchen and to the backyard patio. "Aren't you cold Benny?" Razor asked, noticing how quick Bennett's nose became red.
"I'm fine. Come here." He pulled out his phone.
Razor approached the boy, wrapping an arm around his lower waist.
"Okay smile." He spoke.
Razor looked at the camera with a grimace.
"Razorrrr~" Bennett whined.
The taller male rolled his eyes and smiled softly, resting his chin on Bennett's shoulder and lifting up his hot cocoa mug.
Bennett took a few pics, blushing when he realized that Razor had kissed his cheek in a few of the photos.
"I like these pictures."
"Me too." Razor looked at the two of them with red ears and noses, smiling at the camera with snow falling behind them.
"Your smile is so pretty Razor. I'm keeping this to myself so no one else will see it."
Razor blushed,"I only feel like smiling when I'm with you anyways."
Butterflies made their way throughout Bennett's stomach, and he couldn't say anything for a moment.
"Let's go inside, you're cold." Razor spoke beginning to turn around when Bennett surprised him.
"Razor I-I- um.. I love you." Bennett stammered.
Razor spun back to face the male so quickly he almost spilled his drink,"You mean it?"
Bennett nodded.
"I love you too Benny." He replied with tears filling his eyes.
"Crying? Why are you crying?! Don't cry!" Bennett panicked, trying to calm down Razor with his one free hand.
"I'm just.. very happy." He spoke, "Kiss me."
Bennett did, feeling Razor's cold lips against his own, and almost dropping his mug from the urge he had to run his hands through Razor's hair like he usually did.
It was when Razor felt Bennett shiver that he remembered they were still outside in the snow. "Oh I'm so sorry. I got excited." He apologized, pulling Bennett into the house.
The two boys placed their drinks on the kitchen counter and dusted the snow off of themselves.
"Yeah?" He faced Bennett.
"I'm glad you smile when you're with me.. I feel the same way." He whispered gently,"It's just easier for me to smile when I'm with you."
Razor smiled and hugged Bennett who hugged him back tightly. They wanted to kiss but felt two pairs of eyes staring at them.
"Well. We're glad you two are happy but please shut the door. It's cold outside."
Bennett blushed, pushing away from his boyfriend and going to close the door. "Papa~" He whined with embarrassment.
Razor looked down shyly.
"Now that you two are done, let's eat these together." Emmett spoke and beckoned the teens and his husband to the table where he had finished preparing dinner as well.
The four males sat down at the dinner table together, Bennett and Razor holding hands under the table.
Yes. I'm very happy here. All because of you. He thought to himself, looking at Bennett fondly.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I named Bennett's dads.
Anywaysssss yeah! That was When I'm with You, which was actually named because of a Red Velvet song titled With You that I was listening to randomly this summer. Not gonna lie guys I didn't think I would finish this book but I'm glad I did.
Stay tuned for extra chapters such as them going back to school, the second confession scene, and their date. It might not be that long of a wait seeing as I'm now done with finals.
Anyways thank you to everyone who read this book, especially active readers because that motivates me to write and continue working.
I love you all and yeah ❤️ Hope you're having a good day/night/afternoon/evening.
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"WHAT I WOULD DO TO BANG THAT" a voice said, I turned around to see a guy who I assume is from the athletes by the jersey he's wearing." what do you say in giving me your virginity? I will be gentle." He said making me scoff.I tilted my head and said "I am not, but what will your tiny dick do? It won't even get through".The statement he said next made my blood boil, who the fuck does he think he is? He doesn't even know me!"a whore..I see." With a glare. " you called me a whore even tho you asked me.. a girl you know nothing about to sleep with you, but that's cool right? well listen closely asshole, Just because you have a lame excuse of a dick and I a vagina doesn't mean sleeping with someone makes me a whore and you cool." I gritted out.Some boys ooed while he glared at me. I don't take shit from anyone..not him not anyone else.My blood is boiling and The next thing I know is my fist colliding with his jaw making him fall to the floor earning gasps from the studentsI glared at him and said " disrespect me one more time and I will make sure you spend the rest of your life mute and in a wheelchair.". --------Amber steel is the daughter of a well known drug lord, she doesn't take shit from anyone and always knows how to treat those who cross her line. now that she's in a new school and a new city, what happens when she gets in a fight not knowing that a pair of hazel eyes are watching her and taking interest in her?--------Carlos Rodriguez is the son of a powerful mafia king, he and his father have control over the entire city. he's well known but to those new, his aura is enough to set an alarm within them. what happens when he sets his eyes on a fiesty girl with deep grey eyes and takes interest in her? what happens when his obsession gets out of hand?This story contains:• mental abuse•rape• suicide •trauma•miscarriage the end is twisted and unlike my other books.
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