《Promise I can change your mind GxG》16
In the morning we were woken up by Jaylen knocking on our door.
Okay, I say morning loosely. I turned over half asleep and checked my phone. 12pm. I groaned me and Mean we're both knocked out.
"Mean!" I whined for her to get up.
"Hell no." She said turn away from me.
"She's your sister" I said squinting at the back of her head.
"Yea and she's you're 'friend', she not worried about me."
Jaylen knocked again. I sighed getting up.
I opened the door and for a second it looked like Jaylen forgot what she was going to say. She looked at me standing there in one of Mean's shirts.
I looked at her awkwardly waiting for her to say something.
"Hey, Uh.. I just figured... it's Saturday. I rented a boat... nothing fancy or no shit. But I thought we could all just chill out on the lake ... or something"
Damn, rented out a boat? Where does she work again?
This time she was waiting on my reply.
Spending the day on a boat with Jaylen and Mean? That sounds cool.
"Yea! That sounds fun."
"Cool" she cracked a smile.
Jaylen's room door opened. There she is. Her skin was deep and dark and sooo flawless. Enough of it was showing for me to know. She had on red bikini top that complemented her dark skin so well, and a tight sheer cover up skirt covering her bikini bottoms.
I tried not to stare but she deadass looked like a black goddess. Her Afro stretched past her shoulders like some type of African queen.
God damn... this is Tiana?
She walked up behind Jaylen and wrapped her arms around her making eye contact with me.
"Who's this?" She asked smiling at me.
Jaylen smirked not taking her eyes off of me. "Oh, that's my friend Kya"
"Do me a favor and roll us like 5 blunts ma" Jaylen said to her. "Imma get shit ready"
She tapped Tiana's ass before she walked away. Then she looked at me and smiled. "What?"
I'm not gonna lie, I was jealous as fuck.... like she's fine fine... I don't look anything like her why did Jaylen want me?
I came back into the room, Mean had went back to sleep.
She was laying peacefully on her back with her arms spread out. Ugh she so damn cute. I sat on her lap facing her.
She shifted a little, waking up and putting her hands on my waist.
"You gotta get up"
"Man for what?" She squinted.
"We're going on a boat!" I said wiggling my eyebrows.
"I'm not going nowhere with Jaylen" she huffed.
"Wha- bu- you have to! It's a fucking boat... and there's gonna be weed... and alcohol.. and maybe we could get some food"
"Nah I'm good" she said picking up her phone.
I pouted taking her phone out of her hand.
"What? How you just gonna take my phone?"
"Please come? If you don't Imma be a third wheel. Jaylen has.. Tiana."
"I'm not going unless you skinny dip for me."
"Oh my god, Mean hell no. I'm black, I don't do shit like that."
"Then you don't wanna go"
I groaned "come ooonnn, get up. I'm gonna go shower."
"All I know is, I told yo fine ass what you had to do." She said before hoping up and smacking my ass.
She started to get ready.
I stood in the bathroom staring at the only clothes I brought with me.
Damn it. I wish I knew we were going to the lake. All I have is a tank dress and a fucking thong. I stood there staring, hoping some clothes would just appear.
"Yo! I need to shower!" Mean yelled on the other side of the door.
Shit. I got dressed and came out.
"Damn took you long enough Ma" she said tapping my ass before sliding in passed me.
I turned to go back to Mean's room
"Kya! Come get this blunt!" Jaylen called out.
I took a deep breath and walked into the living room.
Tiana's legs were across Jaylen's lap and she was playing in her hair.
I must not be too good at hiding my Jealousy.
Jaylen licked her lips and smirked looking from me to Tiana then back at me again.
I walked over and took the blunt from her.
"Ooo girl that dress is cute! Got you looking slim thick or whatever" Tiana said looking me over, while I grabbed the blunt.
"Thank you." I smiled fake as fuck. I didn't want shit to do with this bitch. She can't be sexy and sweet hell no. What's next? She's funny too? Let me guess, she can cook?
Jaylen ain't shit, she just smirked watching me hit the blunt.
I swear she gets on my fucking nerves.
I hit the blunt sitting across from them.
"Sooo Kya's in Cosmetology school" Jaylen said randomly.
Tiana sat up. Her eyes twinkled. "Oh my god for real? Maybe you could do my hair sometime.. I mean imma pay you or whatever but.. seriously girl. I don't know how to do anything with this. It's gotten so big I was thinking about cutting it off.
I gasped "hell no! You can not cut that off! Your hair is goals!"
She laughed "I guess... I just don't know shit about hair.. like at all."
"I got you girl"
What the fuck Kya... why would you say that?
Mean came out and we finally left.
I handed her what was left of the blunt in the backseat. Then I took out my phone
Kya: I know you're mad at her but please don't kill the vibe
Mean: wow, she literally just fought me yesterday.
Kya: I know but she's taking us on a boat! She's trying to make it up to us.
Mean:yea okay, whatever Kya. I'm chillin. I'm just gonna drink this bitch liquor and smoke this bitch weed. On a boat. So fuck her.
I sighed. Okay, better then what I thought she would say.
Kya: 😘 you won't regret it! We'll have fun.
"So Kya.." Jaylen said interrupting my text conversation. "Tiana sings too. I met her at the club on a performance night"
Tiana chuckled "well damn Jaylen just tell all my business then."
Jaylen smiled "I'm just saying, you talented boo"
I glared at her. Did she really just say that?
Tiana rolled her eyes and smiled, then looked back at Mean, who was scrolling on her phone.
"Sooo since you wanna be rude and not introduce us, I'm gonna assume this is your sister... I mean you guys looks so much a like, are you twins?"
"Hell nah, her old ass swear she young tho" Mean said not looking up from her phone.
I elbowed her.
"Nigga shut up" Jaylen laughed it off.
"Come on, take some selfies with me bae" Mean said making sure we were both in her Snapchat camera.
"Awww are y'all dating? Jaylen didn't tell me anything"
Tiana said giving Jaylen the side eye.
"If you wanna call it that" Jaylen smirked
Mean kicked her seat.
"Really Jaylen" I groaned. I'm trying to keep them from fighting today and she's not making it easy.
"Nah let her keep talking shit." Mean mumbled
Tiana laughed. "Yep. I can tell y'all are sisters. Me and my sister are the same way."
I was relieved when we finally got to the lake. I watch Jaylen as she drove the boat away from the dock.
How the hell does she know how to drive a boat? There so much I don't know about her.
I guess I was looking super interested because she caught me looking and smiled over at me. How could she still be looking at me when she has somebody as fine as Tiana interested in her.
I looked over at Tiana, the lake had already splashed her fro a few times because of how fast Jaylen was going. She was in the process of stuffing it all into a big bun. God damn she's fucking beautiful and I hate it! Her skin was glistening and her vibrant red bathing suit was really doing her justice.
"Aye man, when we gonna put some music on or some shit" Mean said gaining my attention. Ooo damn, I forgot how good she looks under the sun. I guess she got hot she had her shirt around her neck looking all sexy.
"You already know I gotta get away from these damn white people before we start any of our shit" Jaylen said shaking her head.
She parked us at some little island eventually. Tiana was looking just as relieved as I was When Jaylen put down her anchor.
"All right ... let's turn the fuck up." Jaylen said taking two bottles of Paul Masson out of her cooler.
Mean went straight for the blunts.
Honestly we were having a good ass time. Even Mean and Jaylen we're getting along... as much as they know how.
I looked over at Mean to avoid looking at Jaylen cake baking all in Tiana's face.
"Come get in the water with me!" I smiled.
"Wait a minute... hold the fuck up" Mean said making us all pause. "Take them clothes off.. don't think i forgot" She grinned.
Jaylen sat up quickly "nigga the fuck you talking about?" I could tell she didn't like hearing Mean say those words to me.
Mean laughed "she said she was gonna skinny dip if I came... I'm waiting"
Jaylen looked at me, her look changed from frustrated, to confused, to a little lustful.
She bit her lip "well, a promise is a promise."
"Oh my god! I'm not doing that!" I squealed crossing my arms over my chest.
"Take it off
Take it off
Take it off"
Mean chanted teasing me.
Jaylen joined in and I glared at her.
"Take it off! Take it off!"
"No! What if somebody sees me!"
Tiana sat beside me taking a big gulp from the Paul Masson bottle before leaning.
"Come on girl, we can't let them win." She whispered
"I am not getting naked in the middle of a lake!" I whispered back.
She giggled "I'll get naked with you. We can skinny dip together.. prove a point to these studs.. they don't know who they're messing with"
She saw my face of disapproval. I opened my mouth to respond and before I could say anything she cut in.
"Aht! Before you say no... drink some of this Paul" she giggled holding it up to my mouth.
Jaylen and Mean were entertained as fuck they had no idea what we were talking about but, Tiana leaning over me in her red bikini, pouring liquor in my mouth had their attention.
She stopped and we both cracked up at all the alcohol that slid down my chest.
"Soooo" she smiled before drinking more from the bottle.
I bit my lip. "Fine.. if you do it with me" I said forcing myself into it before I could change my mind.
She had a big ass smile on her face.
We both stood up. I was seconds from pulling down my tube dress when Jaylen yelled.
"WAIT!... lemme turn some music on for the occasion" she slurred. I knew Jaylen was happy as fuck knowing she's literally been trying get me naked since we met.
She turned on some T-pain song.
Mean was rolling laughing. "This shit is a bop.. but you old as fuck"
Jaylen cut her eyes at her.
Tiana tapped me. "Come on!" She half whispered
She started lifting up her bikini top and I rushed to take off my tube dress at the same time.
Mean and Jaylen stopped arguing and started checking us out.
I felt the wind blow across my nipples and crossed my arms quickly. I know I was standing their looking stupid. Jaylen's eyes scanned my body.
"Come on girly!" Tiana giggled snapping my thong on my side.
I blushed. She had already taken off her see through wrap and was just in her bikini bottoms.
I leaned in "we're gonna take them off quick then jump in." I whispered.
"Aye, what y'all whispering about over there?" Mean smirked.
"3.... 2.... !" We both stripped quickly and turned to each other jumping into the water.
It was such a stupid thing to do but, I can't lie I felt this rush. I felt so sexy.
I swam to where I could stand and came up from the water laughing.
Tiana popped up beside me laughing too.
"Damn! Y'all dirty.." Mean laughed "you could've gave us a little show or something."
Jaylen bit her lip checking me out. I followed her eyes. The water was stopping mid hip. I couldn't look back up at her, I don't know why I felt so shy. She's naked around me a lot, she knows what the female body looks like. Trying to imagine what she could be thinking had me getting wet. Jaylen and Mean were literally leaning over the edge of the boat to get a good look at us.
Mean licked her lips at me. I jumped as I felt a warm arm snake around my waist.
"Woooooo! Damn!" Mean said watching.
Jaylen just stood there grinning.
Tiana's hand squeezed my ass. I turned to her surprised. I'm too horny for all this.
She giggled. "Look at them. They getting all wet in their boxers cause I'm touching your ass! Let's see what they do if you touch mine."
I was nervous as fuck. I never touch on a girl, Never even thought about it before Jaylen and Mean won't let me.
"What? Don't tell me your secretly a straight girl... or worst a pillow princess" Tiana smiled.
"N-no, hell no... I like girls.."
My eyes widened at me saying. That's the first time I said that out loud. I'm surprise I even denied it.
"Aye! What y'all talking about?" Jaylen shouted over.
Tiana seemed unphased. I eased my hand across her hip and it landed on her soft ass.
"Shit man" I barely heard Jaylen mumble. She looked like she wanted to look away but couldn't.
"Aye! Y'all should kiss!" Mean hollered out.
"Man nah! Come back up" I think me and Tiana we're both shocked by Jaylen's reaction
"Fuck what she say, that shit sexy.. kiss"
"Bruh no!" Jaylen looked annoyed. "Tiana come back up here!"
What? She wants to keep her all to herself? She's that over me?
I was getting annoyed. I turned to Tiana and grabbed her hips with both hands kissing her.
"YEEEEESSSS" Mean said.
My eyes were closed and I could barely hear her as Tiana's tipsy ass moaned into the kiss.
I thought we were going to be cute and innocent just a little something to satisfy Mean and rub it in Jaylen's face. Then Tiana's tongue slid into my mouth.
"CHILL! What the fuck?" Jaylen's voice boomed annoyed.
We pulled away. Tiana was careless, giggling and making her way back up to the boat. I looked up at Jaylen, she was glaring at me hard.
"And you said was gonna kill the vibe!" Mean yelled out teasing as I made my way to the boat.
As I dried myself off with the towel I heard Jaylen talking to Tiana on the other side of the boat.
"Why the fuck you do that?" She said still sounding slightly annoyed.
Tiana giggled adjusting her bikini top. "Oh my god it as just for fun, and your sister-"
"Man fuck my sister. For real. I don't like that shit. She might be cool with sharing around the girl she with but I'm not"
Mean chuckled bumping my shoulder "look at this bitch killing her high. Like damn, old stick in the mud ass."
I just put my dress back on ignoring her. I twisted it, fixing it and when I looked back up. Jaylen made eye contact with me. I couldn't read her face.
"Man when the fuck we gonna get some food? Y'all got a Nigga up here with the muchies" Mean said gaining her attention.
"I'll order a pizza" Jaylen said pulling out her phone.
While Jaylen ordered the food she put Tiana back to work rolling up. I'm so mad at myself. Why do I actually vibe with her? That's bullshit. I can't be cool with the girl Jaylen's talking to.
Mean stole my attention, her fine ass was dancing to the song that was playing.
She grabbed my hands making me sway with her.
"Aww they're so cute!" Tiana said putting down the blunt she rolled.
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